R/The_Donald hate thread

I made the mistake of visiting these faggots after many months and it’s shocking how much it’s degraded.


This is not about being d&c, this is about being late on the hate train.

Shit thread sage etc


It's not surprising considering the original admins were run off the sub through threats and intimidation.

remember to disregard the opinion of anyone who says that



I’ve never seen so many good goys. I fucking hate these faggots

this is kind of pathetic man. stop

t. r/The_Donald poster


Go outside lol

These faggots literally need to go back, why even post somewhere you are not wanted?

>nevermind the WW1 & WW2 allies or anything

Not to mention the fact that they spy on us and have admitted to it, or that the creation of their country made an entire section of the world fucking hate us. The eternal menorah is not our greatest ally, but they are our most cunning enemy.


I think it has been totally co-opted by republican establishment. There is no dank memes anymore, only celebration of taxcuts or net-neutrality

I saw my uncle for christmas today and he started to rant how how Donald Trump is about to destroy the internet. I laughed and said "you mean the net netrality thing?" and then he changed the subject to moving the us embassy to israel. Im like "wtf who gives a shit about israel? fuck them." then later in the day he brings up corporate tax rates and mocks the idea of trickle down econimics.. Wtf is he talking about this shit for? We are in australia no the US. fucken idiot is just repeating American centric bullshit like a fucken dick. So dissapointed in this dumb boomer cunt.

Your uncle is right, though.


fucking based guys, amirite?
Praise Isr... ehm kek and MAGA

The level of cancer is over 9000

Ask him how that government control of the internet down there is working out.

>every nation that goes against Israel falls

Oy vey i wonder why







TV propaganda 24/7.

>needing a reddit hate thread
Is this the current state of this board now?

I'm seriously sick of rTD coming on here.

Such love. Warms my heart, really.



I can't tell if this is shilling or if they genuinely retarded to believe that isreal are the good guys


its just jidf

You do the same thing to your allies, though.

OP, youre a fag.
i hate manchildren, soyboys, and the whole lot of Reddit, but every pic youve posted here has had literally nothing wrong with it.

We do it for their own good. Israel cares only about its Jews.

How are they bad?

You're a fucking idiot . We oppose Islam, Feminism and mass immigration, and the democrat party that want to push it. We ARE the last bastion of civilisation. Meanwhile, it's the left who support Palestine. Are you some kind of left wing person, or a muslim? People like Obama hate Israel. Right wingers like us support Israel if anything. They're a long time ally of ours. They're literally /ourguys/, and they hate liberals and muslims too, plus they ban people like Soros from their country.

Anyway, PJW was right. Conservatism is the new Counter culture, and it's being led by our memes. If you're not on the Trump train, then you're pretty muych just a ShareBlue shill or you're from CTR.

You need to realise the working of intellectual use, and how to con your enemy. I've seen things you little people wouldn't believe.
Memes so spicy they burned the most notoriously criminal family-tree in America to the fucking ground.

I watched with tears in my eyes as significantly less than 50% of the US population turned into pillars of salt on November 9th 2016.

I've seen a brakeless train traveling at over seven times the speed of light come to an immediate halt at the gates of the White House.

They will tell you it was beautiful, and you will feel proud. But you will never truly understand. How it felt to be on the front lines, shitposting in all directions. The line between man and meme blurring until there was no distinction at all. For a short while, Kek walked among us.

And it was glorious.

Wake up, and understand your enemy. We don't call it post-unironic 90D chess for nothing. It's like Rick & Morty. It seems like a liberal show but it's in fact right wing. You just need to understand it.

>We spy on you for your own good!
Fuck off yank, I don't give a shit.

Great pasta mate

T. Drumpf voting kike and nigger loving Christ cuck.