Why do jews do this?

Why do jews do this?
I'll never understand

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Why do kikes do anything they do? Who knows?

I don't work at mcdonalds

Shut up shill

promoted to taco bell?

Why do jews do THIS?
I'll never understand

tfw got my foreskin stolen at birth

>Why do jews do this?I'll never understand

Me either. Every man in my family went to fight Nazis in WW2, yet 80 years later they are treating me as if my ancestors were Nazis.

But then if you look into exactly what went on during WW1 and then afterwards, you understand they are a tribe of backstabers who do this to EVERYONE who offers them help.

>If you're a black woman and are currently pregnant with a black baby boy.. do us all a favor and take a trip to planned parenthood
>If you're a kike harlot and are currently pregnant with a kike harlot baby.. do us all a favor and take a trip to planned parenthood

that's something someone who works at mcdonalds would say, heathen!

the same reason they swing chickens

They don't, the fact that she is Jewish is a pure coincidence. Stop being anti-semitic!

because they hate us?
and by us I mean everyone.

They get indoctrinated with a ton of Holocaust and anti-goy propaganda when they're kids.

it's not their fault? who indoctrinated the indoctrinators?

Holy shit...and they say white genocide doesn't exist...

Jews are fundamentally other. They have to be different and alien because want desperately to be.

Because all kikes want to do is take over every country with their kikery bullshit, they're just to ratty and jewish to do it the honorable way and instead rather do it passively



>I have ties to Jewish Atheism

What the fuck is Jewish Atheism? How retarded can you be to even believe in something like that?

yes thats right burger he did so well he got promoted to a completely different fast food chain

Jews are a race and Judaism is ideological clue thatkeeps these mixed rottless mutts together

Its just in their nature. They are opportunists. Jews are Jews when it comes to hiring each other, being celebrated for liberal arts, etc. Jews are white when it comes to white collar crime, pedophilia, criticizing "other whites", etc.
Its just how it is.

What a scum bag?
Anything we can do to punish that woman or report her or something?

We need to start making more threads that stockpile evidence of anti-White sentiment, get names and check laws and spread the info about. Spread awareness and see if we can take action against these people.
The left are poised to attack us, the veil has fallen, the face of the monster exposed.
We need to make more effort. These kinds of comments PILL like crazy. Even liberals get spooked when you show them this shit.
The ones that try to make excuses, laugh or agree are VERY easy to attack, and you can use all the "anti-racist" rhetoric against them.

Always remember: as soon as they admit that they are anti-White, we have a justification to start attacking in self defence.
We would be unwise not to capitalise on this shit.

Which won't come without domination
Which won't come without the ending the white race

The arc of the universe is long and it bends toward counter-semitism.

Your flag suggests otherwise.

No it’s not that’s like saying Christians are a race

Higher-up Jews engineer the propaganda to make lower-tier Jews fear and distrust the goyim.

ahahaha counter semitism.


Shut up and make my fries

Thank god she doesnt call her self a indian.
Id slit her throat my self.

What's wrong with the first sentence?

Christendom basically was a race for a thousand years you fucking retard


>I don't understand the concept of white Jews.

Protip: Judaism is a religion.

>when you realize you share a flag with people like this

And Ashkenazi, Sephardics et all are ethnicities

live is competition why will they want to us be stronger ?

They're scumbags.

Ashkenazi Jews are white.

Christendom encompassed all of Europe for a thousand years. To call it a race is false that's correct but it was almost as intrinsic to our race as Judaism is to jews.

They're semitic.

When it suits them. They will act like an oppressed peoples when it doesnt

>Why do jews do this?

A scorpion and a frog meet on the bank of a stream and the scorpion asks the frog to carry him across on its back. The frog asks, "How do I know you won't sting me?" The scorpion says, "Because if I do, I will die too."

The frog is satisfied, and they set out, but in midstream, the scorpion stings the frog. The frog feels the onset of paralysis and starts to sink, knowing they both will drown,but has just enough time to gasp "Why?"

