Ok Sup Forums let's have a hypothetical

ok Sup Forums let's have a hypothetical
What if I told you I worked for the FBI?
What if I told you Sup Forums was on a FBI watch list?
What if I told you my current job was surveilling this board?

Other urls found in this thread:


But you're a faggot

What if I told you to kill yourself faggot

Then the FBI would prosecute you for telling us.

faggot ass nigga

please shut up. We know its a public domain. People on FB and twatter give away their identities and proof of ideology, crimes, sexual acts etc every second. Wasting time here would be retarded. Then again it is the FBI

He's not wrong

where do u live.
i am the real fbi
i will arrest u and tell my black friends to rape u

Dude what the fuck are you doing here?

It's not like the FBI is short on resources.

merry christmas

I believe it.

Not if this project had guidelines that allow for it. Users knowing about it isn't detrimental to the program.

>criminal organization is watching you
>you should be spooked

Nobody cares. You're not the real law, you literally hide and help the mass gang rape of children in elites.

We'd just call you a larping faggot, and sage the thread.

I'd call you a flaggot and report you for off-topic posting

oh wait!

how effective can an investigation be that involves surveiling an image board? are you counting on people thinking this place is actually anonymous? seems like a waste of money except 1-3 full tume newfags at the bureau cant be that expensive. sounds like a dreamjob desu, just for the entertainment value of your data consumption

What if I told you that I wanted to blow up a federal building but I am functionally retarded, broke, unemployed, mentally ill, and physically disabled?

What if i told u the fbi had little real power?

Hypothetical program*

lmao what a waste of resources

Came here to say this.

Fake and gay.

Are you hiring? Willing to shitpost for Uncle Sam in exchange for tendies.

It wouldn't shock me at all if the government was wasting my tax dollars on you to browse Sup Forums all day and eat chicken tindies. In fact I pretty much expect thats what they do all day even when it's not their department.

with the top down control structure over information technology you have inserted in peoples lives in this country, can you, with the click of a link, go from reading an edgy post and instantly surveiling them through their piece of equipment in real time, sans warrant? we know you dont really give a shit about the constitution and peer into everyones lives at will. do you have contempt in your hearts for people and courts when you do this? serious question

What laws have been broken, FBInigger? You're not going to find any guys discussing their latest domestic terrorist plot on here.

Saying I hate kikes and niggers isn't illegal.

Tweet Axe again, faggot!!!

I would say you CIA NIGGERS glow in the dark

>Legacy Captcha - 9700 Avenue

They'll get some undercover agents to offer to help and get you on tape. Then arrest you and crow to the media how they stopped an imminent and serious threat to the country. Nobody will know you were just some dumb retard that never could have pulled it off or barely understood what you were saying. But they'll be heroes.

What if I told you I knew this when I first came to 4chin in 2006 and idgaf suck my dick niggerbitchtits?

>What if I told you my current job was surveilling this board?
What can you do to ALL of us? There are a hundred million Americans alone who are on the fucking verge of burning shit down. The last time white men were this angry 3% of the population defeated the most power military ever in history, what do you think the creepy fuckers trying to oust a duly elected President are going to do? Another thing, does anyone really believe the US military will run around rounding up civillians for more than a fucking minute before they say fuck that noise? Go ahead and watch me shitpost and watch granny midget porn not a single fuck is given.

What if I told you I don't give a shit?
What if I told you the FBI can waste their time on me if they want?
What if I told you due to budgetary restrictions and workload, something tells me they have much better things to do than fuck with the likes of me?

I know.
I know.
I know.


There's no way that Sup Forums is a useful resource for the FBI, guys, cmon

Exactly, we use Reddit for domestic terrorist plots. We counter intuitively use antifa and Hillary reddits and communicate in a secret code of upvote/downvote tallies. Glad we aren't talking to any real FBI here. I feel I've said too much.

1. No big deal.
2. Sup Forums is a non-entity.
3. Then i would ask to claim you as a dependent on my 1040.

What if the fbi is unsure how they should feel about niggers, nigger dicks, cuckolding, anime, and the Jews?

Hypothetically, what sort fo information about users are you sharing with your international and continental colleagues?

I'm an astronaut. And a pro hockey player. And a maxillofacial surgeon.

Old news. Why don't you go start a fire at a compound or gun down some people on their own property or plan a coup?


Their agents make about $130,000 which is shit in DC. That's probably why some were easily corruptible. And way cheap compared to what a similar private sector responsibility would demand. So one must assume they don't often get the best.


Why do you keep letting mass shooters through if you've been monitoring Sup Forums?

Fucking useless FBI.

I'm actually the fbi and you, sir, are being placed into federal custody for impersonating an officer.
I'll be there in about 35-45 minutes don't move faggot.
I'm bringing that San Francisco robocop, too.

Fucking cia niggers

Dc might get them a nice cola.

I would say we need cut the size of the federal government

Hypothetical GAO here.
I'd wonder what kind of stupid cowboy shit is your pissant GS3 ass is trying to pull.

LOL. You think there's any shortage of federal crime out there that goes unchased?

Yes. See USAJOBS.gov I don't think you're public affairs specialist material, but maybe you could work your way into that direction.

Oh you think you could stop him, tough guy?

When everyone is watched, then nobody is watched.
You come to the biggest noise-to-signal board on the internet, to find what? Larping fags and amerimutt threads?
How do you even get a warrant based on credible evidence in a place like this lol.

