/CSG/ Christmas Story General

Who here /comfy/ watching Christmas Story? Get in here faggots. Merry Christmas Sup Forums

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>christmas eve
>on Sup Forums

Might as well kill ourselves
It was acceptable when we were 15 but it's getting out of hand now. 7 years on this shithole. Fuck I'm in my 20s and still posting here I have to quit new years resolution

boards report in
/asp/ here

Remember, you're here forever

Trying to insert kike filth into our traditional season. As if jews weren't despised openly in that era


Watching the Christmas Story 24 hour marathon as much as possible has been my personal Christmas tradition since i was in my teens. Its been almost 15 years going now.

/comfy/ as fuck desu

Same here senpai. Let's all remember a better time together

Movie fucking blows except for one or two scenes lmao.

Im getting off Sup Forums starting 2018. I need to better myself.

Things were so much better back then, so much simpler..
I feel the same.. Sup Forums has ruined me. I hate the redpill


Get fucked commy

Hey man, I'm watching it with my famalam as well. Merry Christmas eve, I hope you all have comfy Christmas mornings free of Jewish tricks

It's a shame they don't play "pic related" on TV anymore but it's too Christian for (((them)))

That sexy rabbit outfit tho

Thanks senpai. Watching it with my Pops, drinking beer and ranting about why things aren't like that anymore. Same as every year for as long as I can remember.

Day Of Rope When?

Can confirm. Have been here since roughly 2007. Actually started primarily on 7chan.

Lol newfag

You'll shoot your eye out kid.


>Who here /comfy/ watching Christmas Story? Get in here faggots. Merry Christmas Sup Forums
you'll shoot your eye out, OP

This is the superior Christmas movie.

Wish I was home to post a pic of my Red Rider.

Sup Forums makes you your best self fagget

Everyone has that one dead beat uncle.

watching it now. Godam its comfy. I am raising my kids with their heads on a swivel. We don't live in that time anymore. You cant' trust society to raise your kid. Society is no longer western and white.


I fucking hate that movie so no.

The only Christmas story I find remotely moving outside of the Bible is the Truce of 1914.

tfw no cable


they are different styles and both are American classics. Nothing are disgussting modern multiculti society will come up with will match them.

Which is why people just watch vines, facebook bs, and get drunk on christmas now.

Gun control REEEEEEEEE


what part are you at?

See you tomorrow, you commie fuck. Merry Christmas!

>detroit 1950s
>kid sticks his tongue to pole
>entire cities first responders show up

>detroit 2017
>triple homicide
>no cop shows up because they dont want to die or get dragged into court for shooting some monkey

at normie dads for Christmas Eve, watching the 24hr marathon on TBS. Ralphie is about to get on Santas lap

If Ralphie's mom was millennial generation, she'd be a chad-fucking roastie and Ralph and Randy would've been aborted.

every fucking year. tomorrow it will be on at my grandparents, providing the soundtrack to loud arguments about politics.

/comfy/ af.

Christmas Story hits so close to home for my family.

My sister is 22 and still can't watch the scene where the kid sticks his tongue to the pole.

Hehe yeah, Mine constantly giggles like Bevis from Bevis and Butthead.

Fun fact hitler was disgusted and did not partake though he was there

don't forget to remind them the holocaust didn't happen, desu :-)

Sounds like something a manlet who shits himself while giving speeches would do.

good looks famalam

>tfw staying up all night switching between using WebTV and watching a Christmas story knowing the next morning I'd get a Japanese copy of Pokemon Silver months before it would come out in the US
>tfw watching a Christmas Story all night knowing I'd have a Gamecube the next morning
>tfw watching a Christmas Story knowing the next morning I was getting an Xbox, Halo 2 and Xbox live subscription
>tfw many years later I became a junkie and just got out of rehab around Christmas with no money for gifts for my kids
>tfw that Christmas my old employer took me back with open arms and gave me money for Christmas gifts
>tfw this Christmas I was able to afford a fantastic Christmas for my kids, am clean and sober for over a year
>tfw Christmas Story this year for the first time in many years

It's great, but it just ain't the same.

>Ralphie's mom
Ralphie's mom was also the single mom in Close Encounters and has an amazing ass. The moar u know.

hit me right in the feels user. You earned those digis. God bless you and yours.

Dont talk about mummy like that


No, it's not the same as back when we were young, but it's also one of those things that has that special place deep inside. It might not be the same, but it always brings that warm feeling back.

Merry Christmas. Watching now. The old man reminds me of my dad who died when I was like 6.

>metal helmets


Thank you user, the same to you

It's true. But for me, it's kind of a reminder of the damaged I've caused my family over the years. Hopefully this gets better, and time will heal. I want to love Christmas Story like back in the day.

I just had another memory of watching Christmas Story while playing Mario RPG on my Gateway with a keyboard. I also watched the Roseanne Christmas special, since it was the first year NickAt Night picked it up

I thoroughly burned out on Christmas Story about 5 years ago. It's good, but I've probably seen it more times than any other movie by a large margin.