Replies the scorpion: "Its my nature..."

Ashkenazi Jews are in a genuine conundrum because they are in fact treated as white by most people, including most white people. However, they are also treated as Jewish, especially by upper income whites and conspiracy theorists. They are keenly aware that in the case of a rise in anti-semitism, they will be attacked first and the most severely.

You guys are trying to portray a genuine identity crisis as actually being some kind of conspiracy and you look silly for it.

No one ever says "I'm half Christian"

204. Revolutionaries should have as many children as they can. There is strong scientific evidence that social attitudes are to a significant extent inherited. No one suggests that a social attitude is a direct outcome of a person’s genetic constitution, but it appears that personality traits are partly inherited and that certain personality traits tend, within the context of our society, to make a person more likely to hold this or that social attitude. Objections to these findings have been raised, but the objections are feeble and seem to be ideologically motivated. In any event, no one denies that children tend on the average to hold social attitudes similar to those of their parents. From our point of view it doesn’t matter all that much whether the attitudes are passed on genetically or through childhood training. In either case they ARE passed on.

205. The trouble is that many of the people who are inclined to rebel against the industrial system are also concerned about the population problems, hence they are apt to have few or no children. In this way they may be handing the world over to the sort of people who support or at least accept the industrial system. To insure the strength of the next generation of revolutionaries the present generation should reproduce itself abundantly. In doing so they will be worsening the population problem only slightly. And the important problem is to get rid of the industrial system, because once the industrial system is gone the world’s population necessarily will decrease (see paragraph 167); whereas, if the industrial system survives, it will continue developing new techniques of food production that may enable the world’s population to keep increasing almost indefinitely.

It's pronounced "Catholic"

You act like everyone works at taco bell or something.

I want cheese and extra pickles on my burger please

Jews are also doing it to themselves.

Thanks Satan.

Yeah, it's pretty hard to believe that a bunch of jews would come mooching to a successful nation, spend a few generations there, cause full scale societal collapse and then steal everything that wasn't nailed down on their way out all while insisting loudly that they are hapless victims.

It's basically the ONLY story of the jews, they just don't want people noticing the pattern.

Maybe if they weren't such subversive tribalists it would be different but no, they fucking hate white people and identify them (correctly) as their biggest threat. It's no wonder they do everything they can to undermine white countries. Naturally they feel like they are above consequences and it that doesn't work out, fuck it, they always have Israel to fall back on.

She is wrong about the welsh.
They were never an oppressed group.
In fact, Wales, like scotland has their own devolved government .


Fun fact: Many coins have ridges on their edges as a holdover from when coins were made of valuable metals like gold and silver. They were originally made this way as an attempt to stop jews from shaving a bit of metal off the edges of coins before spending them again. This was how kikes caused inflation before fiat currency became the standard.


Wrong, plenty of atheists in Israel. The group can take in a little new blood via the religion, but it's still an ethnic group.

>However, they are also treated as Jewish, especially by upper income whites and conspiracy theorists.

Perhaps if they didn't give preferential treatment to other jews, and didn't constantly tell white people to go fucking die and then turn around and say "I'm not white, I'm jewish" then maybe people would just consider them white people who follow a different religion

But no, jews gotta go be total fucking fags to everyone and then act like their shit don't stink when they get called the fuck out on it

Unfortunately Judaism sheds people from the bottom of the pyramid. As long as the big kikes are running porn, news, movies, etc., it doesn't matter if little kikes marry out

And those women are calling for muslims to come to countries like the united states.

Are they aware that muslims have a psychotic hstred of jews?

>Are they aware that muslims have a psychotic hstred of jews?
see: The thing I hate most about Jews is that they're NOT an inferior race; there have been thousands of brilliant kikes throughout history doing work to advance medicine, physics, and agriculture.
After WWII, they conquered the desolate lands of what is now Israel, and made them productive.

I abhor niggers and don't want to live anywhere near them; they obviously aren’t capable of creating, or even adapting, to civilization. Evolutionarily, niggers were left behind. Not their fault, Africa just didn’t have the selective pressures of other environments.

