Do republicans have compassion

Do you people (republicans ) ever understand that you can do the very best with options you have and still end up poor & hungry .

Pic related.

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What ever happened to personal responsibility? If your heart breaks then why don’t YOU help him rather than shame others who plan ahead?

You're asking this of the party that just cut taxes to the tune of billions of dollars for the first time in 34 years. Pull your lower lip up over your head and swallow faggot

we're having a fucking white christmas, ask your neighbors if you can shovel thier driveways and sidewalks for food money. It isn't hard.

Except conservatives actually live up to their moral standards, as all psychological testing shows that they're considerably more conscientious than liberals.
So yes, the reasons conservatives are better off than liberals is because they work harder.
>b-but liberals have more useless degrees
Yet conservatives are wealthier, happier, more polite and have more children. Go figure.

Nigga go beg for free bread at the Panera bread, it works, trust me I know from firsthand experience.

I'm guessing it is your fault faggot.

Let me guess, you spend $25 on a single slice of avocado toast? You eat at expensive restaurants 4 nights a week? You took a $60k loan out for a feminist art degree?

Learn some financial responsibility retard.

>you can do the very best with options you have

literally nothing in that image implies he did the best he could and still ended up in that position, you only get to that point by your own stupidity and laziness

$6 will easily buy you some combination of your choice of rice, beans, potatoes, onions, ramen, etc. to survive until your next paycheck.

So i just had a christmas dinner on the 22nd I got to my grandparents house first (they are straight ticket repubs both). Now i noticed a car there walked inside they were fixing 4 plats of food for a black women who could not afford to give her kids food.This was after my grandmother went to the church and gave her alot of groceries. She runs the food program that supplies needy people... So yea fuck off.

>slide thread

Not calling you a liar but do you have some sauce on that?

I have compassion for my immediate family and perhaps to some extent my race and nation. compassion doesn't mean I need to pay for their ineptitude.

According to this they donate the same amounts but Conservatives do it to churches who actually help people and liberals do it to things that push for "equality" and other dumb shit.

buy a piece of cloth and hunt squirrels with rocks faggot.

>not being able to survive like 6 days without food. Fucker deserves it if he dies for being a pussy.

and if you fail that badly, you probably won't breed, and natural selection will take out your weaker genes for the good of the species

>only $6 in the bank
>doing their very best
Something isn’t adding up here. Either they’re spending too much, or not making enough. Either way, it’s on them to fix it. Why should the rest of us be on the hook because of your awful planning?

This. Also there are soup kitchens all over the fucking place, and $6 can get you a jar of peanut butter which ought to sustain you for 10 days (albeit not healthily)

Buy some RICE you fucking retard.

How do you hunt squirrels with a cloth ??

Your grand parents sound like nice people but are they still republicans .

Yes. There should be some kind of safety net, but our current welfare system is horribly inefficient and doesn't actually lift people out of poverty.

Raising taxes for the poor and cutting entitlements or social benefits will force them to revolt and become rich.

>Except conservatives actually live up to their moral standards, as all psychological testing shows that they're considerably more conscientious than liberals.
>So yes, the reasons conservatives are better off than liberals is because they work harder.
Is this the same party that sees nothing wrong with Christian Shari'a and revolves around anti-abortion hysteria but thinks taxes and gay people are a crime against humanity?

Jesus what a useless faggot. During college I shoveled snow, dug ditches, went to work a day cleaning dead animals off the highway on top of a part time job while taking 5 classes a semester. I never went hungry and lived a frugal life while niggers, cumskins and other shitskin mexicans mooched off their parents and racked up student debt taking useless shit classes like lesbian dance theory and womens studies only to fail them. We need another world war to purge this entitlement culture. The world doesn't owe you shit. You're not special. No one cares about your "problems". Eat a bullet of suck it up champ.

>you people (republicans)
Oi you have me laffin

Ebin meme XDDDDD

Ever heard of a fucking sling? Literally one of the first projectile weapons humanity came up with. How stupid are you?

You know how many times I've been in that situation?

Fuck off with your feels bullshit.

If you're in that situation and you're not disabled, you have nobody to blame but yourself.

Nothing fucking worse than an entitled cunt who thinks the world owes them charity.

It's not meant to you fucking idiot, it's supposed to tide you over on the bare minimum until you find another job, you're not supposed to live off that shit for decades like the other useless niggers and spics.

>muh conservatives are greedy
Yeah those democrats are shining examples of moral virtue lmao

Was it when you were in college? I know a Panera bread by a campis that had tons of young people hanging out outside by the tables that would ask for left over bread.

Thry even smoked a cigarettes and dressed decently. Could afford smokes, but not bread.

Shill thread

Compassion is for the weak.

What rules us now is a soft-headed, mushy, egalitarian, feminine sort of altruism, where we are more inclined to feed the starving picaninnies of Africa than to take account of the fact that every picaninny who doesn’t starve to death now will grow up to breed more picaninnies. We feel sorry for the disease-ridden Blacks and Browns of the world, and instead of keeping them and their diseases strictly confined to their part of the world, we bring them into our part of the world so that we can share their diseases — as in the case of New York’s current outbreak of West Nile encephalitis imported from Africa.

