What's the most uncivilized white country?
What's the most uncivilized white country?
South Africa
Are we really white anymore?
>Every degenerate thing a white does is not white
Take some responsibility for your degenerates white boi
China. They're Barbarians.
were pretty fucked m8
Can't disagree. Sadly, fpbp
We do a pretty good job at being uncivilised. You ever been to Darwin? fark me!
Albania, I believe. And yes, they are whiter than average Europe, I guess.
Moldova, high crime, low standard of living, white as snow.
Notable mentions include some parts of east Canada, Bosnia and Albania.
you clearly havent been to canada
Most of its territory is still technically 'uncivilized' wilderness.
pick one bubba
Trick question. There are no white countries.
Russia, and USA. Although both of you are mongrels and can't be really considered white. Russians arevsignificantly Siberian admixed.
Bulgaria and Romania are also not very civlised(on European standards).
soon to be sweden because of all the sand nigs
We in argentina are the most backwards and corrupt white nation in the world.
Inb4 "Argentina is white" memes. We are majority white. That doesn't prevent this country from being an Africa-tier shithole.
This actually isn't a bad post, the place Northern Territory actually is technically a third world military state. Issue is, all the poverty is isolated to the 30% aboriginal population so it's not actually white in this sense. It's not an example of white failure.
Ukraine isn't bad, but the organised crime is notable.
Albania is based white sharia. Real answer is Serbia. They murdering mass amounts of blonde women and children because muh socialism.
My pee pee is hard ????
You misspelled "West Canada", aka the chinese colony that is BC/British Columbia. Or rather, "British China".
We aren't white though. If we removed 44% of the population though, America would be a utopia.
I don't know how to tell you this desu
>white countries
Ey, if you're white then we are white.
You can't pass the 60% white without counting hispanic anyway.
No, I meant nova Scotia and new foundland, the place where trailer park boys is set.
I miss honest conversation on Sup Forums.
What did I say? The meme exists for a reason. As it stands we are still 80% white at least. Way whiter than the USA for example. Yet we behave like niggers.
Big government can ruin your civilization regardless of any genetic advantage.
Kys Ahmed.
says the potatoe
Never watched that, thought it was dumb trash. Knew it was Canadian but didn't know where. Now I know I guess...
Until the next census. Enjoy the last two years my white friend.
I'd say American but we all know they're barbarous, so I'd have to say take your pick of any of the Balkan states.
Probably Moldova
Pick an Eastern European country, any single one.
Was not the first man in space civilized enough?
this is living in denial mang. real white people don’t behave like you under any circumstances. what’s more likely, a magical dislocation between genetics and real-world outcomes, or your idea of your country’s genetics being a lot of wishful thinking?
I'd say America but we know America isn't white. Russia has Africa tier aids so maybe them.
>any single one
I agree we're collectively shit, but some are still shittier then others.
And by some I primarily mean Albania and Moldova
Trick question, there are no white countries whyte boi
Oh he picked. We don't qualify anymore. We're dishonorable Aryans, universally demoted
A nigger would never admit his niggerness.
You're alright, Argentinanon.
>How can anyone be white if they aren't white as snow?
Is that a fookin shoeie?
>drinking from a shoe
looks fun
Look at these negros, lol.
Define 'civilized'.
U.S.A. Specifically, West Virginia.
I wouldn't necessarily call it "uncivilized" though. Just an extreme level of poverty. And like 99% white.
Probably the Swiss once they stop easting pets.
Wait nvm I read that wrong.
WV is like 88% white.
Germany, unfortunately for them.
Time to get wild and animalistic.
Definitely uncivilized. If it's based on how the country is doing then Ukraine, Russia, Belorussia, and Moldova. These all have the least economic freedom in Europe so it's mostly corruption's(Communism's) fault not that slavs are just a shitty race.
he said white, user-kun
the french part of my beautyfull country
dark blue: 75% to 100% white
medium blue: 50% to 75% white
light blue: 25% to 50% white
grey: 0% to 25% white
Are they cleaning up Belgium of all the muzzies yet user?
Im travelling here in france and fuck me if i wanted a vacation to africa or china in the future i’d be coming back to paris
>portugal is huwhite
t. alberto barbosa