But Jews often have an intellectual advantage. They’re obviously capable of the violence necessary to tame a hostile environment, the forethought needed to make that environment habitable, and the fortitude to thrive where others would often devolve into pathetic tribes.

And yet they constantly and consistently behave like sub-human parasites.
They do things that harm themselves in order to cause pain, suffering, and destruction to the people of nations who have harbored them.
They cry about being an oppressed minority, while simultaneously dominating the finance, media (news), and entertainment professions.

Niggers are a plague; Jews are cancer—they rot their host societies from the inside.

What do you think we've been doing for the past few years?

The only way this can work is to have the normiefags share with friends on Facebook since no one will care about what neets and outcasts say.

I've seen a lot of good anti white/white hate redpills but they hardly leave Sup Forums or twitter.
Elsagate eventually spread to Fb so maybe there is hope.

They’re also Muslims and Christians in Israel you retard that doesn’t make them Jewish because spoiler it’s not a race

>moral decay
>theft through deception
No wonder the jews got a gold star.

Most "persecution" that the Jews constantly cry about comes from decent people who allowed them to live in their lands before getting fed up with their kikery and kicking their lying, manipulative asses to the curb.

Jews are a nomadic, tribal, parasitic race. Think gypsies, but more intelligent and deceptive.

Their “Old Testament” even starts with getting kicked out of the Garden of Eden by their own god.
It continues to tell a tall tale of their oppression and slavery in Egypt, which they somehow miraculously escaped.
In reality, evidence points to nomadic pre-kikes infesting the area of the Nile delta, slowly worming their way into positions in the Egyptian government while pretending to be Egyptian, later attempting to subvert and overthrow that government, and finally trying to establish a new state religion (see Akhenaten) before the Egyptians chased them the fuck out.

It then goes on to tell of their conquest of the so called ‘Holy Land’ through a glorious invasion where they killed all the prior inhabitants. Rather, historical evidence points toward migrating pre-kike tribes moving into the lands of Canaan, settling on the outskirts of existing cities, and then corrupting that proto-civilization from within by pretending to be part of it. They again pushed for a new state religion and surreptitiously defamed that societies leaders while engaging in backstabbing and assassinations until their own people gained control.

It’s quite obvious that the story of Noah was simply the stolen epic of Gilgamesh, with the names changed to be kikeish.
Some historians have even found evidence that the ‘Old Testament’ was only written around 300BC, and consists entirely of stories stolen from other cultures—slightly changed to be more Jewish, and to promote their “woe is me” persecution mythos.

Why are you wondering about the motivations of jews instead of implementing your own vision and burning down the institutions jews have set up for us all?

feminism was a mistake

>Why do jews do this?
Because this is what Jews have always done.

>I'll never understand
What is so hard to understand?

this thread will be so long that no one will notice that I hate the Jews


This is so fucked

If you're a jewish woman and are currently pregnant with a jewish spawn, do us all a favor and take a trip to unplanned suicide hotspot

>They’re (sic) also Muslims and Christians in Israel you retard that doesn’t make them Jewish
>that doesn’t make them Jewish because spoiler it’s not a race


relating to, associated with, or denoting Jews or Judaism.
"the Jewish people"

Definition of "Jew"
1 : a person belonging to a continuation through descent or conversion of the ancient Jewish people
2 : one whose religion is Judaism
3 a : a member of the tribe of Judah
b : israelite
4 : a member of a nation existing in Palestine from the sixth century b.c. to the first century a.d.

Jews are a specific lineage, a matriarchy (membership of the tribe or “race” is determined by the mother instead of the father); for example if a protestant fucks a jewess, their children are still considered jewish, no matter if they worship a desert war god or a retarded frog.
This helps to explain why jews are always pushing for the women of other nations to spread their legs to all and sundry, because their broads have always done the same.

