Dear netizens,
Please be advised of the following:
If you are racist, sexist, or otherwise bigoted, you are mentally ill and deranged.
It is 2017.
Good people
Dear netizens,
Please be advised of the following:
If you are racist, sexist, or otherwise bigoted, you are mentally ill and deranged.
It is 2017.
Good people
Slide thread is obvious
You do realize that telling Sup Forums to play nice is like giving a cat a bath right?
Besides, fuck off fag! No one care that you label them with your scarlet letter anymore. Your kind has overplayed that tactic and it has lost it's power. Go reassess your own life snowflake.
Poor behaviour, please seek mental health therapy.
I have no other motive beyond my present discourse on this subject of my choosing.
Do You really think we talk like that, Igor?
Haha, yes.
Thank you for your understanding.
We are less than a week away from the year 2018, therefore I suggest continued self reflection by you of this self perpetuating hatred. It's not about playing nice, it is about a more conscious understanding and interpersonal approach. I personally know some racist people who are ignorant of their flawed understanding. Often when they are self afforded some good morals it is a secondary concern to perpetuate these discriminatory biases, yet they perpetuate them like so much lingering stench and encrusted filth.
False dichotomies and self rationalized behaviour! One day you will gain insight into the broader potentials of perspective and I hope you waste it not.
very low quality
This is a Ňicè thread.
Don't you believe in individual rights? With nominally adequate resources of material and mental quality, the human being is no more a product of its regional phenotype than any number of factors I raised.
Take you for example a richly scratched metal surface with straight lines every which way. Whence a candle is held up to it in sufficiently dim conditions a circle in the range of candlelight appears. This example is what might appear to define your facts on race when you sort the innumerable data points discernable therein.
I agree with OP, I mean c'mon everyone it's the current year and if you're a (((fucking white male))) you're probably already racetits and sexist so stop it already
I only hate two groups, they both believe in collectivism and conversion to their way of thinking by force. I am comfortable with my hate. It is rational not to embrace those who would destroy you. Your feels don't matter to me, you have no argument.
Itty bitty baby, itty bitty boat
You are why people will die.
It's this complete arrogance that makes us prepare to gas you.
terkkuja Irony
Exhibit A: very very sick, very bery ebil
OP may be a false flaggot, but it is right. Racists believe themselves to be reprogrammable by self-appointed race-leaders. That's a rather dramatic kind of mental illness. Sexists meanwhile have a constellation of varied issues, but I can't yet model them without one or another serious abnormality in their approach to others. These are just not practical worldviews.
Anhero you filthy kike
>Wanting to destroy the kike because they are a threat to humanity is mental illnesses
Wew laddie
>tfw sexist, racist, and otherwise bigoted in pretty much every way
well fug
Mfw a brainiac
Exhibit \B\
It's not too late.
Citation "needed"
Tathagathaburatatata, breath in a new dawn it's a new day for (You)
How does telling a blind person that they are blind help cure their blindness?
Your flag implies otherwise now that I delete my message to you, for brevities sake.
OP's pic is probably the only work he knows about.
Get your physics right.
Serously!? The Templars only existed because of killing Muslims!
Deus Vult
You're doing what you accuse Muslims of doing despite the plainly obvious fact that not all of them think that way. It really pumparums the cranium
Mentally ill meaning free health care for life and no responsibility for my actions? I like it. Sage
I wonder who could be behind this post.
What am I accusing Muslims of?
My issue is with collectivist ideologies married to state power. Both communism and Islamism are the cause of mass enslavement and democide of humanity. Fuck Islam! Fuck Communism!
Deus Vult
Fuck Islam!
Deus Vult
Canadians are cute though
Deus Vult
Fuck Islam!
Deus Vult
So.... the Muslims are doing the same thing you're doing....
You realize most Muslims are not fundamentalists? No one is foolish enough to, pardon my severe languagr, slander Christians by saying they share your extremists beliefs.
Deus Vult
Again, what am I doing? Posting bouts from the Koran. Professing my hate of communism and Islam. Posting "God will it" in Latin. How many Christians are left in the middle East? The birthplace of Christianity is now the home of Islam, did you ever stop and wonder why?
Tell me again about the evil Christian terrorists. . .
Deus Vult
I suppose these blocks are because of Christian terrorists too?
Muslims can't live with any other religions.
Islam is not a race, it is a murderous death cult.
Your imperialistic cultures under the banner of a shepherd have quashed nearly the whole world, fool. Muslims are a distant trailing attempt at the genocides done under your arbitrary abrahamic memery.
The only way to bend the knee for Islam.
Deus Vult
'Perspective' is one of the big but empty words used to justify forced multiculturalism
Somehow the third-world hordes will improve our businesses and government with what they've learned running their backwards societies into the ground, and these insights will be worth the dramatic leap in crime and dissolution of our people and way of life
Serously?! Again, how do you think the birthplace of Christianity is now the homeland of Islam? Have you ever heard of the Barbary slave trade? Muslims never stopped slaving, like there are literally slave auctions in Libia right now run by Muslim slavers. It permits slavery of non Muslims explicitly in the Koran.
But, muh western imperialism. Try moving to fucking Libia you twat. If Islam is such a fucking great force for humanity why does nobody want to vacation in their countries except pedos and other super rich degenerates. Have you ever even been to a Muslim majority country? If you have not, and know nothing about the Koran or history of Islam than your feel good crap is worth less than Muslim promises to the kifer.
Thank whatever form of God you like that your hateful intolerance isn't shared by the world's bevy of good kind Muslim people.
In my perspective, you used a classic technique favored by the altreich to shift the conversation. It's a shame that many of your representatives need to rally with hate when they could work towards cohesive solutions not based on tribalism and more politically correct forms of oppression. I suggest you study the crimes accused by Communists of the bourgoise.
Sleep tite pupper
Linking energy units over and over doesn't make you brighter.
But your wrong it actually much worse than my hate. My hate is defensively pragmatic, theirs is offensively pragmatic. Ilsam is a religion of conquest, by the sword or immigration they intend to one day rule the world. If you would take the time to listen to their imams or read their books you would know that.
Converting energy units over and over. Maybe I'm running low on energy too.
You fucking leftists are truly suicidal.
Secular arabs and moderate muslims come to the west to escape from extreme Islam. If you open your doors to Islamic countries, you're hurting good muslims.
Why do you think muslim countries are so oppressive? Have you ever thought that it could be the people?
Why do you think muslim countries are so oppressive? Have you ever thought that it could be the people?
One could venture a guess at a low IQ population combined with death cult ideology. But that would be racist, xenophobic bla, bla bla.
And another thing user, you actually want to bend the knee for Islam. Than say the words and convert, or pay the jizya. I for one will not.
Take your meds and try not to violate the rights of others, Sup Forums
Merry Christmas, ps- Jesus and Mohamed were LARP guildies
You can't even work towards real solutions when it's branded racism and intolerance to even try pointing them out, and the only acceptable answer is trite spiels about love and tolerance
Oh and hate is another empty buzzword. Hate hate hate. Those people aren't REALLY worried about the future or the growing crime rates or the dramatic conflicts in our cultures. No, it's just that goshdarn hate at it again. Truly strong dislike is the most pervasive force on the planet.