Show me where?

Where in the Bible does it say I get eternal life as a reward in the commonly understood Hollywood sense?

>as a reward
its not a reward

>its not a reward
Then why should I play by the rules?

Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this? She saith unto him, Yea, Lord: I believe that thou art the Christ, the Son of God, which should come into the world

John 3:16.

>Then why should I play by the rules?
Because Jesus Christ has taken on the sins for all those sinners who have believed in him. And if you appreciated this sacrifice then you will go an sin no more

>et shall he live: And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die.
Does this really mean I live in Heaven just like in the movies or is that a common misconception?

>I live in Heaven just like in the movies
what exactly do you mean by in the movies

To keep man from killing you.

because you're a submissive little cuntless cunt.

You don't know?

What is John 3:16
Did you forgot how to Christian, or just trolling?

There has to be some fine print here. What does that actually imply?

Hollywood heaven isn't real. Heaven just means the skies, more specifically the spiritual realm where God dwells (higher dimensions? etc..).
The bible doesn't say we go there when we die. The only people that went to heaven are Enoch and Jesus, and I only include Jesus because he was fully man as well as fully God.
What the bible does describe though is that in the end times, there will be a Resurrection of the dead and those that were true believers will live again forever with God in a new heaven on new earth. It's a walled city with streets of gold, pearly gates etc. but it's an actual city. Hell is the rest of the word out side this city, outside the presence of God, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

No it is not a superficial world of material desire

So this kind of art is misleading? Would it be right to call if propaganda?

this could be a vaguely accurate depiction

Looks like hell to me.

it would be exactly right as well as breaking one of the 10 commandments

"Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness [of any thing] that [is] in heaven above, or that [is] in the earth beneath, or that [is] in the water under the earth"

>lush and full of life
>peace and happiness
>walking with God
what would you prefer?

Hell seems like a cooler place desu.

>what would you prefer?
Eternal strife like this world. The thrill of the chase.

ok enjoy

Paul explains it in his letters. Legit Christians will be adopted children of God and co heirs of Gods eternal kingdom; in which we will go when we die. Everyone else will be in limbo until they are saved by Christ. I hope this will interest you further and I will recommend getting a study Bible and reading over at least the new Testament along with the comments.

>ods eternal kingdom; in which we will go when we die.
But that isn't my Earthly body right? Maybe this kingdom of God isn't anything I would recognize either.

This heaven seems to be a heavy topic for monks deep in philosophy not the "average Christian."

Your earthly body will be resurrected, just like Jesus' body was and ascended to heaven. Here's how revelation describes it:
>when those that are true christians (adopted children of God, born again into the body of Christ) die, their spirit goes to heaven and is under the alter of God, waiting for the end time.
>in the end time, the rapture, "the dead in Christ will rise first" meaning that the bodies of those who were Christians will be raised from the dead, and the spirits of those people that have been in heaven under the alter of God will be reunited with the body.
>there will be a new heaven and a new earth, and the kingdom of God, which was the invisible network of believers, will be a physical kingdom on earth: a walled city that came down from heaven.
>this is the city with 4 pearly gates, one for each cardinal direction, streets of gold, etc. where Christians will dwell forever with God.
>All those that are not God's will also be ressurected, but dwell outside that city beyond the presence of God, where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth. Spiritual death is separation from God, and hell is eternal separation from God.
This is the endgame of God's plan since the beginning of creation.

Would these Christians disagree with that?

no, especially considering I wrote one of the posts you referenced.