>losing to communists
Why do you people even like shitler?
Losing to communists
When have communists ever won?
World War 2?
They literally took half of fucking Germany
20 downies can overwhelm a smart dude. means fuckall
21 if you count yourself
A single country took on the entire western world, brought the world to its knees before finally collapsing, and revolutionized military strategy, technology, and science.
A person can drown in shit. That doesn't mean the shit is of better quality than the person.
even better
Reminder, look at the k/d ratios. You could NEVER have won in a 1:1 fight, all you did was zerg rush endlessly with help from our zerg rush.
A superior giant is still superior as an individual to any tick in a pile of millions, even if the millions of ticks can kill a giant. The ticks didn't become superior because at the end of the day, as individuals they are but ticks.
Have you ever even glanced at a history textbook? The Axis powers consisted of more than just Germany.
>A single country took on the entire western world,
Do you know any fucking history whatsoever? Like, seriously do you know what you even just typed? Like its actually truly amazing how every single word in that sentence is actually just factually incorrect.
They lost to Jews. So did yo
You mean the 6 million dead jews were the ones that actually won? Holy fucking shit I didn't know this bros
You shilling against Hitler makes me like him more and more day by day.
>being this buttmad that national socialism is clearly a better ideology
It took on multiple international spheres of influence, the entire western world in fact.
>k/d ratio
This isn't your CoD, kid.
>shitty giant-tick analogy kek
And at the end of the day, that fucking giant is dead while the village of ticks still live. They will disembowel the dead giant, use it's body for materials and become a stronger village of ticks. In this scenario, the superior being lost because he was fucking idiot (like losing on 2 fronts) and set his cause back generations. Gg, """superior""" idiots
What are you trying to say?
Do you not realize what you said makes literally no sense?
>half of germany
At the cost of what? Like 20 million soldiers?
That a single country took on the entire western world. (I'm counting Soviets in this because they were basically funded and supplied by western capitalist pigs).
None of that changes the fact we couldn't win without serving. Just admit it, America zerg rushes everything like cowards who can't have an honorable fight.
The ticks can do as they please, at the end of the day they look in the mirror and see a disgusting tick, just a zerg rush pawn to his USA/USSR overlords. Oh what, you didn't think they gave a shit about their zerglings did you? Ahahahahaha
Um wut?
You're on Sup Forums and you still believe the propaganda?
If they won wouldn't it not matter how many soldiers they lost?
cause you know..
they won? dipshit
So? They won in the end. That's what matters.
Tell that to all the dead pawns! Yeah they really (((won))) alright, lmao.
>whats 20 million dead soldiers, at least (((we))) won
Don't tell me you do not believe the holocaust happened.
I swear on my fucking life you fucking moron.
>he believes in the holocaust
Do you believe in the masturbation machines too lmao
They took the territory
they won
what are you not getting you fucking idiot
Again, your masters won but the average Soviet soldier didn't win, he died or was grievously injured. Americans weren't hurt as bad but the average soldier gained almost nothing.
Oh well, this is what happens in slave zerg armies instead of Volkish ones but what can you do
Reminder that stalin executed nearly all of his veteran generals
See, even the fucking people who engineered the victory got fucking rekt. Doesn't sound like any kind of victory I'd want.
Cummunists have nothing to lose
shamefur dispray