Did he really post Hillary’s medical records??? HAPPENING!!
ok where did this come from?
Proof of God?
I saw them. Idk some said he posted about Seth rich also. I'm not sure.
Is this was got Assange shoah'd from Twitter?
Who is he?
Big if true
This is what’s going around. I dunno if anyone caught the last tweet. Not sure if real. True if big.
Wikileaks source/patriot.
This is old. Fuck off op
Seems strange to me that the anticoagulants and anticonvulsants would be mentioned in the medical history, but the antidepressants and anxiolytics not.
Probably from Julian assange/Wikileaks since (((twitter))) is supposedly unpersoning him now
That doesn't look legit.
Nothing about shortage of reptilian blood. Hmm not sure if legit
Old shit and not real. Try harder faggot.
who's that, user?
Very interesting, definitely lines up with the multiple medical emergencies on the campaign trail. Although it would be easy enough for anybody to type out a word document like this and print it off.
Very fake and very old. Was posted during campaign.
If I'm not mistaken she's a British girl named Hannah, a random amateur who released a bunch of videos 10 or so years ago.
Fake. SSN wouldn't be in the clinical notes, it's kept on the registration sheet.
Also has no signature/stamp from MD.
T. Medical drone
Can you confirm that?
>no HIPAA disclaimer
>thinking this is real
All medical papers in the U.S. have a medical disclaimer on them. If you ever got medical records from a doctor you would know this.
It's a federal requirement, any doctor who wrote this up would lose his license.
I work in healthcare. You are wrong
He’s the reason you and your camp will soon burn for eternity, shareblue shill
Nah I saw these before the election they were fake
pea brain
if this is really do be really expect a happening soon
>hurr durr I work in healthcare ur wrong GOY
>HIPAA also applies to covered entities’ business associates (i.e., third parties that perform certain functions or activities that require the use of personal health information (PHI) including, for example, claims processing or administration). Entities that provide data transmission of PHI on behalf of a covered entity (or its business associate) and that require access on a routine basis to that PHI (such as regional Health Information Organizations (HIOs)) are considered to be business associates under HIPAA. Health information organizations that facilitate the exchange of electronic PHI primarily for treatment purposes between and among several health care providers.
>For more information on covered entities or business associates, visit the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office for Civil Rights.
>Provide the notice to the individual no later than the date of first service delivery (after the April 14, 2003 compliance date of the Privacy Rule) and, except in an emergency treatment situation, make a good faith effort to obtain the individual’s written acknowledgment of receipt of the notice. If an acknowledgment cannot be obtained, the provider must document his or her efforts to obtain the acknowledgment and the reason why it was not obtained.
>When first service delivery to an individual is provided over the Internet, through e-mail, or otherwise electronically, the provider must send an electronic notice automatically and contemporaneously in response to the individual’s first request for service. The provider must make a good faith effort to obtain a return receipt or other transmission from the individual in response to receiving the notice.
No disclaimer provided by the administration.
It's fucking fake kike.
Cool, is that her doctor's address? May take some digging to find out.
Old image from 2016, the account that posted it recently wasn't a real Julian Assange account.
He’s been vaporised
So the disclaimer is designed to give notice that it is private information and penalties -- I assume -- for distributing it?
no medication list, no review of systems, no physical examination, no signature with timestamp.
i am doubting the validity of this here document.
This is from over a year ago. These are not new. I read them during the election season.
Anyone remember when wikiHQ posted about men in black raiding them? It was after this paper was posted. Then days later politico broke the Project Cassandra story which was embedded in the wikileaks insurance torrent. Now twitter deletes him...idk maybe I'm retarded but it all seems pretty strange.
was it* i mean't
Oh ok. I saw someone posting on this the other day saying it was recently up on twatter
yeah this is serious
new years surprise im thinking
even to muzzies and kikes
Didn't the father of the doctor end up dead floating in a pool a few days after the release of this document?
Fake and gay, anyone that’s not a newfag remembers these from before the election
This is from before the election, it is old and fake.
nice thumbnail faggot
Pretty sure the Jews did this
does anybody remember this
4767 5774 6a7a 4d6c 6330 666b 314a 3453 0000 0907 84b4 f787 7616 86f7 a737 5707 5736
why are you bumping this shill thread?