Why do you celebrate Christmas when you live alone?

Why do you celebrate Christmas when you live alone?

Because its tradition. How about you not be alone faggot?

You need to put a mag in if you're gonna smoke the fat man faggot.
At least try to do it right, holy shit

I shoot at my fireplace with an assault rifle

>Why do you celebrate Christmas

But I am not.

Turn that fucking tool on yourself cause you've realized there is no one to love you. Not even a god cared enough to bless you with at least a sibling...

pic not related

Because it's Jesus' birthday, heathen.

cool thread OP I spent all evening surrounded by my family having a great time wrestling my nephews

Because I have family

Why does living alone have to be depressing? I don't want to live with anyone. I don't want to participate in someone else's life, or put up with any bullshit that doesn't benefit me directly, sorry.

Why shouldn't I shut myself in my house and make delicious food for me and my dog? Food that I like, food my dog likes? Why shouldn't I get to get drunk in my living room tomorrow and keep the fire going? Fuck you, dude!! I will celebrate however I want!!