As far as known history goes, the jews were called ‘Hyksos’ for hundreds of years by both the Assyrians and Egyptians, before the time of their eventual patriarch named Jacob or later ’Israel’. He supposedly fathered 12 sons who became the patriarchs of 12 tribes; one of those sons was named ‘Judah’ from whom the ‘jews’ took their name.

Learn some fucking history, user.

>feminism was a jewish creation, intended to destroy other nations

get my nuggets ready minimal wage cuck

Combien pour la petite fille, Pierre?

jews literally dindu nuffin

1nugget and one filled dog poop bag,
it's going to be given to mohamed, he needs a new wife.

That was that satire site that got "out-satired" by reality and gave up after six months. This article is another example of that.

>pic related
>1nugget and one filled dog poop bag,
I will give you one nugget now, and one bag of shit in one week when she finally manages to poo.

Liberté, égalité, fraternité!!
my oldest, and silliest ally!

I don’t know, but she’s hot. I like to bang Jewish women, and then leave them with the baby.

throw away "egalité & fraternité" only liberté matters and if im free i decide who's my equal or isnt and to whom im fraternal with or not.

fraternité & or egalité means no liberté

>I like to bang Jewish women, and then leave them with the baby.
That explains all the nigger-jews.

If only she could send that message back in time to her pregnant mother instead.

Fucking kikes are kikes, not white.


>>If you're a black woman and are currently pregnant with a black baby boy.. do us all a favor and take a trip to planned parenthood

You might be surprised twitter.com/PPBlackComm/status/925380307242582016

>>If you're a kike harlot and are currently pregnant with a kike harlot baby.. do us all a favor and take a trip to planned parenthood

American liberal Jews have to get pregnant before they can shout their abortions. aish.com/jw/s/48899452.html

>fraternité & or egalité means no liberté

Pick two.

I was sorry to hear that Paris had finally fallen.

>fuck white ppl im an oppressed minority give me special treatment
t. 2% of the populatoin of America and 33% of the supreme court and 90% of the wealth.

>What do you think we've been doing for the past few years?

Maybe my tone was a bit confusing. It's not to deny recognition of those who have been fighting this already. I myself have been at this for a long time now. It's a thankless task but it's starting to get more and more traction.

My frustration is more the lack of serious concerted efforts. I blame myself in part for not starting more threads and banging the war drums as much as I should be. Small groups and individuals strike out at the enemy, but what I'd like to see is an enormous push that really shakes the internet so hard that it sets a chilling new tone in the mainstream.
Part of me hesitates because I don't want the enemy to get wise to the mistake they are making. Every anti-White post some celebrity, business person or politician makes is a noose around their neck. I'd like a lot of people to hang when the big bucket is kicked.

>The only way this can work is to have the normiefags share with friends on Facebook since no one will care about what neets and outcasts say.

Yeah, our job is just to spread the fire and engage. To be path clearers for the mainstream movement.
This shouldn't just be getting things onto face book, but also identifying legal violations.
Basically assembling little "gift baskets" made up legal information and incriminating data and spreading it around, and getting our guys to start alerting authorities and stuff.
If we handle this shit correctly not only could we get people thrown in jail/banned from social media but even get college courses shut down and political parties destroyed. The UK labour party for example is enthusiastically anti-White but nobody has ever really made a serious wide spread effort to attack them on this.
This shit is well within our grasp.

The jews are guided by satan.

If the mom is a kike the child is a kike.
>not a race
Same nose and rat face on all jews.
Can spot heebs easily.
Kick the kikes out.

>take a trip to planned parenthood

Did anyone ever wonder why Planned Parenthood doesn't offer gift cards?

If they did, all of my children and their cousins would wake up tomorrow to a receipt in their stockings that said "your father/uncle has given you the gift of one less nigger in your future!"

Yeah. We all know why they don't sell gift certificates.

The first non-jew Christian convert was Ethiopian. His name was Phillip, it's in the book of Acts

>Jews collapse an ideology, then take their place at its helm so that they can steer it how they wish and try to squish out any similar groups that are not under their control.

Throw this one into the fire.

Holy shit is that a LARP?