Was Jeb unironically /our guy/? He never would have supported the kikes taking over jerusalem

Was Jeb unironically /our guy/? He never would have supported the kikes taking over jerusalem

>I didn't think this was real and I looked it up and it totally was
JEB 2020


a heckler called him low energy for like 155,000th time and he just snapped. I really thought that would win him the election but it was too little too late.

The whole Bush family are NWO shabbos goys.

Wake the fuck up, faggot

No she threw his turtle back at him, called him racist and he snapped.

If that's true why is Jon Stewart next to him?

Ok seriously how is it that Jeb literally punched a female BLM supporter in the face three times and I'm only just finding out? We memed the wrong man.

That's not Jeb. It's just a guy who looks like Jeb. He was apprehending a thief or something. You people are gullible fucks.

It's Jeb you dumbass beaner go back to sleep holy fucking cringe. Also, merry Christmas