ANOTHER Woman Killed By a Pit Bull


Montreal just started ALLOWING people to own pit bulls this week. What were they thinking?

Happened just last week in Virginia!


A woman was killed and her husband seriously injured after a vicious mauling by two pit bulls on Christmas Eve in a Kentucky coal town.

Two Bell County deputies responded to the scene Sunday morning in Arjay and discovered the woman and her husband “had been savagely attacked” by two pit bulls, the sheriff's department said in a statement. Investigators said the husband managed to shoot the dogs afterwards, killing one of them.

The Bell County Coroner's Office said the woman who was killed was Lorraine Brock Saylor, 66.

WYMT-TV identified the husband as Johnny Saylor.

The sheriff's department said a caller had reported his brother and sister-in-law were attacked by two of their neighbor’s dogs, WLEX-TV reported.

Lorraine Saylor was declared dead at the scene. Her husband was hospitalized.

“The husband suffered wounds as well, but was able to shoot both dogs, killing one while the other ran off,” the department said.

The sheriff urged residents to be on the lookout for the injured dog.

“Under no circumstances are you to engage this dangerous animal,” the department said.

Other urls found in this thread:

what's the difference between a pitbull and a labrador they're literally the same species


Sane with a border collie and giant poodle

Pitbulls are for niggers and spics.
Whites get real dogs.

what's the difference between a muslim and a christian they're literally the same religion

I'm going to try to provoke my neighbor's pitbull into attacking me tomorrow so I can shoot it. Wish me luck.

I see these dogs sometimes at the farmers' market. Always white women with them. Oh but my dog is so gentle! I would be terrified to be near them if there were any non-neutered dogs around or even random loud noises. They can barely control their dogs as is. The dogs need to be banned. I get it, women want guard dogs, but there are less aggressive breeds that are just as good.

Enjoy getting mauled or worse, sued.


here's my plan for tomorrow
>sneak over to his house and unlock his gate and leave it open
>blow my dog whistle
>when the dog tries to bite me i'll pull out my gun and shoot
>my dad will be watching and will help me if anything goes wrong

The thing is they don't even get them for protection, they get them just to be contrarians and to make a point about not being judgemental.

See? My dog isn't tearing the face off of a toddler, it's so good!

Pretty much the exact way white women treat minorities - soft bigotry of low expectations.

can't you just buy wunnadem "ultrasonic insect repeller"? every dog in your street will cringe when it sees you.

Neoteny, or the lack of it. Dogs are bred to retain juvenile characteristics of wolves such as herding, pointing and retrieving. Terriers (such as pit bulls) were bred to retain the killer instinct of adult wolves, but kept the juvenile trait of small size. They're useful for killing are small so that it's only vermin. Pit bulls are the exception since they have the killer instinct of terriers in a large package.

>pitbull genes are old genes from wolves, not recent mutations

their aggression comes from their brain pushing on their skull. constant headaches, fucked up frontal lobe. even 50 years ago they were extremely easy to train.

Why even bother. Just poison the poor bastard.

On a scale of 1 to Florida, just how redneck are you?

I don't empty a mag full of 10mm JHP's into labs when I see them.

updated response: Xylitol artificial sweetener. it will need 3~6 grams. you can powder it onto meat. death occurs because the dogs body confuses it for blood sugar, and drops their actual blood sugar to zero

I doubt that's it. Most terriers are pets rather than working dogs so the aggression has been de-emphasized in most breeds. Pit bulls have been kept mean by morons who want a 'tough' dog. Still, you'd have an easier time making Scottish terriers that are aggressive again than ever breeding a mean golden retriever.

i know this is bait but, someone has responsibly locked in their pet in a yard, yet you decide to be a nigger, break and enter into private property, and kill personal property...remind me again who the real niggers are

I don't know any pedigree historians myself but I strongly recommend you look up the history of pitbulls as pets.

Fuck you, you literal faggot, for these goddamned repeat threads. I'm going to adopt some pitbulls just to piss you fairies off. Again, in case I haven't made myself clear: FUCK. YOU. Fuck you with a sideways carving knife.

Why are you so upset?


