What do YOU see?

Well, Sup Forums?

I see a Jewish man importing 70 IQ people to outbreed/replace the 105 IQ Whites so the Jew can rule.

Other urls found in this thread:


literally who gives a fuck

whites certainly don't

FP needs to go back

I see my wallet, my bike, my watch, and my jacket all going bye bye

I see a bike thief, 2 murderers, a rapist, 3 domestic abusers, and 2 welfare leeches



>retard can't see that they're all thugs
Does the left has autism?

Name fucking ONE black philosopher

Seriously name ONE

herschel lieberman is a Sup Forums account, you know that right?

I know it's x-mas eve and all, and you're probably trashed off of egg-nog, but I emplore you to re-read the OP. ;)

Talking about the pic, moron.

Pf sf c sg pg

Yes, I helped (((hershel))) create a status during his first envisiaze 4 years ago. Twas fun.

I see...a queue for gibs. I win.

original link to that tweet???

but what you bigots don't see is the future National Geographic photographer sneaking up to steal the camera in the next frame


One black philosopher? Lil Jon, famous for his insights on 'OKAAYYY' and 'Turn down for what?' A modern day Nigocrates

Does Frederick Douglass count?

I believe philosophy is the standard for intelligence when it comes to racial and gender differences

Plenty of female scientists but not one female philosopher outside of "feminist theory" and other made up garbage not a single female kant, descartes, hegel or schopenhauer not a single black one either. Philosophy the foundation of civillisation and all disciplines proves itself to be the measure of intelligence. Plenty of blacks and bitches can do STEM yet I have never read or head of a single philosopher from either group who is a great philosopher.

seems to me the white man should use that 105 IQ to overcome this problem.
white man is passive and drowning in decadence though... tough times are ahead. tough times will create strong men again though.

I belieb that /herschel/ was shut down, a long time ago. Hubris can't melt jet beams, as it were.

Per happenstance. See pic.

That was very informative. Thanks user!

I believe philosophy is the standard for intelligence when it comes to racial and gender differences
Try 'abstract' thinking, or 'abstraction'. Different IQ sigmas, for different folks; as it were... The woman of a tribe shouldn't even be included in study due to her biological imperative in my eye.

Either way, check out (free e-b00ks) 'March of the Titans' a.k.a. 'Europa - The history of the white race' and 'Imperium'. Both are GREAT if anyone has any white DNA in them and wants to learn just what they can do.


>I see a Jewish man importing 70 IQ people to outbreed/replace the 105 IQ Whites so the Jew can rule.

dosn't that means that the jewish man already control you?


No that's not how IQ works. IQ is a statistic results, it is general. You get any group of people, you give them any test on any subject, then you rank them. You give them a different test and you rank them again. Guess what happens? The people who rank 1st tends to stay 1st and the people who rank last tends to stay last across all tests and domains.

The problem is, when the "105 IQ white man" is infiltrated from within and can't tell a regular person from a Jewish subverter. That's been their historical issue and why Jews have been kicked out of 100+ times in White countries. Not by evilness, but from behavior of the Jews. Pic shows it, and isn't the only reason why "Jews" have a complex about persecution; it's biblical, literally..

He's white.

I see a Jew who wouldn't let these fine citizens into Israel

The closer they get to you the angrier and more aggressive they become.
Just like IRL.

Shut it down

welfare line

In the near future it will be illegal to give birth to white babies.

it looks like a troll account

A see a rapist, a murderer, a thieft...

Jaden Smith

i just see KANGZ


>nigger rocket scientists

Are any of those men actually doctors, engineers, philosophers, rocket scientists, physicists or lawyers? Or is he just seeing something that isnt' there?

It is, but so what? The issues outlined are still the same. Jews are still importing endless brown/black people into white countries; we are already less than 10% of the World's population, what more do you want from us?

you might wanna fix the spelling mistakes in that image

I see a fake twitter account

they are all child refugees


Libtards wants you to get blacked

a java script programming team


I see about 20 niggers in the welfare line

a roofer, a truck driver, a sanitary technician, a lumberjack, a machinist

why are blue collars so despised

>dosn't that means that the jewish man already control you?

In their deluded mind, yes. They can´t face the simple truth that it isn´t some shadow government of Zion and the ever conspiring Jewdemon that creates the mess we are in but our own 105% IQ, whiney, low testosteron soyboy elites.

I see a witch doctor
a hut engineer
a oogaa boogaa singer
a jihadi with a stolen bazooka
a spear chucker
a dindu nuffin

Herschel is right though he doesn't elaborate much on purpose to flush out you dumb inbred nazis :^)

>why are blue collars so despised
They aren't. 100 years ago, we lived on less than $1 per day. Remove the brown/black and BOOM, supply -vs- demand goes up. The only ones that are 'despising' people are the Jewish-invented Communists.

Goyim -vs- God's chosen people.

I see a rapist, a terrorist, a murderer, a thief...

I see humans, of African descent


Kek, that's good one.

The tolerant right.

I can tell just by looking at their faces that none of them is going to be doctor, engineer or any of the remaining professions he listed
the yellow polo shirt one may become stand-up comedian but that's about it

I see a dire threat to my KFC supply.

>The mutt hiding behind an E.U. flag.

Found the weak and non-apologetic sissy-kin hiding behind a stronger shitbull species mask (than him).

I see a liar with his pants on fire.

Nice fake quotes tard.

Okie Dokie If Man Barrack Obama

That's a Sup Forums account.

You bet! Not 6 seconds in, the Jew "lashes out in pain as he strikes you".