If I were you Mr. FBI, i’d shut the board down. Everyone wants off this wild ride but no one wants to say it.

What If I told you that America is going down in the near future? That your dollar is going byebye? All of your satanist BS is coming to an end? Tell that to your fake-ass president.

No one gives a fuck, you clown. Fuck off.

We already know. We're among you.

what if i told you that youre a goddamn faggot along with everyone else in the fbi/cia?

ok so what the fuck are you doing here? catch any hot leads on any Russians lately?

CIA Nigger. You better watch out for them cars

Fuck you, you larping faggot


No. I think the FBI should though, because that's their job.

Wtf we already know how. They come here, turn on the pocket Putin proxy, bless you with a juicy (you), and when you respond they label you a Russian agent and forge Powers signature on the fisa request.

Learn how to warrant, nigger.

Are you recruiting for the 6 week cycle, Mr FBI guy?


>What can you do to ALL of us?
they done it already

What are you doing here FBI nigger?



>There's no way that Sup Forums is a useful resource for the FBI, guys, cmon
wasn't there some congressional FBI data dump where they crowdsourced the board to read something super fast or some shit?


No worries, FBI works for Russia.

CIA here, you're now on the watch list for this post!

Their job is prosecuting Martha Stewart for lying about something that turned out not to even be illegal while bending over backwards to let a corrupt politician off the hook. What a waste of other people's money. What should be illegal is them lying to us.

>You come to the biggest noise-to-signal board on the internet,
They haven't bee saving everything we do in the digital world to catch us in the act of something ...it's to have a million things to accuse us of once we catch their attention. That is the scary part.
Ever hear of the "Three felonies a day" concept? It really is a thing=.

>meme flag
pic related

NSA nigger here. You CIA nigger and glow in the dark OP are now on a watch list for your post.

I'm only interested in the FBI's X-files, anything else having to do with the FBI is boring horseshit. Also never trust the feds, unless thry are giving you super secret alien angelic intel, and even then don't trust them.


>Peasant wages...(pic related)

No wonder you're on Sup Forums spilling the beans.

You know Sup Forums is satire right?

That's pretty cool. I always called it the speed limit concept. Great description in Fahrenheit when the dogs are getting the patsy in the park.

I would say hypothetically of course, go eat a big bag of juicy horse cocks, traitorous scum nugget. Utmost of respect and all but seriously fuck off and die in a fire

OP is a faggot.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

I'd say the FBI is wasting my fucking tax money

You got faggots on Wall street actually creating financial instruments like Bit-coin futures and corporations inventing so many ways to declare depreciation and goodwill on their budget sheets.

But you're on /pol? Where we self-report?

no one would give a shit. free speech is still legal, and why is the fbi monitoring a mongolian sewing website when the us has corruption on par with a central american banana republic? shouldnt the fbi be monitoring that instead? fucking retards.

The Cold War is more or less the story of two intelligence agencies orchestrating a simultaneous governmental head transplant. Russia is now the land of ruthless gangster capitalism and the US is being slowly choked out by Marxism.

Hypothetically, the government prioritizes transparency for it's hypothetical GAO. Which is good because they sure aren't hypothetically paying enough for high confidentiality.

ITT: LARP'ing faggots

Of course the (((United States government))) and probably others too keep tabs on Sup Forums. Is it there number one responsibility? No. But you'd be a fool if you thought our lefty government didn't at least have a few FBI cronies watching Sup Forums on the regular (even if it's just the office soyboys employed for the task). Oh?? You thought Sup Forums's new chinky owner would never sell us out to the Feds for a few shekels? Kek.

Will they ever crack down on Sup Forums or Sup Forums at large, revealing their true power levels? Probably not until the democrats take control again, a turn of events which would REALLY cause the white nationalists to stir about like an upset ant hill. Then they'll false flag us with some fake 'white nationalist bombing' of some poor black church or something, with ties to Sup Forums. "This website is a white terrorism hotbed. It needs to be shutdown. Lives have been lost." That's how (((they))) do things. The only reason this shit didn't hit the fan under Obama is because neither the far left nor the far right was as bold as it is now (except for a few lone wolf, isolated incidents like Dylann Roof). When the far left takes office, and it's only a matter of time, you all had best believe they WILL act on us first while we sit around here meme'ing and shitposting on here. While we apparently are not much more than a bunch of harmless, obnoxious retards, they are cold, calculated, and WILL resort to violence and extremism to extinguish their enemies. You all know that is true.

but we knew that already

i'd say your pretty lucky to have such a cool job. a lot of people have to actually work for a living.

How the fuck has this board fallen so far? Everyone knows the FBI have come here to Sup Forums for forever.

What if I told you that I just popped in a DVD and I'm all alone?

What's your hourly?
Get me a job, I want to be a FED shitposter.

How's that threat matrix coming along faggot?

support white athletes guys do your part

ok but the fbi watches this whole site and has for a decade


I frankly don't give a shit. Hypothetically I work for the CIA, NSA, DOD or a contractor and I really don't give a shit because I'm not doing anything illegal by posting here.

Would probably explain why my clearance took forever, however.

Then ide tell you to die.

It's all good.

What if I told you I was here to monitor the monitors who are monitoring this board?

What if I told you... The cake was a lie?

That's a lot of what ifs, bro.