What we need is a hard-headed, masculine sort of altruism, which makes us as concerned for the preservation of our own racial quality as for the stamping out of the fur trade, the sort of altruism which leads us to sterilize our own defectives rather than permitting them to breed a White welfare class, just as it leads us to thin out the two-legged population of Africa rather than permitting it to continue encroaching on the four-legged populations.

And you know, whenever I say something like that I can hear the screams of protest in the background. I can hear the softheaded altruists screaming that I am advocating genocide, and oh, isn’t that awful. But as a matter of fact, it is their policies which are leading to a far more terrible genocide, with our race as the victim.

When one has a world overcrowded with races competing for a limited living area and limited resources, there will be genocide. The feminine altruists cannot face that hard fact, and their activities simply guarantee a bloodier and more destructive genocide in the end. The masculine altruists, on the other hand, should be capable of imposing a necessary discipline in order to preserve the health of a beleaguered planet and permit its most valuable life forms to continue developing, instead of being dragged down by the least valuable.

Conservatives are the most charitable people on earth.

Fucking this. I'm not a die hard republican or theistic but my Republican friends and local parish are constantly donating, volunteering and raising money for the needy. Meanwhile my fucking liberal friends never do but whine and yell like they're pillars of virtue. Most fun I ever had was a car wash for a needy family going through tough times.

Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish, feed him for a lifetime.

Democrats view you as too stupid to care for yourself long term.

The Democrat state i used to live in, the state is flooded with people permanently on food stamps and other aides. Unwanted children are a high population because you need a kid for food stamps. In the poor schools, every class had one kid who only showed up one day of the year. He reaked, his in his hoodie because of his stench, and ducked his head and slept. He only went one day because it was a requirement for his ma to get their food stamps.

My Republican state has

>free bus rides for elderly, disabled, and special needs that drives private buses to their doors and destination.

>free internet access, books, and regular fun public events. All at local library.

>programs for the special needs so amazing my brother who we thought could never get a job got employed within a month.

>employment offices that post jobs, offer courses, offer resume aide, offer education advice.

>Food stamps for free. Only requirement is 10 applications turned in a week.

But because it isn't free money but instead free advice and temporary aide to succeed, it is called evil by Democrat and liberal cunts.

My sister in the Democrat state was shocked to hear we have funding to help the elderly and people who need help the most.

Nigger, I work at fucking Walmart and spent a shitton on presents for my family and a some things for myself and I still have $97 to get me to payday on Wednesday night, plus whatever money my grandmother gives me tomorrow. Why should I feel sympathy for some dumb ass who can't properly budget his meager earnings? Sympathy for stupid losers and shitskins is a luxury only sheltered wealthy faggots can afford.

I'm not a republican, but I don't have compassion. Compassion is a christcuck vice.

Yes. That what charity is for. What's your problem?

Perhaps you should have joined them for a study session?

Republicans, and the religious, donate more to charity than the left and atheists.


My dude here are your options...
1. sell blood
2. find a one day gig on craigslist
3. offer your neighbors to shovel some snow
4. sell any videogames or gaming related shit
5. credit card
6. this is why people tend to rob others

Abolish all gibs
Allow charities to step back up
The poor will be helped voluntarily by those whom actuallycare about them
>there is no virtue at gun point
Just because we don't want the government giving shit to poor fags, doesn't mean we necessarily want all of them to die but you are not morally superior by demanding our tax dollars feed every 3rd world Tom, Dick and Mohammed.

>>Food stamps for free. Only requirement is 10 applications turned in a week.

You know this is SNAP right? A program Republicans are trying to cut.

>My Republican state has

Brought to you by "Blue States". You hate them, but you take their money anyway.

How do you figure that with niggers or other shitskins that get everything paid for them but still act like violent niggers?

Who do you think does all the volunteer work and gives to charities? Certainly not liberals.

Exactly. Taxes are not the same as charity.

It's not a virtuous deed to give when you are being forced to at the end of a gun.

>buy a piece of cloth and hunt squirrels with rocks faggot.

kek.. op as some sort of hipster smeagol eating raw squirrel outside the uni library

That's what happens when u spend more than u can afford

6$ is plenty to last til january, buy some rice and good luck

Not trying to cut. Trying to eliminate fraud. Which is admirable. Or do you support the notion of richer people taking money and food from those who truly need it?

where do you buy luck?

I have compassion for those who try and fail and try again. Those unwilling to try get none.

Da fuck is wrong with being poor and hungry as long as you have the opportunity to do your best?
Lemme guess, you're black.

You don't, but 10 pounds of rice is plenty if "surviving" is what you're going for. Surviving while unironically posting from a 500$ phone, or PC with internet connection.

Right here, it's delicious.

WTF is wrong with pic related?
I went from making six figures a year to making 20g a year and I have a kitchen full of food
Make food the priority and ya wont go hungry, ya half retarded fuck.

>paid internet bill instead of buying food
Deserves to die, honestly.

whoa whoa, you wanted liberals to have personal responsibility? that is crossing the line my friend. They want everything handed to them.

