Why wouldn't you pick the yellow one? Your fictional universe could have all the other pills in it and more
Yellow pill.
This world is too cold and distant
>Become fiction author
>Take Yellowpill
are soundcloud rappers respected in finland?
>tfw favorite fictional universe is the bladerunner one
>tfw get hologf and she leaves me for chad
>purple pill
I pick the yellow pill and choose a universe where I'm the only guy and there are millions of 10/10 girls
>falling for the vaginal jew
This image is not colourblind compatible there are two blue and two green pills.
yellow pill would be nice
Yellow. I could write a perfect fictional universe for myself. It would end up being pretty vain and egotistical but I'm pretty sure I have the creativity to keep it from being too boring.
Yellowpill and live forever and ever with my waifu 2B
Yellow easy
Defectives get the rope too, Bruce
Plot twist: They still wouldnt fuck you.
Blue pill guarantees green pill.
Yellow pill would be shit if I wasn't living on a WH40k imperial garden world.
I choose none
This is the supreme option.
Yellow, love in the 41st millennium, genocide non humans, fight for the God emperor.
>being a butthurt virgin
>facebook image
Go the fuck back.
Not really, most people I know just listen to American pop music
I know that feel bro
This. OP left a giant loophole.
Here's a pill for ya: America will be destroyed by Trump. Your constitution has already been declared null and void.
Enjoy. I know I will kek
If i take the gold pill, can i take my qt cousin with me?
>what are vasectomies
good luck trying to get one of those in NZ ;)
>retard flag
You'll still be a giant autist regardless of where you are.
What if your own fictional universe isn't your favorite though?
Yellow obviously, since I already have blue and green. Plus purple is ridiculous, who made this shit?
Talking to yourself, Woodcuck? Don't. Makes you seem even more retarded as you already are
Yellow pill guarantees everything. Also green pill isn't very specific, girlfriend can mean many kind of women.
Is this some kind of autism test? You'd have to be a complete moron to not pick Yellow
For those who don't want to die stupid, you should get out of there before FEMA takes the show. Good luck. Or don't. I don't care for evil people and neither does God. You all enjoy 2018. I know I will.....
Are you a paid shill, or just retarded?
This gon be good
Yellow, this world can go to hell.
nobody said anything about asking for their consent.
Shut up woody, you're in the same boat to the Pit.
You shits will be dead soon enough, which is a good thing. I am just having fun telling you heheh
I would probably opt for the yellow pill
The Harold Covington world of The Brigade
My dream home is a functional time machine/intergalactic-interdimensiinal spaceship.
And youll still be a fucking Debbie downer
>>You shits will be dead soon enough
>Implying we care
Haven't you heard about the blackpill?
I always imagine shit like this comes with genie twists...
>Live in your dream home
But you're a slave/indentured servant in it
>Get a girlfriend
Shes a nigger/tranny
>Live in your favorite fictional universe
You're unremarkable in a world of remarkable people
>Read your homies...
This has the least likely chance of going wrong
>The universe only has 1 man because he's the only one left to be killed
I’d pick the yellow pill. Easiest option.
Not mutually exclusive with everything else
I would tweak this. Id have all women be 10/10 but leave all men but I have superman-like strength, toughness and endurance so I im basically unbeatable in a fight so I can beat literally everyones ass and steal all the Stacys and since im indestructible the police cant arrest or kill me.
>TL;DR Id leave all men, make all women 10/10 and be superman
the red pill
Just make your fictional universe contain your favorite fictional universe and more.
I already read my homies bedtime stories and kiss them goodnight. Follow your dreams! Just do it! Nothing is holding you back except your doubts!
>Why wouldn't you pick the yellow one?
Because Warhammer 40,000 *isn't* a good place to visit.
how about Fantasy? I've always wanted to look down on other races and live 1000 years.
Fuck. Yellow allt he way