>I'm going to adopt some pitbulls just to piss you fairies off.
Good night sweet prince.

he din du muffin.

>I see these dogs sometimes at the farmers' market. Always white women with them.
I call these dogs "rape dogs". Women feel safer if they have their "anti-rape device" dog with them to kill any and all people near them should the threat of rape arise. They do barely handle them, that's the point.

I used to live in a big city and when I would walk home at night, these women would walk around with their rape dogs. They would GASP at me when I would walk by ("omg, is he going to rape me?!?"), sending their dog into a barking panic, lunging at me. No bitch, I'm walking home and you just want Cujo to kill me.

I always gave these insane bitches a dirty look, happy knowing that the dog would likely eat them some day.

Protip: If you didn't own such a large, horrible dog you wouldn't need to take it for walks in a dangerous city in the middle of the night.

Dude Genetics be racist yo

kek more please

He's escaped in the past and bit someone. The dog literally never shuts up and barks all day. We tried doing noise complaints but the police don't care. The owner is a degenerate wigger on welfare.


>He's escaped in the past and bit someone.
so why didn't they call animal control? Dogs get the needle or the gas for that.

report to AC and it will be put down.

Neck yourself

Baiting with your own bodyparts is only good on the internet. Can't you just put some rat poison on a steak or something?

jews always

boxers/mixes are superior in every way imaginable

I just cannot fathom what compels people to own these worthless dogs.

The breed should literally be genocided.

A nigger breaking into another nigniggers house to shoot a nigger dog


We called the police after it happened. An officer showed up and we showed him the dog. The officer said he would call for someone to take the dog. We waited a few days and no one showed up to take the dog. We called again and the same officer showed up. He said he would call again. Nobody ever showed up to take the dog.

fuck you nigger chow chow master race

police are shit. call animal control.

typical shitbulls

>not .500 win mag


Poisoned my neighboor's pitbull with a sausage filled with rat poison. Watched him barfing blood and grey stuff while smoking a good monte cristo. Tough motherfucker, he didn't even die and got up on his paws, had to strangle through the fence with a phone cable
He was an aggressive cunt, aways barking at people for no reason. Not that my poofta neighboor learned the lesson, now he's got a fucking dobermann.

Hey who gives a shit, another retarded dog, another poisoned sausage. This time I'm getting the dose right.

Police use them to chew on roody poos all the time and no one cares. Proof that no one minds pitbulls so long as they don't eat white people.


>dog cucks literally enjoy picking up the shit of an animal every single day
>dog cucks enjoy their dog bull dragging their asses across their carpet, sofas and pillows

based retriever

>Shows coyote

I wouldn’t m8, statistically the pitbull has a high chance of killing their children so let it live, wouldn’t want them to be parents anyhow

The nigger of dogs strikes again.

What makes me laugh is that they don't have the face of a violent dog. I'd be more scared of something like a boxer dog

I'd execute you and your nigger dad for fucking with my property. Seriously, you fucking deserve it.

Can an user do me a favour and let me borrow a pitbull and throw it over my fence to kill my neighbour's Bichons?

Fucking hate those dogs, truly awful yapping little runts.

Let me borrow it after you so it can kill my neighbors mutt

>Together, pit bulls (28) and rottweilers (3), the second most lethal dog breed, accounted for 91% of the total recorded deaths in 2015. This same combination also accounted for 76% of all fatal attacks during the 11-year period of 2005 to 2015
>Pit bulls make up about 6.6% of the total U.S. dog population
Literally the nigger of dogs.


>I'd execute a human for killing my furry nigger pet in self-defense

This is why no one likes you nigger dog owners, you people legitimately have a mental illness

no doubt breedists scared of different color fur. its 2017

thanks user. easier than dark chocolate

should start putting them in the camps

So i guess you're just not gonna read that part that stated that even the cops could tell that these dogs were malnourished and neglected? Or that they had been locked in kennels outdoors in the snow all week except for week day evenings? This dumb cunt got what she deserves, a German Shepherd would have done the same.

Y'all seen GoT? Feed your fucking animals, autists


>not letting packs of red pill bulls patrol during the nights.
The absolute state of US