This is why the whites are being replaced. We completely lost our collective consciousness. We lost our compassion to the fellow man.We became atomized, but shitskins didn't. Numbers make for strength.

It's also ironic that a board that claims to be Christian is so against charity.

desu OP if you're in that horrendous of a situation you have no one to blame but yourself. In fact, I would say that people with my view are more compassionate than any bleeding heart liberal, because we're trying to teach you how to fish, not just give you one.

He could afford plenty of ramen noodles for $6 dollars. Dumbass should be fine

If OP was a muslim, or even a tumblrina, he would receive help. Real help. But OP is a neo-nazi or trumptard, so he get's insulted when he needs help the most

This is why right-wingers are losing ground. They are incapable of organizing and helping each other.

He should go talk to the pastor of his church, I'm sure they'll help him.

Maybe he can't help because he's in a bad situation too. What happens if the majority gets in the same bad situation and then can't help, and only a very small percent of people are able to help but won't? What if you get to sucked into the void because of it. Are you prepared to have the black ghost of despair enter your soul and eat you alive from the inside out? What if you are kept alive, but every day is worse than death? What is happening now may not be something you can shoot your way out of. What if your approach to to life indicates that you are already very far gone, what if you are emaciated and eating dirt, but every fiber of your being still wants to live. Have you ever hallucinated eating a meal? Have you ever eaten mud and believed that you were eating the most delicious candy? I was raised by a women who did this as a child. This is not a joke and you can't escape all tragedy.

Last night I sat with a leftist "friend," each of us using wifi and working on computers. He had left then just returned saying he had so much success before (ie I debugged in 5 seconds what stumped him for 5 hours), he wanted to work some more.

I said, "so much success, all that winning, you're like Trump." He says, "I'm not like Trump! I have compassion! And if you're going to talk like that, you might as well take my number from your phone!"

I continue working for a few seconds, and he rouses all his compassion to say, "I don't even want to be around you," and leaves.

All because of a harmless good-natured comment made with a smile.

If that is compassion, I'd hate to see what you call contempt.

To be honest, I only scored a 29 on that empathy panel that was floating around

Don't forget that there is a very good chance that you are talking to a teenager. Sup Forums was invaded by filthy literal reditors during the election

In the time of 3 old grandmothers lifetimes, Americans went from overthrowing the greatest empire ever at the time, to being unable to survive without government mommy and daddy taking care of their every need.

If you can't figure out how to sell some shit on Craigslist, or buy a bag of dried beans to get you through the next week, I wish you would starve to death. Unfortunately, you won't.

That was pretty insensitive of you, user. Because of Trump's tax cuts the government can no longer afford to pay for your friend's transition.

$6 can buy 6 day old bagels, 6 slices of turkey, 6 slices of cheese. You've just eaten for a week. Now get a job.

He should go to his church and ask for help. Our church routinely helps parishioners. The volunteer group I am in told the principal anyone on scholarship who needs uniforms to let us know and we as a group would take care of it. If he doesn't go to church are there agnostic or athiest groups people go to? Ehh he should find a church. They'll help more.


republicans give way more to charity
leftist cognitive dissonance at its finest

OP Pic related is a faggot that is either too proud or too much of a pussy to ask his family and friends for some cash

I only have compassion for white people, cats, and dogs. shitskins keep walking.

>Do you people (republicans ) ever understand that you can do the very best with options you have and still end up poor & hungry .
If you make good decisions with your life you will invariably steadily increase your quality of life. It's a straight up fact.

>But what if I was born poor,
I was born poor too, it didn't give me any original sin that kept me from getting a fucking job.
>have to pay for kids,
Don't have kids you can't take care of, Mr. "Durr, very best decisions with my options..."
>and am retarded?
This is the only real reason you're fucked up. You are either too stupid (Niggers) to make good choices with your life, or you are too naive and entitled (Liberal faggot whose political ideology revolves around the Government becoming a surrogate for mom and dad's house and taking care of him forever.) to take responsibility for the consequences of your own actions. That's it. You aren't making the best decisions at all.

It is true that some people are luckier than others, and it is true that some people will have it much, MUCH easier than others. It's true. But it's also true that our country is very robust and you can always work your way up to an above average life from anywhere if you have some clarity, focus, and determination. You aren't entitled to become a billionaire, or even a billionaire. But it is a straight up fact that ending up in a position where you're OKAY is fucking easy so long as you aren't a massive fuckup. And if you can't make some good decisions with your life, guess what? You aren't entitled to a good life! So basically, you're a retard, fuck you.

>Muh innocent people poor and hungy...
Get out of here, are you serious? Even the most impoverished shithole ghettos in this country are full of obese fucktards. The only people who are poor and hungry are people with mental disabilities of one kind or another, and fine, those people deserve help. But you can have mercy on them without pretending they did their best.

>My entire family are the anti-charitable republican type.
Um what? Most republicans are far more likely to donate money to a good cause. Either way though, find a soup kitchen, or church or some other charitable organization near you to help for the short term. It's like you're not even trying, maybe that's why they're not just handing you money.

It's leftists who have no actual kindness. There's a reason they have to signal their virtue. They have none and they know it.