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Nothing wrong with that...

I'm a Jewish girl and I voted for Trump! :)

Did you make this? I don't remember seeing this... Link?? Also who cares. As long as he didn't say Happy Kwanzaa


>natsocs voted for this kike


Straight from Mr. Tinyhands himself:


follow the true celebratiion

please be in london

post khazar milkers plz

You're the only jewgirl I've ever heard of voting for Trump. Every other jewgirl I know, Trump really draws out their fangs and horns.

>>natsocs voted for this kike

I refer you to this filename:

Also, Hitler was an inferior subhuman too:


pls normies, OUT.


No we didn't. Not a single person within the National Socialist Movement who I know personally (Considering I am a founding member of the National Socialist Canadian Labour Revival Party, that's quite a few) endorsed Trump. The Canadian National Socialists were against him before the primaries were over, we saw this all coming. My contacts in Europe were against him, and every true National Socialist (not those 1488 W/N skinhead fashy hairdo faggots like Spencer or Enoch) from America who I am in contact with supported him.
Don Black is a White Nationalist former KKK untermenschliche piece of trash. The same as every White (zionist) Nationalist.


There is nothing to discuss

We can discuss the future.

did not support him***

Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

>No we didn't

Yes you did. You also voted for a Muslim-lover.

Here is an evil terrorist supporter. And Hussain Sajwani, CEO of DAMAC Group.

well hello my sister, looking for a new stepdad I see :)

nice proxy btw


>the future



Only in your dreams, little boy.

You love Muslims.

History repeats itself.


You love Muslims.

my weed is jewish this year
it stays in my pipe it stays lit
for thirteen nights praised be.


Hannukha is celebrated in november fuck bway

You love Jews. You voted for a Jew-lover.

> My contacts in Europe were against him, and every true National Socialist from America who I am in contact with supported him

You said it, I didn't.
