I wish you a tolerant and progressive Kikesmas Sup Forums.
I wish you a tolerant and progressive Kikesmas Sup Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
>king of the aryans
>loses to some alleged Jew
Not very kingsly.
>If you're the master race why are jews winning
Never heard that one before Shlomo.
Stop embarrassing yourself Hans
I mean death metal and professional wrestling are cool and all but you should seek medical attention if you suffer delusions of lightning chariot men existing
It’s honestly not more far fetched than a virgin becoming pregnant, a man cloning food or a magical alien creating the world in seven days
Bump for Thor
>realizing that the White European Master Race has already been conquered hundreds of years ago by desert savages and their bullshit monotheism.
You're either a Shareblue troll pushing that shit or a brainless retard who fell for the cut and paste "kike on a stick" shareblue trolling. Either way you're cancer and need to go back to plebbit
He's just upset he's been getting BTFO in just about every other thread.
Fake news scumbag. Fake news
White men do not worship the "kike on a stick" as you say, we were the ones that put that fucking kike on that stick.
Regardless, you're mythical stories have been undermining the white race for far too long and you need to take your faggotry back to Huffingtonpost.
Nice one shareblue. Getting some more copypastas?
>sidesteps having to say the word god with the word "king"
oh woww i wonder which religion you're part of really activates my walnuts.
Hail Othinus!
go back to red dits dumb amerigoblin. You did not put anyone on crosses. Fucking muttboi
Remember to sage and report all off topic and troll threads.
>We will not tolerate no one in our ranks who attacks the ideas of Christianity.
>Our movement is Christian.
-Adolf Hitler
OP did exactly the same thing, you monumental faggot.
No he didn't, retard.
>hurr durr u must be a paid shill if u dont believe in yahweh
>implemented "positive christianity"
Uncle Addy and especially Goebells knew that christianity is a poison that they had to ween the people off of
Thor was a Turk, red hair or not
>God of the Aryans
>has a thing for gay bukkake
>gets btfo by a snek
Youre a fucking parasite. Go back to your fathers anus.
Wotan was the God of the Gods, Thor was his son. You don't even know your own religious heritage hans.
good argument dummy, doesnt make your god any less jewish
>doesn’t make your god any less Jewish
And a frustrated goy like you will?
>And a frustrated goy like you will?
as in... ill make your god less jewish? Like i cant bro.. nobody can, your god is literally jewish, nobody can help you.
His religious heritage is Catholicism
Subversion works.
there is more to this part of the season than that, but you technically arent wrong
Hey smartass, Odin might be the god of gods, but it says "GOD OF THE ARYANS" in the fucking picture you're replying to.
Odin's relation to humans is not comparable with Thor's relation, Thor is known as the "protector of mankind".
Therfore it wouldn't have made any sense to use Odin in the picture.
In the same sense christcucks worship Jesus as the son of God.
Thor's father was the "Ethiopian", Memnon
>citing Bailey Derrick Sherwin
>the man who queered the Catholic church
Nicely done. Christian who didn't bother to check his arguments before posting or cultural marxist?
Go suck Varg's dick, m8, you're a cringing poof
The book you're quoting was written by a jew. And Thor's father is Odin according to most myths.
I love how all christfags instantly associate paganism with viking ISIS and not the Athenians or Romans, with Sparta having an honorable mention as well. If not for those dirty pagan greeks with their most skilled navy on the planet fighting against ridiculous odds europe would've gotten easily buttfucked by persians.
>born at Alcester in Warwickshire, whose 1955 work Homosexuality and the Western Christian Tradition paved the way for the production of the 1957 Wolfenden report and for the Parliament of the United Kingdom's decriminalization of homosexuality in England and Wales a decade later.
Defending your fellow fag and fellow Brit. BRAVE.
But Catholics ARE poofs. Why so many choirboys have sore arses?
I swear that you faggots would take it in the ass if it meant that hitler was still alive. You all so badly want you freedoms and liberties to be taken away from you like the peasants you are. Grow some fucking balls and realize that you don’t need a fucking furher to guide you in life. Hitler’s people were slaves.
>I swear that you faggots would take it in the ass if it meant that hitler was still alive
I don't see the problem. That's a very small sacrifice for western civilization.
>You all so badly want you freedoms and liberties to be taken away from you like the peasants you are
Oh a lolbertarian who can't distinguish forms of socialism. Just when I thought this thread couldn't get any worse.
Nope not libertarian. Just not willing to sacrifice myself for a man and not a god. Maybe you should learn the same.
You're confusing putting society above the individual with totalitarianism. To put things in perspective there was no concept of the individual in Athens, and yet they still managed to produce some of the most impressive artwork, architecture and literature to date.
And you’re confusing hitler with someone who isn’t power hungry and a dictator. All men are power hungry when given the opportunity.
>authority means godhood
>all men are power hungry?
>Who is Cincinnatus
I'm not. I don't particularly idolize him but you're trying to make it sound like he was as bad as the soviets.