
Why do people like this shit?

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it's one of the best anime ever, get over it DigiBro

The only thing I remember is the bunny rape scene

Because kuri

Because it's not bad.

Because I have no problem with JSDF wanking.

I like pina co ladas

Let's see.
- Some originality added with the JSDF to the isekai trope (guns + medieval/magic crap)
- Cute grills
- Good/decent animation
- Has action, deaths, a more serious tone than the regular kiddie's show
- Story all over the place, but each arc builds up tension and delivers

Conclusion: OP is stupid and can't for the fucks sake think objectively.

Cause its better then the average moe harem shit.

And since there is so much of that stuff like Gate get some appreciation.

This p. Much

Rory is a big bonus desu senpai

Don't ask me.

I like the whole fantasy vs modern stuff, but GATE handles it as Japanese fanwank. It still has some nice stuff, but it's kind of a letdown.

I'd love to see something similar to gate in this concept, but where the fantasy elements are a match for modern day tech. Especially the magical part.

>big boobed elves
>goth lolis

hmmm, i wonder

What's wrong with Japanese fanwank?

The fuck does it matter to you?

It kinda ruins some aspects here and there.

I really would like a story similar to GATE, but where the actual modern-day army does have problems with a force from a fantasy setting due to how out-of-context it is. At first there would be bog-standard stuff like typical medieval stuff, but then there would be the actual fantasy elements and then finish it with something that would be essentially a magical nuke.

the only thing wrong with the series is the MC and his harem. The series needed more of the daily life about the normal soldiers in the new world. Less of Mc's harem and more of the common soldiers life and more military wank stuff

Better than Konosuba.

Thing is weve already seen that. Rory and lelena would be able to rekt the jsdf, but theyre on their side. All we need is an enemy with comparable magic power.

I heard that later they do fight one such enemy. And they suffer quite the collateral damage. Then the GATE closes, Itami doesn't get back to Japan, but manages to become a Dragon Rider and the GATE opens later on.

Space-Time hijinks happen and the time in Japan went on much faster than in the other world.

But seriously, the JSDF needs to fight actually powerful enemies. They are seen as pretty invincible at this point that this is my only grit on the cogwheels here.

I was in the summer 2015 spoiler threads so I don't mind, but you should still spoiler that shit for others.

We don't.
At least manga is enjoyable.
Anime is terrible, with it's character design.

there wasn't any

Nah nigga only the dragon revenge arc builds up tension of any kind because it's the only one where the JSDF doesn't have much involvement. They can actually be put in a desperate situation rather than the writers being too scared to show the military being screwing up in any situation.

Also that's got to be the worst way of dealing with PTSD I've ever seen in any work of fiction. It's almost insulting. You can tell this shit was written by some Japanese equivalent of a chairforce faggot who had probably never even read a story of a combat veteran, let alone spoken to one.

You can just shrug your shoulders and call it a dumb anime, but GATE actually toes the line with how aware of its own stupidity it is.

>I really would like a story similar to GATE, but where the actual modern-day army does have problems with a force from a fantasy setting due to how out-of-context it is.
But that's how nearly ALL the modern militaries are portrayed in fantasy. Why can't earth military not be idiots for once?

We are talking about a would where metal armour and plain swords are still the standard equipment. Why do you think any of that would stand up to tanks and artillery? You can't have it both ways. If you want fantasy to stand up to JSDF, there would no longer be normal knights or horses.

You are so used to ignoring earth militaries because they are treated like clowns to much. I still remember how there are idiots who think the Titans from Shingeki no Kyojin would stand a chance against against a modern army. Are you kidding me?

GATE gave us real armies. About damn time.

>tfw I got banned from Sup Forums in early 2016 for arguing that (offtopic)

>mfw GATE threads the following day were about Finnish weaponry versus Russian Weaponry in the Winter War and no ban whatsoever

Fuck me, I guess

Same reason why you tech up all the way to the modern era in a civilization game then nuke a stone age tribe.

Power fantasy.

because the MC is not in highschool

modern armies have there own exploitable weaknesses that a technologically far inferior force cold conceivably use to attempt to level the playing field for a start they have complex supply chains that if interrupted could bring an entire offensive to a grinding halt you slip one fire mage close enough to torch the main petrol depot and the tanks, helicopters and logistics deliveries come to a grinding halt until you get it up again, then you have ambushes and stealing supplies to arm troops with and guerrilla warfare

>for a start they have complex supply chains that if interrupted could bring an entire offensive to a grinding halt
And in return, the ancient armies of fantasy have no supply chains at all and are easily wiped out due to near zero logistical support.

>you slip one fire mage close enough to torch the main petrol depot and the tanks, helicopters and logistics deliveries come to a grinding halt until you get it up again, then you have ambushes and stealing supplies to arm troops with and guerrilla warfare
Fantasy armies have not enough organisations for any of that. They have no communication other than messengers on horseback, there is next to no coordination when they split into groups, and all the planing you suggest are simply impossible to do.

Fantasy armies aren't just "modern low tech armies". Modern low tech armies have accurate maps, radio communication, and decent means of supplying troops that doesn't involve pillaging the local population. You massively over estimate fantasy armies.

GATE is like those silly 19th century colonial wars, except it's even more lopsided with the high-tech side using assault rifles, tanks, and jets

But there were also battles where the the low tech won.