Everyone get in here because WEEV is live:

everyone get in here because WEEV is live:
Christmas Caroling Special Livestream



Other urls found in this thread:


Is this little Jewish man bothering you?

sam is no kike

He's a big guy.

He seems kinda drunk.

Weev THOT Patrol article is GOAT.

weev is literally Sup Forums jim morrison. he got big and famous once and now he will do anything to get attention again. He is spiralling downhil and I wouldnt be surprised if 5 years from now he will strap a bomb to himself and go bomb a multicultural school like that cuck breivik

>Thinking Brevik is a cuck
What have you don't for you country lately, Hans? Oh! That's right.

timmy's face should be all over our money


Evidence A for Weev being a Jewish FBI shill

how many white people did he kill again? I would say more than a ghetto full of criminals put together. what a hero for muh huwhite race

>How many future leaders of his country's far-left did he prevent?
Race traitors aren't White so excuse me if I don't shed a single tear.

calling rabbi on the cell lmaooo

They were commies tho, and therefore not people. White or not.

merry fucking christmas

Merry Christmas Weev, nice phone pranks.

fyi you incel you dont redpill delusional leftwing women by blowing them up in explosions

You didn't call them kikes. You double nigger.




weev is the long lost brother of Sam Hyde

What has weev done besides hacking into some company? I honestly don't understand the following that this guy gets for essentially doing nothing constructive.

You don't redpill women that far gone period. You've never done such a thing once, I don't see why you'd see it as a viable strategy.

theyre 16 years old and therefore retarded. how many Sup Forumsaks were soy liberals or lefties when they were in high school and early college? retard

phoning synagogs and saying trumps america is soo soo lame trumps daughter and his grandchildren are jews lamest prank ever call a mosque with the same message

go to bed Paul





You don't redpill women. Period. Nice try to change the subject about what I actually said and make it about muh vagina. How much of a joke are you, really?

Excuse me , that was meant for this faggot


if this is true amerimongrel, then you should just kill yourself now, because all women in the current year are bluepilled leftists. Youre just lazy and bitter because youve gotten rejected by too many women. idiot

fuck yeah cunt noice one cunt merry christmas

>What has weev done besides hacking into some company? I honestly don't understand the following that this guy gets for essentially doing nothing constructive.

he has the #1 best show:






#2 is Jim Goad:

kys faggot leaf

call NAACP and mention racheal donzeli

didn't the cops steal his clothes?

LOL it's like he found the most ill fitting clothes he could find. Weev is da best, mang.

Mossad shrank him with a black operations shrink laser funded by the american taxpayer

Change the subject all you like because you can't debate me. Let me clue you in friend, I don't need to use a proxy unlike you. I'm more White than you are and that is a fact. If you aren't using a proxy, you are in absolute zero position to say a thing to me because you are likely a rapefugee poser. In the end, who had to erect walls around Christmas Markets that were a given a decade ago ? Thought so.

>Brevik is a cuck

Whatever JayRay Cletus Perez, statistics prove your country is far more mixed than mine. Amerimongrels are just projecting and throwing cowboy tantrums like they always do

>like that cuck breivik
but look @ what Vox Day(who is sorta cucked) even said about Brevik:

merry christmas weev

Achmed can't debate. My non-surprise.

>Look what the schizophrenic narcissist who backstabs even his stormfag friends said about a schizophrenic narcissist murderer who kills members of his own race

the absolute state of stormcucks in 2017

merry christmas my friend gg

>you are likely a rapefugee poser

Based on his message, I'd say that's a given.

But please don't lump all German posters in with this shitskin who is pretending he's from here.

>typical dodge response of a degenerate hartz IV leech
>muh rapefugee oy voooy >:DDDD

>white marxists are okay because they're still white


ABB spared the only white man he saw. If you're actually a German and you were on Utoya for whatever fucked up reason with a bunch of leftist children and their Arab and African groomers, you would have had nothing to fear.

Go hold your sister down so she doesn't scratch any of the muzzie scum gang rapin her you fucking faggot.

News flash Kraut: you've got a better chance redpilling really young ones using roasties as an example than you ever will redpilling already mature women getting fed propaganda daily which is reinforced by their idiots friends.

Why are you worried about convincing women anyway, they literally don't know what they want, once you take charge they will follow, it's in their nature.

how do you guys feel about the lyrics to this sweet little tune by Jim Goad & Boyd Rice:


even varg called out the degenerate breivik, who murdered more white men that day than all the salafists in norway had done across all decades

its just pathetic, you degenerates are engaging in ghetto rat logic. 17 year old kids who want to fellate "le epic cool gun vigilante man" because you got no pride of your own. idiots

Oh wait he's a shitskin lmao

>jim morrison
who is that?

Forget today was a holiday, Murat?

Don't worry, I'm sure your Mama Merkel will ban Christmas next year like you want.

Merry Christmas, "Mitbewohner".

