The absolute state of catholicucks
The absolute state of catholicucks
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I thought it was Christian's job to help others in need. So why is this a problem?
I wish that was their only problem
Well ya. Do you not know the story?
it is not our job to welcome in muslims who are only coming here to rape and pillage at the behest of the jew
it seems like the false prophet shoulda been a bit more... charismatic. what a fag
taking in rabid dogs isn't charity, it's madness. a fact even buddhist are fully aware of
Pedo's...nothing more.
Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse
This pope is Satan
atlantis have plenty room for those rapefugees
He's pretty much hated in catholic countries in Europe.
>talk about how we should accept muslim migrants and how communism is beautiful
>most of Catholic Europe hates the migrants and is nationalistic (Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Czechia, Austria, Slovenia and Croatia)
Liberal faggot Pope is liberal faggot Pope.
This is true. I have Croatian family and they all strongly dislike him but still respect his position of authority. Can't wait for him to get assasinated or just die tho. They are really pissed off about his sympathies to gay people.
and I should add to this, these countries usually love the Pope
In Croatia, John Paul II was one of the most beloved people.
Catholic people who actually follow the religion aren’t synonymous with the current pope.
Catholics are basically dead, liberalizing a church always leads to loss of membership and eventual death. Secular normies dont attend anyways and the conservatives get irritated and find conservative churches.
Francis is a fucking commie, proud Calvinist here miss me with that pope, child molester, we are your only route to commune with God shit.
The only thing Catholics did right is confession, I wish a Calvinist branch would develop mandatory confession. It functions as a free psychiatrist which most people need and it allows the priest to keep an eye on his congregation and develop sermons that address the needs of the community.
The Pope is a child fuka, what u expect.
Well, the problem is that, according too Catholic theology, the Pope is the head of the church and he can never be wrong (Papal infallibility). So anyone who disagrees with him in any way is a heretic.
John Paul II was the anti christ. Suffered a mortal wound and lived.
I used to hope for the assassination of Soros, but this cunt needs to catch a bullet first.
Revelation 13:3
And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.
=Antipope John Paul II
Uh he knows they’re Muslims right
Like the same people that want Christianity dead and would say fuck Jesus out loud?
Oh wow what a shocker, the man who heads a charity wants people to be charitable
>he doesn't want to martyr himself in the name of Christ
Damn this is savage. great example of the popes church in the future
He is only infallible in terms of theology. His political statements like 'let in refugees' is not infallible and is thus allowed to be criticized.
This pope needs to go, like seriously this is pissing me off and I'm not even a believer.
Is THIS the religion which set the fundamentals for the most flourishing and advanced civilization in our history ? Fuck me.
Happy Christmas.
He is even more of a mess on the theological part.
In his defence, I've seen some lies written about what he has said, he is still fundamental on the general ideas. But that doesn't mean I disagree with your statement.
You know what is up, when you see the (((crusader))) cross.
The thing is that you can't give a man "divine" abilites or say that whoever become head of the church from now on will be infallible no matter what. Cause eventually some retard will take that seat and mess things up.