It must be hard living in a Goyim society where you seek refuge. Per happenstance, you can breed these evil Nazis out of existence. See the OP:

lol each nigger in that picture has either a
>Imma kill you face
or a
>Imma fuck you face

all I see are niggers

i dont see anything, no humans in that picture. its just a room

Frederick Douglas
Thomas Sowell (economist who crosses over into domestic political philosophy, abstract philosophy and philology)
James Mickens (concurrent systems researcher and crosses over into philosophy a bit, usually with humor)

There are several examples. But they are NOT the standard nigger, they are sharp men who happen to be black but do a lot of 1st Worlder things like:
- wake up on time
- observe the operational context around them
- pay attention to people other than themselves
- listen more than they speak

I don't really care about race so much. I think the race path is the wrong way to go, WAY too many false negatives AND false positives if you judge things purely by looks or race, and things get really fuzzy when trying to define "pure".

So instead, focus on adherence to effective cultural norms. It is certainly possible to judge cultural traits as "good", "bad" or "irrelevant" based on their effective outcomes in industry, family and society (and this is a TOTALLY different idea than moral judgements on individuals -- morality is just another false path if unconnected to effectiveness, because it quickly becomes a campaign for others to "stop liking what I don't like" which is stupid and itself a corruptive trait of certain cultures).

If you focus on effectiveness and not race, you wind up incidentally netting mostly Asians, Whites, Jews (which is a small percentage because there just aren't very many) and a handful of blacks (because thought there are a huge number of them, only a small percentage are worth anything).

Not so bad -- and FAR less controversial, at least for pointless, unwinnable reasons. When you make discrimination racially based you've already lost (the Left has the moral high ground and you'll never regain it). When you discriminate based on testing now the burden is on the Lefties to prove that society is worth less than some provably useless nigger's feelings, and that gives YOU the edge.

going to need video or gif links to satiate these spawn, Japan

African immigrants into the USA outperform whites academicaly. Look it up.

This confused me for a moment. Now I understand. You mean colors and moving images to retain interest of the shallow masses?

You are probably right. But on the other hand, I think that is an effective filter for the message as well.

This is the same reason I only take coding contracts for slightly off-beat languages like Erlang, Mercury, Rust, etc. They are mistakenly viewed as "hard" by morons -- and this is a useful fiction to perpetuate, as it guarantees I never have to work with monkeys.


This. His constant "WHAT!?" shout may seem innocent enough but it's really much deeper than that. He is merely asking every listener to ask themselves "what?", as in "what is life?", "what does the future hold?", etc.
He usually says "OKAY!" afterwards, confirming that, yes, this is something you should ponder.
"Turn Down For What" asks the listener, "what are you working (or "turning down") for? A paycheck? Experience? Or to fulfill the emptiness that is inside you?"

I see a (((Twitter))) user who should be sharing the drugs he's taking, cuz his trip report is fucking *out there* if that's what he's seeing.

And a good one too. Great conversation starter with people I normally wouldn't talk to, but like to see squirm when confronted with the idiocy of their politics.

Lends new meaning to the term "boob tube."

>Can I read?

I see niggers

You left out the Basketball American, you fucking racist dumb inbred nazi. :D

Fuck, for some reason I need a Russian waifu now

What is funny is that rascists in the sense they are trying to push (privilage + power) actually see a work force to service themselves and their goals. I see the results of a problem that needs to be resolved at the source so Africa can have it's engineers, philosophers, rocket scientists, physicists and (death to lawyers)

Why can't I find any references to this guy anywhere ever?

>no Jews
>don't conrol the U.K.
(((We))) won, Goyim. Give up your arms.

>+ power
>Privilege + power

>NOT THE JEWS in power.
Always the etenal Anglo and the White Christians, but never the White Jews (that pose as Whites), amirite? Never the Jews on Jewish-owned media Platforms, amirite?

Always White people, never the Jewish White people seeking to subvert their counterparts via (Jewish-invented) Communism.

Always (((White people))), and never JEWish people causing trouble for themselves?

You can't disavow God's Chosen People. This is anti-semitic in the mainsteam media.

I see an AIDs outbreak.

I but the blacks are coming it’s also their fault maybe more than the jew you need a govt. that will listen to the peoples’ desire to be protected from takeover and take action and protect them

Anything to depopulate105 IQ Whites, and to replace them with 70 IQ peoples that haven't, left untouched, even invented the wheel yet. Here is the Jew, in its most primal form; enslave the Goyjm; so that they will be a lesser race, and ISRAEL will be, forever, a shining light upon the World.

Only when this is created, will the Messiah of the Jewish people come and the prophesies of the Talmud be fulfilled.

I see dindus, kangz n shieet

> rocket scientist
> 1 dollar brown t-shirt
> standing in line for government assistance

lmao, fuckin' stupid kikes aren't fooling anybody except for goyim pigs.



Hol up', fellow Mellanin eniched basket-ball American. We, the Jewish people, are with you Nigger-- I mean, basket-bal, err, proud people of color. Wouldn't it be great if the true Whites of America were hidden behind closed fences while you raped and pillaged every White societal structure you so vehementially hate, despite taking the luxuries thereof? Gee, wouldn't that be sad...

We Jews had nothing to do with Goyumnism. Pls listen to faux news.

Who said we where tolerant

Why is it racist to see that those black me nare black men? What is so good about migrant people coming to different countries to be what the people who already live here could have been? Serious question btw

This all I see:


Because you, the non-Jew, are no different than a piece of cattle. You mean nothing to your people in charge. Christianity is an off-shoot of Judaism via believing in the same Abrahamic source, and you're wrong, so what the fuck does the 'Bank of England' (separate by way of statute from England itself) have from you, simple Goy? You serve the true God of the Jewish people no matter what.