Dr. Mengele: "The Angel of Death"

Dr. Mengele: "The Angel of Death"

I read a book called "The Nazi Doctors" in High School. It was a documented history of Dr Mengele.

It'll scare the shit outta you. This man was pure fucking evil. I'll tell you a story that I specifically remember out of the book.

When the trains would arrive at the camp, there were several doctors who would separate the "weak from the strong" and send half to the camp to work, and the other half directly to the gas chamber. All of the other doctors would have to get drunk before performing this duty....Mengele would do it sober.

Also, there was a story of a girl that Mengele particularly liked. He would let her ride with him in his jeep and give her chocolate. He would call her "Papa" because both of her parents had already been exterminated.

Dr. Mengele had a team of doctors that worked with him in the camp and one of his fellow doctors told him that the girl had Tuberculosis and Dr. Mengele didn't believe him. He insisted that the girl he liked didn't have TB.

A few days later Dr. Mengele came up to the fellow doctor and said "You were right, she had TB".

The fellow doctor asked "How did you find out? Did you do some tests?" and Mengele said:

"No. I dissected her. She had TB"

This book is full of stories like that. Mengele was a monster.

amazon.com/Nazi-Doctors-Medical-Psychology-Genocide/dp/0465049052/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1514165601&sr=8-1&keywords=the nazi doctors

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Fuckin baste

Also, another story I remember from this book was some of the "psychological experiments" that took place.

They would tie a mother and a child in a chair facing each other. Then a soldier would go and slam the child in the head with a hammer and monitor the mother's response to her child being slowly beaten to death. According to the book, it would take about 40-50 hits with a hammer until the child would die.

Horrifying shit.

Jewish guys are utterly objective and have never been known to exaggerate when it comes to National Socialist.

Probably fiction, too.

(((joseph mengele)))

He was one of the bad ones.

I'm sure you're right. Especially with all of the medical documents that Mengele took with him to Paraguay and Argentina that detailed these experiments were all part of a Jewish conspiracy.


He gathered up all of his documents and took them with him to South America. That's where the vast portion of the books details come from.

Here's the thing. I've read the book that talks about that....you haven't...

The best part is, that kind of no-rules wartime research is what lead to many of the medical and psychological advances we have today.

Weren't many officers sent to Östfront for cruel treatment of prisoners? Maybe by '44 they really didn't give a fuck/it was getting covered up? Either way, Unit 731 was objectively much crueler considering it was an entire facility filled with Mengeles.

Asians are on another level.

One of the reasons that Mengele was "given a pass" is that some of the so-called research he did was for the "war effort".

Subjected Jews to subfreezing temperatures to gauge how long a downed pilot could survive in freezing water, or how long a German POW could last with being bashed in the head with a rifle...etc etc..

This is why Mengele got away with what he did, even by Nazi standards.

Dude, that doesn't even compare to the holocauster they had in all the camps. The Nazis were truly vile creatures.

Yes goy, continue on with more of these (((stories)))

The ride never ends

Professor Silverman told me he replaced the limbs of ten thousand Jews with pogo sticks and forced them to run down a hillside away from seventeen hungry lions. None survived. Not even the lions.
Sick man.

His "evilness" was fake.

Smart and intelligent doctor/scientist has a promising medical career. WW2 breaks out and he soon finds himself fighting in the eastern front. He gets wounded in combat and mentally scarred from the trauma of war. Since he cannot go to combat again he's sent into a camp as a doctor. The other doctors have been working cush jobs in the camps away from combat that's why they were hesitant to carry out their duties, while the veteran is not sensitive to that relatively peaceful camp life.

He got a pass because he fuckin escaped to South America.

I was browsing Netflix the other day and saw a movie based on a true story about this female Jewish violinist, and she was in a concentration camp, and I guess the Nazis were having trouble keeping the Jews settled down while they piled them into gas chambers so they got the Jewish girl who was very talented to play her violin while they waited in line to get gassed since the music would chill them out or whatever so obviously she was real conflicted about that but they made her do it because they were Nazis

Pretty crazy the kind of things that totally happened for real

One interesting fact is that Stroessner in Paraguay was particularly interested in Mengele's "research" and allowed him to reside in his country for many years. It wasn't until Mengele realized that the Mossad was looking to find him that he moved to Argentina.

