Don't trust sperm banks!

A private Dutch sperm clinic impregnated up to 500 women with the sperm of a mentally handicapped Surinamese man by accident, it has been revealed

The clinic was also caught falsifying records and storing semen in leaking tanks.

Dutch woman Sonja Noordhoek went to the Humo Medical Center in Bijborp and had two children – a son and a daughter – with the help of the sperm bank. The donor sheet claimed that the sperm came from a Dutch man with two children and a university degree who grew up in South Limburg.

“But while the children were growing up, they were getting darker,” says Sonja. The biological father was then discovered to be an autistic Surinamese man. Sonja said that her daughter did not inherit the mental disability, but her son has some degree of retardation. “I came into contact twelve half brothers and sisters, and ten of them have problems,” Sonja said.

It turns out that the Surinamese man had donated more than was legally allowed, and that this seed was spread throughout the Netherlands and even exported to Austria. It is estimated that between 400 and 500 women have become pregnant with his rotten and corrupted seed.

Jan Karbaat, the doctor who ran the clinic, is under criminal investigation.

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>by accident

>By accident

No reason to keep that sperm for any reason other than sabotage

Stop being a bigot user, retard negroes deserve to breed like everyone else.

>exported to Austria
Ahahaha, get fucked cunts


The Kalergi Plan is just a conspiracy, goy.

How can Australians even compete?

This is a true attack on the people. This is a type of evil that can only be achieved from an Agenda.

>donated more than was legally allowed

They can't. Kangaroos are everything a women desires
>muscular/ athletic
>fun to be around
>have a sensitive side

>Feminists "don't need no man" to have kids
>Goes down to local sperm bank to choose from the premium selection
>Finds her flavor of potential donor and future children
>Pays doctor to gets inseminated
>Months later, kiddos are born
>Year or 3 later
>Finds out she got the wrong donor sperm inseminated into her
>Implied accidental child impregnation rape
>Donor from a 3rd world literal retard
>Can't get child support for her mentally handicapped kiddo now
>No man wants to be with her

Muh liberation. Feminism was a mistake.

(((Sperm banks)))

should i donate to sperm banks, to support my nation's genetic code?

>Jan Karbaat
Seems like he got in on the action aswell

ummm why did the bank take a sample from a retarded nigger in the first place?

Dont to it. Your anonymity is not safe. These bitches will find who you are and extort money from you, via child support.

Any guesses on (((who))) might have owned the clinic?

Maybe I should hang out in front of the sperm bank with a sign or something.

>sperm of a mentally handicapped Surinamese man by accident
w-why did they have that?!?


It was the jews!!

This thread, man.... lol

Who wants nigger sperm?

>Become pregnant with his rotten and corrupted seed.

That's really strong language for a news piece.



>the blood of Europe literally being contaminated
Sperm banks are a retarded concept in the first place. What woman can't go out and find a man to put babies in her?

Refer to

Literally fake news you retards.

jews or not, you know its not an accident

>Jan Karbaat

>nigger literally looks like someone hit random while making an oblivion character.
>can't tell kids are half nigger at birth


Why the hell did they accept a mentally handicapped surinamese man as a donor.

I wonder how pro lifers feel about this.



>with the sperm of a mentally handicapped Surinamese man by accident
>by accident
kek, this is probably the bog cucks' idea of a prank to be honest.

It's so vibrant, diverse and progressive to be pregnant by a retard nigger. Not even one but 500 white blonde women. Feminism and progressivism works. Trust the system. Accidents happen.

They can't. They simply can't.

No, a Dutch woman would have trouble doing the man a favor by letting him nut inside her.

Jews are getting sneakier

why do you think?

Surinamese are Latinos, even worse than nigger

>"rotten and corrupted seed"


>sperm banks
I've never seen the point of these, if I was infertile I would ask a brother or a cousin for a donation if I wanted kids. .

He looks disgusting

Either kill the halflings or deport them all back. No white woman should keep the child of a foreigner, especially against her will.

Yeah... how dis make you feel Aussie boi?

Oh god, they’re onto our plot to spread autism.

>his rotten and corrupted seed.

thats a heavy insult

Not sorry her worthless liberal life got ruined.

raised by a single mother, the kids had no hope whatever their race

Dutch people are a perverted disgusting race. There fate is to be obliterated by the crusading slavs.

Australia isn't even a country.

Why the fuck would a Dutch sperm bank have nigger retard sperm in the first place???


Don't be a bigot goy, the children will be just the same as every other dutch boy

This is what happens when you decide to go independent like a stronk womyn. Denying your nature and ignoring a natural relationship with a man will never result in anything good long term. Those women got what they deserved. Only shame is that they could have made beautiful Aryan children but decided not to. Fucking idiots

>The clinic was also caught falsifying records and storing semen in leaking tanks.

How the fuck is this thing even classified as human? He honestly looks like he belongs in the Zoo or something

When they say 'rotten and corrupted' are they referring to the fact that he's retarded or that he's a nigger?
Both are equally rotten and corrupted genetic characteristics.

hahahaha lol

sorry about the retard nigger baby!

I can't be the only person that sees a resemblance here.


