Julian Assange Account Goes Down And

The "Wikileaks Task Force" posts this???

Seriously? Are they fucking retarded?? Did his accounts get hacked?? What the fucking FUCK is this shit?

Other urls found in this thread:


Merry Christmas, is Hillary going to jail now?


iamwikileaks.org looks like some real faggot lawyer shit


ok then, that's fairly promising.



Twitter changed their rules and gave a month's notice. You're not allowed to use their service while being affiliated with organizations that promote violence against civilians, on or off the platform. Please stop making slide threads about nothingburgers.


Slide thread"??????????????????


Fake as fuck, you twats!

it got suspended INSTANTLY

Fug really?

Slide thread or not....wikileaks twitter is still up so whatever point was made doing this, by assange himself, a hacker, or twitter management...really isnt going to do fuckall to stop the guy.

It is nice watching the liberals cheer for censorship...so long as it lands on their side of the argument....fucking retards i swear they are too stupid to rule like they want to.

That doesn't sound like him.
Sounds like a memefag.

yeah. I took the screenshots, posted the link in another thread and it was already shoahd.

fucking kys

You only take flak when you're over the target

Sliding from fucking what? Jesus Christ do people even know what the hell they're talking about.
>Something relevant/mysterious happens
>It's happening
>People post about it on pol
What part of that requires any kind of nefarious hidden intention? Please point me to the nigger dick thread we're diverting attention from. please, we all must rush to the why are white men playing video games instead of wamen threads at once! Get Fucked lowlife

>You're not allowed to use their service while being affiliated with organizations that promote violence against civilians, on or off the platform.
How does Wikileaks promote violence in any way?

>You're not allowed to use their service while being affiliated with conservative organizations, on or off the platform.

No shit, people drop "sliding" like it isn't God damned Christmas and Sup Forums isn't filled with jewish shills who don't celebrate and its a Monday so they have to work.


>keep your eyes out for a big, big story that will absolutely cripple the deep state once and for all.
>big, big story
>once and for all
lmao. Assange doesn't talk like a youtuber trying to sell you silver bars.

So does anyone here care to discuss the image I posted in my OP??

Which shows the "Wikileaks Task Force" taking a huge DUMP on Wikileaks followers right after Julian disappears?

Is that NOT weird?

Why do you assume he's talking about wikileaks followers? Most of the comments on twitter are people who are quite pleased with the deletion. I'm guessing it's in reference to them.

I think it maybe in reference to the libs celebrating and the autists who have been saying he's dead for a year. I know they're surely not looking forward to another 9 months of muh proof of life

strange. Is Wikileaks Task Force legit or fake?

It's blatantly a fake account
There's always a dozen fake Assange twitter accounts at any one time, they end up deleted when twitter gets round to it
Don't fall for them unless Wikileaks verifies on their twitter account or website

Almost wasted a xmas get

>Several hooded men enter the office of Julian Assange lawyer Baltasar Garzón

rip assange, fuck you globalist fucks



> exposes conspiracies
> muh conspiracy theorists