Epic eceleb thread

Dont worry, leech, I will be sure to throw you a penny the next time I see you begging on the streets for enough money to buy your "blacked" netorare hentai. Call it christmas charity

where is the chat weev is reading from?

you must admit, dude is pretty buff...think he lift while locked up.

Varg is scum who burns churches. One thing you have in common with him, "Mitbewohner".

Varg is schizophrenic, but at least he managed to have 5+ white kids and is raising them well. More than can be said for you, garbage can bernd.

>even varg
I thought people just pretended to like that fuckwit

breivik killed commies who would of been tommorows merkels...well connected commies

killing a few pakis would of made him "le ebil nazi racist"

fuck varg


>who murdered more white men that day than all the salafists in norway had done across all decades

White leftist TRAITORS are worse than even the lowest criminal muslim or nigger.

>even varg called out the degenerate breivik, who murdered more white men
backstabbing traitors get the rope 1st...even before the kike$

marxist scum who betray their race are not white!

Your house of cards in Berlin is collapsing as we speak and I have no doubt that all these decent White folk you just randomly insulted will get their justice when you're swinging from a lamp post.

oh shit its the keyboard commando death squad banging their chest and making ape like noises again for their huwhite street gang. I better board up my window with double cardboard or else the online schutzstaffel will bust in my window with their ak47s.

Internet bravado truly is the cancer of the modern generation. bitter and resentful young men larping as tough guy terrorists. what a joke. come back to me when any of you would say any of this shit in real life, then maybe Id take any of this seriously.


Weev has made me discover a new love for Hezbollah youtube.com/watch?v=3MAQG6zXSwI

>frowning upon TRAITORS that want to destroy me, my family and nation equals edgy LARPing!

The state of self-hating, brainwashed Germweenies.


There are 88 members of the Bundestag who will say this to you in real life, and their numbers and their influence is only growing as the situation in Germany worsens. You can't stop them, not online and not in real life. Your shitty attacks and temper tantrums, building mini-Holocaust memorials on peoples' lawns, will only make this movement stronger.

the day augmented warfare is invented like on black mirror you are toast otherwise im prolly just gonna go to another thread or shake my fist dealers choice either way i will remember

pls respond

Post a timestamp of you in public holding a sign with an alt right slogan then. Can even just be "its okay to be white". I just have no patience for larpers any more. if some idiot otherkin climbed into a fursuit and asked to be identified as a raccoonkin I wouldnt buy their shit either.

Most stormfags deserve about as much as respect so far as im concerned. Pathetic posers and fakes.

His days are numbered and he knows it. He's just lashing out in powerless, infantile, antifa rage while packing his bags for Sweden.


bro it's his youtube chat. check vids on his channel. they're excellent.

Would be nice if he lost his job, eh Murat? Then you really could call him a jobless loser.

i think from the live youtube chat on their site but the stream is over i think

>racist feminism
is this what the alt-kike is now? or are you just white trash?

The AFD doesnt even back degenerate stormweenies. This proves you arent even german and get all your info from imageboards, you proxy-hopping amerimongrel.

In any case though, stop trying to steal their valor and post proof of doing anything YOURSELF that makes you worthy of respect.

Great excuse Cletus

>with an alt right slogan
I'm not ((((alt-kike)))). Take your boogeyman and shove it.

>Post a timestamp of you in public holding a sign
Why? So I can get fired, and get my family attacked or worse? Unlike the stormfag LARPers, most people have too much to lose, we are pretty much political dissidents. By your own retarded logic I guess North Koreans who are not happy with the system should go outside and hold signs with anti-Kim slogans, or else they are "posers and fakers" eh?



ah, understood. thank you for clarifying.

>degenerate amount of tattoos
>"fit girl"

but the burzum merch and braids make her redpilled, i'm guessing?
fucking thot

go to sleep Vag Vikernes...tara & lauren are trannies now

Why would I pretend to be German here, where asshole Murats like you have succeeded in making us universally despised while pretending to be German?

Oh no, the tough guy internet commando cant afford to lose his job :'(. So sad, if only they made it legal to shoot white people at leftist meetups, the poor stormweenie could act like a dumb breivikite ape and still keep his job at Wendy's :'(.

you have already confirmed that youre not even german. You get your info about german politics from Sup Forums and think that AFD is a stormfag neonazi party, you obviously know nothing and just follow stormweenie trends. switch your proxy and larp being russian next or something

Correct, so people who DO risk it all and attack the (((system))) are worthy of admiration. They are the equivalent of people who see a house on fire and get in to rescue anyone who is still trapped inside, disregarding their own well being.

you do realise the person in the middle of your pic was one of the most outspoken people against tradthots, he would side with varg

>degenerate amount of tattoos

only kike$ believe that, 100% proof:


















>The AFD doesnt even back

Let me know when Höcke and Gauland leave.

> degenerate stormweenies

Fuck off, you fake German. Nobody here even cares about stormfront or even knows who they are. And of course if some idiot dress-up nazi from Kansas showed up here and started siegheiling people would hate him. This has nothing to do with actual political convictions.

when you guys say storm weenie dont you mean storweevie?