Why do almost every white kid despise niggurs naturally, even without anyone else around them being racist?

Why do almost every white kid despise niggurs naturally, even without anyone else around them being racist?

Just came from the christmas family reunion and I heard countless stories of just that, and it's as intriguing as it's hilarious.

Do you have any similar case to that?

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go be a reddinigger somewhere else

Kids are pretty stoopid

thread theme

It's because of how they view power.
white kids (for the most part) are raised thinking they have power and ability and can achieve and also help others achieve. Black kids are raised thinking they don't have power and they need to lie/cheat/steal/play the victim in order to get it.

Because black kids act like niggers in school. Kids see it first hand that niggers are niggerish.

because black people look like some sort of evil mud creature from a fairy tale and that belief is confirmed as you age

thinking blacks rationalize or process the world around them as something other than being an impulsive emotionally driven animal


You're fucking retarded if you think the reason niggers are shit is due to their upbringing. Niggers throughout all of history have done nothing but chimpout, nor have they produced anything of substance. Inferiority: It's in their DNA.

I'm white and I didn't hate them as a kid, don't really hate them now either.

so "white privilege" is correct to some extent?


So eloquent... Thanks SoKo

My buddy's kid was at the grocery store check out and the cashier tried to hand him a sucker. He freaked out and said, "Nooooo... you're brown. Daddy, why is she brown?"

Whites have extremely low levels of empathy which is why their history is filled with genocide, rape, and oppression.

The sight of niggers is viscerally offensive. Even toddlers can figure out they don’t like niggers. No amount of BET is going to change that.


Why feel empathy for filthy aninals such as yourself? I'd welcome a feral dog into my home before any negroid vermin.

It's natural to dislike unpleasant and dangerous things and niggers are both.

White 'privilege" is simply a euphemism for white superiority. Liberals can't wrap their walnut-sized brain around this fact, so the cognitive dissonance gets the better of them.

It's better to be cruel and unsympathetic then being a borderline ape who acts on nothing except urges and instinct.


Niggers don't like white kids either. Kids naturally segregate into racial groups. It can be a headache for liberal schools and they put active measures in place to stop it. Tribalism is instinctive, its what kept the wolves away.

The blacks kids I grew up with were cool with me calling them nigga, but we were like 8-9 year olds

They even encouraged it so I'd be cool, I wouldn't have otherwise

Obvious troll is obvious. No one can possibly be this stupid.

White people are the only ones interested in saving anything. Don't hear a lot of Japs talking about "Save the Whales," and Africans, Muslims, Turks, Aztecs, and Mayans have what? Nothing but peace and goodwill towards all men in their history.

White people invented peace.

name one race more empathetic
>hint: it certainly isn't niggers or chinks
fuck, chinks literally have 0 empathy. at least some americanized middle class niggers aren't too awful, but still pretty bad.

niggers are hated for how they behave. the so called mistreatment of blacks is by and large a sane reaction to an ethnic group who is demonstrably impulsive, violent, shortsighted, and just plain really fucking stupid.
seriously racism is strongest in people who learn first hand how horrible other races can be. if random white people just decided to hate other races for the sake of hate alone like liberals seem to think happens we would have hung every jew we ever found, made the negros into fertilizer once technology made them obsolete, and completely purge both americas and africa.

it is truly a testament to how deluded libs are that if their views of whites were at all realistic we would have outright genocided all their pets.