Mengele saw what happened to Eichmann and didn't want the same thing to happen to him, but the government of Paraguay was more than happy to allow him to stay and bring his research papers with him.

You are correct. Stroessner was more than happy to give Mengele safe haven.


the propaganda you fucking retards swallow whole is amazing. how much are you being paid to shill goy?

What happened to the train carts that already dumped? If there was one right behind it, did the one in front magically disappear?

This is what happens when you actually read books instead of burning them.

I had an interview for a med school and they asked me in the interview who my role models were and I mentioned Ben Carson and Josef Mengele. How fucked am I that I mentioned Sleepy Doc? These med schools aren’t much more conservative than the regular uni kikes


A nigger and a Nazi. Fine role models you have.

The lack of sufficient cremation equipment calls the entire holocaust theory into question. You'd have to be some kinda idiot to take any of the stories at face value.

Also the lampshades were proven false. How can we trust them if they lied?

Sleepy doc is highly respected in the medical community for his groundbreaking and experimental procedure. What he tried to do for those twins was over and above the line of duty. What a great man.

Did someone ever made a list of all those Auschwitz survivors that also had a personnal interaction with Dr.Mengele? Some even had the occassion to see him when he wasn't working at the place anymore.

Megele did nothing wrong. Those where not people.

For fucks sake amerimutt, it's Christmas. Can't you wait to post your jew tier bait until tomorrow? Even the shareblue kikes are taking a brake to celebrate christmas

Do you know what kind of books they were burning? Did you read about that?

Hannukah was over a few days ago. It's game on.

>No. I dissected her. She had TB

Top kek

Yep. Hi kike.

Now post the one about how they would put poison on dogs teeth and make it bite people to kill them, but doesn't kill the dog.

ITT: OP baiting Sup Forumslacks to out themselves as nazi apologists and historical revisionists.

Oi fuckin vey, he treated all the Jews!

Jew dumper 2000 train


Or how about the one where they would tickle gay inmates to death.

Really makes you think

My uncle Ezra was turned into a bar of soap 6 times! Dr.mengele broke into his bunk at aushwitz and ate his best friend after zapping him with a nazi laser that turned him into a piece of challa bread! You gotta believe me goyim it was awful!

>that kind of no-rules wartime research is what lead to many of the medical and psychological advances we have today.
Is it though? How many major advancements were the result of unethical wartime research?

I apologize for jack shit. Mengele did nothing wrong.
>implying kikes are "human"
>slandering a man for his interest in advancing medical research

Before my mother was born My grandmother was made into a goat skin lamp! My mother told me when I was just a little goy.

1) I don't believe (((documents))) until I see them myself. Especially from anonymous (((people))).
2) They did worse to central and eastern Europeans, covered it up, and then played the victim card.

>Especially with all of the medical documents that Mengele took with him to Paraguay and Argentina that detailed these experiments were all part of a Jewish conspiracy.
Did those medical documents talk about his girlfriend getting dissected?

He was probably autistic as fuck, given that he was a very promising young physician, but I doubt that most of these horror stories are true, because a lot of what I read about Mengele is hearsay.

A lot of what we have are horror stories. I don't doubt that he did some weird shit to sick people, though.
His story is strange as fuck. My personal conspiracy theory is that he worked with Mossad and faked his death.

it's true. he started in russia and ended in germany after 45 years of holocaust

Mengele was a very kind doctor not wanted after the war since he did nothing wrong, its only when the hoax went mainstream Jews started coming out of the woodwork saying shit about him since he was the one doctor they all remembered for his kindness


and the fact that no documentary mentions that hitler signed the haavara agreement shipping jews out of germany. did he kill them and then deported them?

I wash myself with jew soap everyday, it must be real

>full of stories like that.

All these stories read like screenplays for B-movie horror films. Jews always out themselves by making up the most absurd and perverse scenarios.

Never forget.

