When will the führer return Sup Forums?

when will the führer return Sup Forums?

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Only when you're willing to stand up for what is right and become the man himself.
Do not wait fro Hitler to come back because he won't. It's up to us to save our race and nations.

checked, is it even possible to stand for something up that is right but viewed by the mass as something bad?

Find the strength within yourself.


The secret is not wishing our icons would co,e back, nor is it in becoming that icon yourself. What propelled those destined for greatness was their utmost belief in the principles of their cause, the embodiment of the sentiment of their people and the courage to step into the eternal abyss.

Heroism, idealism, all these iconic tropes which we know that we are not in real life, are pr cicely what enabled us to achieve greatness. The pinnacle of civilisation is not the achievement it the ability to have achieved, and to continue to do so.

Stamp out degeneracy, better your inner self, overcome your nature. Do it not for praise, do it not for a cause but do it because it is your duty to excel, to elevate yourself beyond the simplicity of cell thinking, cell existing. You are not a drooling mammalian but the forger of worlds and the architect of stars. Do you believe that? Do you WANT to believe that? This is the essence, life is hard, living like animals is relatively easy. We are overrun with animals - subhumans - we now ourselves have been reduced to animals.

Belief goes a long way but inheriting the destiny of your race, for the sake of a future for civilised mankind, is the ultimate sacrifice and challenge we face now.


>when will the führer return Sup Forums?
to put up with this again.
pic related:

Adolf did it, why can't you? Become the man you were meant to be and fight against the evils of the world, both inner and outer. Merry Christmas, brothers.


He’s alive right now.

will it ever be the same as it was?

>:) >:) >:) >:) >:)

I predict within the next 15-30 years, roughly.
Across the West, we are hitting several turning points that can spark a conflict within this timeframe--in terms of demographics, white majorities in their own countries are disappearing (US will go under 50% white around then, for example, and European births in many countries will be majority shitskin), automation will increase unemployment and create resentment among the populace, and the newest generation is growing disillusioned of (((democracy))), with 25-33% of young people in the West distrusting it or opposing it outright.

Also, an interesting thing I found on Wikipedia was the German National People's Party (DNVP)--the main reactionary party in Wiemar Germany until the NSDAP rose up. They have a lot of interesting parallels to current events, hinting that our Führer is close to come:
>party of literal shitposters (they would send feces in the mail to corrupt politicians)
>broad coalition of right-wing groups, united in opposition to status quo
>party led and financed by maverick businessman who had no idea what he was doing (sound like someone?)
>said businessman polarized the situation in Germany inadvertently through his antics, and paved the way for the NSDAP to come to power

Yes the planet will return to its natural harmony.

Screen capped for the future.

Hail Victory.

He's growing up right now he's been born into Gen Zyklon.

delusional. The future is multicultural capitalism and no matter how much you rage against the tides, this will not change.

there has to be a way

Our time will come.

Only a coward accepts a destiny not of his choosing.

He already returned, but the Bionic Commando blew his head the fuck up back in 198X

capitalism is unsustainable b/c all goods necessary to sustain life are already post scarcity. Everything is based on a fucked up game of supply/demand for luxury goods and services that have massive negative externalities.


Not if I can help it.

We'll fight tooth and nail to destroy this world.

He was on his way but he died in the Twitter purge,it’s over Nazis.


It's not destiny if you choose it, leaf. History's progression was decided long ago. We can only watch it unfold.

>"Maybe try being healthy"
>Smoking a cigarette
>Died of cancer

He's already here my nigger awaken the WOTAN




If you want to be a beacon of light in this world. If you want to continue in the Fuhrers footsteps, you must first educate yourself, because then you have to educate others. YOU HAVE TO FIND THE BLACK SUN. This is where you will find it start with the playlists.

If you do not put in the effort to educate yourself then others, you have no right to complain about anything. THE BLACK SUN CANNOT HELP YOU IF YOU DO NOT HELP YOURSELVES the uprising begin when you start it, everything begins with what you do right now.

i was there

>le black sun xD
>le ebin fashy symbols evropa rising xD

please cut it out with the LARPing. It's sickening.

gnoticism is literally a Christianity fanfic, did you knew it right? you believe a meme

sup mutt

>Austrian is an ethnicity
you people are half German half Slavs. You shouldn't be calling anybody mutt.

what does Gnosticism have to do with anything? Oh I get it you have no clue what you are talking about and are attempting to associate the Black Sun with Gnosticism, typical Christian idiocy. Besides you have it backwards the original Christians were helio Gnostics only imbeciles interpret the bible literally it is a cipher
>yes goy an ancient secret society is LARP, whatever you do, don't look at anything they have to show you and decide for yourself what is and what isn't, we will tell you everything you need to know

fuck off shlomo

everyone in the Church knew gnostics where larpers making a lie with Christianity, not even creatign their our thing can you believe it, well good to know you and this black son thing are bullshit

that image is pure autism

>black son
fucking kek. who knew that Aryan LARPers were the true cucks?

you just aren't very bright, don't worry you prob have average IQ you aren't completely useless

Don't pretend you look anything like this.

1933 and 2016 were weponized autism at its best.... so far >:)

>half German half Slav

hmmm Black Sun are LARPers while zombie space jew cult where you eat his flesh and drink his blood are the truth eh? Seems legit, unlike we can prove we aren't peddling bullshit and idiocy

>432 squared is the speed of light