Whatever happened to Kek?

Kek worship was such a big part of 2016 and now it died down?

All those miracles and occurrences that occurred when we concentrated our autism; gone.

I feel like we were infiltrated and tricked into abandoning Kek.

Was meme magic real or simply a large collection of coincidences?

Other urls found in this thread:


Kek is always alive. Kek is eternal.

>ID: Kin

Thank you brother

Faggot mods remove the threads.

Because it evolved from half-ironic shitposting on Sup Forums to people running around with kekistani flags irl.
So like always, normies killed it.

This. Mods are shills.

This, it started barely two years ago and it wasn't so cringey until r*ddit heard of it and drove it into the ground by being massive faggots about it. Think about it, these morons talk about "praising Kek", but they don't even get digits, which is how you do it.

Glad to see kike merely have to pay a few numales to destroy a movement.

Here's a nice redpill


Kek is a false idol.


nobody gives a fuck.


It never went away.

His chosen ones ascended and kek slept once again now that he no longer needed.

Probably will just make some form of comeback next election cycle. Calm your soy tits.

Fair enough.

he's here

Mods remove the threads and the NWO managed to associate Kek with reddit faggotry In fact, reddit is probably the primary cause.
That and fucking newfags

Kek will return only when another opportunity to achieve his will arises.

t_d faggots ran it into the ground and ruined the fun and thats what it always was for me at least.
I still unironically listen to shadilay every now and again, that shit is catchy

We used to reee at normies. When normies began to ree who did they ree at? That conundrum reed the whole thing into the ground.

>all these lacks of digits

wew lad he really is dead

cast those eyes upward user

Because most of us are adults who understand that every possible combination of numerical IDs will occur given enough posts in a sequential ID system. You people assign meaning that isn't there to IDs that were certain to happen in a place with as many posts as Sup Forums. Use your fucking brains if you kids have any.

Fuck kek we /thoth/ now

Shills promoting divide and conquer and dissociation to try and supress such powerful icon.
Yet, we true Kek believers have not forgotten is magnificence.

spain bringing the pain to the heretics, shadilay!

Everyone moved on to esoteric hitlerism.

And the fact so many praise kek isn't even from pol anymore, just reddit shills.

Praise kek

Shadilay, brother.

Digits confirm Kek will return in glorious was in 2018

Explain the airline crash? Explain the dead celebrities? Explain the LIVE tv broadcast interruptions? Explain the Syrian bombings? Explain the Nazi kek statue? Explain all these fucking things

Chaos will lacks a clear direction.

Specially since they were overcome but the green power of the aipac.



I remember during the trump arc and during the hwndu arc that praising kek was seen as out identity, /pol created kek and everything about him, then fucking faggot t_d plebbit fags got ahold of kek and started larping as kekistanis in real life.
Most of the are civicuck faggots who hate hitler and natsoc.
many of them are nonwhite or halfbreeds.
that's when we stopped saying praise kek and shadilay
but idk why we shouldn't take back OUR thing, fuck fucking plebbit.






Praise be

You're saying nothing ever happened before Sup Forums existed? You are placing importance on events with no connection to a fucking standard post ID system. Do you realize you likely have schizophrenia?

Ur mum is a whore.

Digits confirm that Solo: A Cucked Wars Story will sink in 2018.

your newfagness is showing kike


Kek is amphibian. If you don't see him on the land it is because he is under the waters.


Wew Kek is beginning to manifest in this thread

>infiltrated and tricked into abandoning kek

Yep, this combined with natural rampdown after victory.

However kek is a god, he is here and patient and shows himself occasionally if you look.

Keks sork is not done and pol will be victorious

Refresher course on KEK and Trump win: youtu.be/aaG23Zv_-_8


You are weak.

Like OMG pedes, kek didn't bless them with digits. Is kek kill?

>le meme magic praise kek xD
I'm glad that reddit shit is mostly dead.


It's funny to entertain the idea that something beyond ourselves could influence reality, even if it's just a 0.000001% chance of it.
But in reality all of those things probably happend by coincidence.
Still, it makes you wonder though.



reddit got a hold of it and now it's a dead meme. Meme's aren't mean to last forever user, let it go. It was fun but now it's time to make room for new memes

Still here, still singing his glory.

All we can do is keep an eye out for the rares. Actually saw a pretty big dump of good rare pepes on Sup Forums today. Frogs will be the most supreme sentient beings once they evolve to our level.

let it come to pass in the name of Kek


I like knowledge more. Praise Thoth

I am here since 2009 and in all these years only newfags complain about newfags.


(((They're))) here




He is with us!

The chaos of kek continues with or without our worship
Check em


It was fun tho

Kek is here I feel him

KEK is real
KEK is with us now
KEK has not been forgotten

I am here to read the digits.

fuckin newfag cancer that killed /d/
t. '06
nice get desu

It's true.

Kek can't die.

praise kek eternally checked

I still keep my very ancient statue of Kek on my desk at the office, but I have personally put meme magic on the shelf, for now. But, there will be a resurgence in 2020, I guarantee it.


Mods censor and kill any fun or redpills now. Hiroyuki or w/e that jap fags name is didn't change up the mods when he bouhht the site so the same
JIDF mods remain.

It's true. Why do you think the God added a sequel to the Bible?

what the fuck did he meant by this?

kek is with us


Don't be retarded..... Meme magic is 100% real

Kek will return for the next potential happening.

Sargon made that stupi kekistani meme and pushed people away from Kek

>Was meme magic real or simply a large collection of coincidences?
mfw you're this much of a muggle in 2017

That's the disappointing thing about pol in general. If we were all to work together, we could accomplish any goal, but instead most threads on here are just filled with fags arguing over petty issues and ultimately accomplish nothing. I've witnesses the true strength of pol and hope we can achieve success more often. Merry Christmas.


Case in point.

On purpose. He's Sargoy of Mossad.

Real kekistan has a swastika on the flag.
never forget



let the memes be with you senpai
kek wills it


Kek is going through a transmutation from a frog into a basilisk