Yeah, it's not like we censor politically incorrect literature or anything.

jew lies

Slide thread

which is retarded. just ship all those jews on open roof railcars and then burn them in mass. why the hell did you shove 15 for 1 fucking railcar. get 10 open roof railcars, ship thousands at a time, burn hundred of thousands in a day

The worst is the 6 million that they played live action DigDug with.

I read the same book
Pic related
Sorry if the picture is sideways, phonefag
But it was a really good book to read for me, considering I love history and chemistry

kraut and tea was there

Meant to link this
>He gathered up all of his documents and took them with him to South America. That's where the vast portion of the books details come from.


>I've read the book that talks about that.

(((who))) was the author of that book?


This guy was so easily scared. Shouldn't have been in the Navy.

Lets make this a holohaux thread

>They would tie a mother and a child in a chair facing each other. Then a soldier would go and slam the child in the head with a hammer and monitor the mother's response to her child being slowly beaten to death. According to the book, it would take about 40-50 hits with a hammer until the child would die.
If they were tied together in one chair, how did they hit the child without hitting the mother?

Why do people think that doctors will follow some form of ethical standard when it is in the middle of the largest war in human history with masses of people dying every day? That's one thing I can't stand, sure from our current time we can look back and say it was fucked up but if you think you would follow the morals and ethics you have today in the middle of a world war you are genuinely retarded. Not to mention most of these horrific "experiments" were done to the enemy with the enemy doing just as bad if not worse to the people them back. So to ultimately sum this up yeah sure Mengele probably was a monster, but so was nearly everyone else involved in the fucking war. Morals go out the window when you are fighting for your life especially at that time.

real footage of the ovens


They despawned and then respawned next to quest giver Mengele.

>According to the book, it would take about 40-50 hits with a hammer until the child would die.
That sounds like bullshit. Enough murders have been committed with a hammer over the years that we know that one blow with a hammer can be enough to kill an adult. A child's skull is thinner, and even if the soldier was purposely trying not to deliver a fatal blow right away it seems improbable that a child would remain conscious for more than a couple of blows.


Wow cool story unbelievable faggot

Do you have anything substantial to say other than “Nazis were ebil”?


I found that hot. Damn black rectangle.

The Nazi Doctors
by Robert Jay Lifton
>Control + F "Jew"


>That sounds like bullshit.

Of course it's bullshit.

mengele aint shit compared to the masturbation machines

No it isn't faggot. You retards love to claim this shit without ANY SHRED OF EVIDENCE FUCK OFF


Thanks, user. Been looking for this one for a while now.

My great grandfather lost 6 million potential babies from those machines!

>local peasants abandoned their homes
Oy vey the nazis were so bad they would rather freeze to death then hear screams of the six million

It's anudda shoah.

Imagine the advances we’d have made in gender re-assignment surgery and transsexualism if the NSDAp hadn’t burned the research of the Institute For Sexual Research.
Too bad we got a complete biological understanding of what happens when a human freezes to death, advancements in germ theory & disease treatment, and pioneering in high altitude and space medicine.

stilll alive and kicking
what do you guys think about that?

>nazis did cartoonishly cruel experiments for the lulz lmao
>i read a book that said it had documents of him raping souls and being the evil man
>the nazis burned books cuz they hated to read lmao
stupid evil nazis amrite


Also how did it take 40-50 hammer hits to kill a child?

>separate the "weak from the strong"
There is absolutely nothing wrong with this.

electricity burning bones kek

Good thing we have so many (((survivors))) to tell us about all these horrors.

None. Mengele's greatest contribution to science was in his twin studies. Without him, we never would have known that it is impossible to create conjoined twins, and that dye injected into the cornea of twin #1 has no effect on the eye color of twin #2. Even experiments that look like they might be useful on the surface like the famous 'high altitude experiments' involving low pressure chambers were useless because of terrible controls and inconsistent (and often completely unrecorded) experimental conditions.

>boys they put on those masturbation machines

They sure had some well trained dogs.

I just dont know who to believe anymore. The nazis were killers, and the jews are liars.

Here I was, depressed that I don't believe in Christianity anymore, and Christmas has lost its sacredness, only to have my spirits raised by a Dr. Mengele thread. Thanks anons!