This gives me an idea. We should fire up our libshit twitters and start a campaign arguing that allowing a sperm bank identify the race of donors is racist. Are they not racially discriminating in the most racist way imaginable?
Have you noticed that the sperm bank system is basically carrying out Hitler's eugenics policy and there hasn't been a single outcry about it from the left. Feminists ALWAYS demand sperm from an aryan ubermensch, without exception.
We should force stronk womyn to take a pot luck gamble when they get knocked up with a turkey baster. Force them to play by their own rules.

>INB4 In the future sperm banks only accept nigger sperm
We only want mixed nigger babies!!!

How hard is it for a woman to get in contact with a man and have him raw dog her for a few nights

>start a campaign arguing that allowing a sperm bank identify the race of donors is racist.
I agree 100%. If anyone wants to know their donors race they are racist!!! Let going to fraternity clinic be a roll of the dice. You might get a white baby, an Asian baby, or even a worthless nigger baby.

>Woman: What is the race of the donor?
>SJW Clinic: WTF?! You racist!!! You want to know the potential race of your child?!!!
>Woman: Uhhhh... yes. No one wants a worthless nigger baby and neither do I.
>SJW Clinic: Fuck you!!! We only have nigger sperm at our clinic!!! Wait... we also have Jew sperm for the Jews because they do not want nigger babies either... that is ok though. Since you are a goyim you must birth a nigger baby!!!!

I posted this before reading your post.

This is genetic warfare.


im betting 80% chance clinic run by Jews

Its not a black sperm you retards this is a fuckin shill thread
Its a fuckin a jew who impregnated OUR women

As a neighbour of them I can guarantee that the autist‘s sperm won‘t habe a large impact on the Austrian genepool.

In the us they don't take everyones cum. They turn people away.

>They turn people away.
That is racist. In the future only nigger sperm will be accepted. No one wants white children so no need for white sperm.

God damnit goybros i thought you were better than this, it isnt nigger sperm its the the fucking KIKE doctors OWN sperm

extrajudicial killings do have a place in society, it seems

Greatest. Troll. Ever.

>not impregnating your daughter's with the sperm of white homosexuals


fukin loled at

>people are still falling for a really old literally fake news story

>not impregnating your daughter


The children are dark skinned you retard

Violence is the pillar on which all societies are built and its repression is tantamount to societal collapse.

For societies to function, there must be a set of agreed upon rules, which we call laws, to govern all individuals which comprise them. Without those rules to abide by, individuals would likely work against each other and societies would collapse. Even assuming the good will of the individuals comprising a society, having laws allows us to determine the point at which a dysfunctional individual must be stopped by force.

Of course, laws are simply words. Spoken words or words on paper, but only words. Laws gain power through their enforcement, and enforcement is only possible through violence or the implied threat of violence. As an example, a man may pay off a speeding ticket because he thinks it’s the right thing to do, but what stops him from deciding he doesn’t feel like paying it is the threat of being forcefully taken to jail. And once in jail, what keeps him behaved is the threat of further confinement, which is achieved through violence.



Incest is genetically unviable but homosexuals tend to have better genetics, higher IQs, more physically attractive.

Our society is crumbling because these super humans aren't reproducing anymore and their Gene pool is being lost, this is a Jewish scheme, brainwashing into the belief that attractions to males == no desire to reproduce with females

who constitute the majority of mankind refuse to engage in violence, then dysfunctional individuals won’t hesitate to take what they want by force. Over time, this will allow them to gain positions of power where they will weaken the laws even further and allow even more dysfunctionals into positions of power until we reach a point where the common folk are dominated by a handful of psychopaths, refusing to defend themselves as they believe violence is wrong while letting violence be used to dominate them.

Once such a point is reached, the less intelligent brutes will begin using violence not because they want freedom from the dominating castes, but merely because no one is stopping them. The decent folk refuse to use violence to stop them while those in charge don’t care. Worse, those in charge now hesitate to use violence to stop the brutes because it might set a precedent, teach the decent folks that violence is indeed the answer. This is how we wind up with riots all over the place and eventually, either when someone sees an opportunity to seize power or the decent folks finally have enough, civil war. Once the civil war blows over, people with power and the will to enforce laws will create their new state, with new laws, but none can tell if these laws will be the kind which allow a civilized society.

In conclusion, it is my belief that to prevent a total societal failure of the west, it is imperative to teach violence to people again. Teach them how to do it, when to do it, why they should do it.

Remember that it is not a prayer which will keep the darkness at bay, but a sword.

the beak police are on their way to your house now, dont bother trying to run, emus are faster then you.

this retard reproduced 500 times, and you not.

mate ill turn the emus into christmas food


Wtf I thought you had to be apex male to donate sperm, ABYONE can do it? That should be illegal!! Only the cream of the crop

Although meme flag, you are on to expose?
Using sperm bank is a lottery- degenerate way of reproduction
Women spend their life times selecting right male to reproduce with.
Somali or other sandniggas genes are just that, degenerate one way or the other

God damn he is ugly, oily too, fatass lips, tiny ears, Chinese eyes, wide nose, weird eyebrows too, and his teeth man must be bad if he is wearing braces beyond his teens. Also autism.

What an ultimate alpha, got hundreds of women pregnant ensuring his genetic line continues while people on pol boast about getting their wife pregnant maybe twice in her lifetime. That's the face of a stallion guys.


Why would a spermbank have mentally handicapped sperm????? LOL


>dutch so cucked they need sperm banks to reproduce