I'd probably put Home Alone as my number 1 Christmas movie. Fantastic story about growing out of your little faggot phase and rising to a perilous challenge to defend you and yours. Lots of feels with the snow shoveler guy's subplot too.

Any red pilled Christmas movies? It's a wonderful life is great but I'd rate it firmly in the purple pilled territory.

This makes me feel good. I spent election night at my office shooting up all night, praying Trump would win. I think I thought it would change my life. I got clean shortly thereafter.

best gift is being able to pass that feeling on to the next gen. That's when you truly appreciate what your parents went through to give you those things.

>tfw N64 w/ GoldenEye, Diddy Kong Racing and Turok

Since TV never airs it anymore, I just bought the DVD. Watch it earlier.

This is so true. I've been looking forward to Christmas for no other reason but to see my kids excitement tomorrow morning

>tfw my dad got me Super Ninja Boy in '93
>it fucking sucked balls
>my dad was so proud of his choice
>I faked liking it for years to make dad feel good

It literally plays for two days straight on TBS familam. Jews can't stop TCS Train.

Dude, it's been airing for 24 hours on TBS for years

Are you talking about the movie or that dumpster fire special called A Christmas Story Live!

They even hijacked the musical and had a whole Jew musical numer total cancer.

The movie is a classic!

Ho Ho Ho!

Ho. ho. ho.

that looks awful senpai lol. But so were 50% of the NES/SNES games we had available. That shit was for fags anyways:

>tfw playing Wolfenstein 3D with Pops on $2,000 Packard Bell

>The old man reminds me of my dad who died when I was like 6.
My dad is still alive and is a dumb fucking hippie who watches colbert, bill maher and samantha bee, so at least you had a dad who wasn't an embarrassing pussy for 6 years. Be grateful.

>Merry Christmas Sup Forums

fuck jesus christ :^)

In retrospect it was a neat concept. A JRPG where the fights played out as an action platforms. 5 year old be was so fucking confused. I remember thinking that if you touched the walls in a cave, that would initiate a random encounter.

Don’t feel bad. I don’t see anything wrong with dropping by on Sup Forums for a few minutes in your phone whilst celebrating among your friends and family. Sup Forums is practically family since 2003.

Merry Christmas! Love you guys.

That sucks user. Couldn't imagine what my life would be like if I didn't have a chad dad to remind me not to be a little beta bitch daily.

>I'd probably put Home Alone as my number 1 Christmas movie
Home Alone is one of my least favorite Christmas movies, the first in a string of many Christmas movies that I hate. Scrooged and National Lampoon's were the last two really good Christmas movies.

I know that feel. Me and dad making our own .wad files for Doom. That was so /comfy/

>Since TV never airs it anymore
It's on fucking TBS and TNT for 24 hours. Jesus Christ dude, it's like an American tradition at this point, how do you not know this? I barely watch TV ever and know this.
If you can find the Christmas episodes of Green Acres and Beverley Hillbillies, they're worth a watch.

nope, it's not on TV anymore, the jews ruined that too.

God damnit how many times do we have to say it. TBS!

this is the only thing worth watching:

I'm gonna watch that. But your still a fucking retard.

Ralphie's class has niggers in it. Were there integrated schools in Indiana in 1940?

Good night to all, and to all a good night.

i hope you turn your shit around and look out for your kids user

Blacks had class in the 40's and 50's because men became fathers and got old with their wives back then.

Ha is user. I can’t see muh from the liquor, but merry Christmas.

Jews always get salty because they are Messiahly bankrupt... xD

>be me
>lassy is fighting for life
>Merry Christmas messages are rolling in now
>tear forming

Have I taken in too much soy anons?

It's a great movie, always makes me /comfy/, but I've noticed that a LOT of normies are also starting to really get back into it. Not sure what to think about that one.

I have watched this movie literally every Christmas since it came out, and every year it just gets better


nat lampoon is reallly the best classic. Clark is just the perfect mix of family man masculinity with delightful reminder that life sucks but you have to make the best out of it and in the end you have your family.

Great great stuff.

Yeah good idea, fuck off commie scum


Hey wait are we posting cute boys

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year's, faggots. Enjoy your holiday and stay safe. I want all of you fuckers back here shitposting on the 26th.

go to sleep Straya, you're drunk.

My family and I watch Christmas Vacation every year as tradition. It’s great

normies/leftists still have a deep emotional attachment to classical american values. But only at certain times and for brief moments.

Then its back to screeching sjwism and the "progressive future"

Bump niggers. Happy holidays. MERRY CHRISTMAS

Damn. Better times desu.

I had alpha grandfathers, so I wasn't totally screwed.

good to know m8. Glad we didn't grow up to be traps. Best wishes to you and yours. Merry Christmas. A good night to all and to all a good night. Sleep well anons.