Dylann Roof succeeded in his plan to start a race war

Dylann Roof succeeded in his plan to start a race war.

I'm 40 years old and I always laughed at white supremacists. Not because they were pro-white, but because they always talked about a "race war", which was literally never going to happen. Or, at least, that's what I thought. Now it's inevitable.

But how does Dylann Roof play into this?

Well, when he first shot the people in the church, I thought it was the dumbest thing I've ever seen. A guy trying to start a race war, by killing innocent black people who weren't gang banging, stealing, killing, or robbing. These were church people, good blacks, why the FUCK would you attack them?

Well, think about it, after the shootings, 2 critical things happened. The first, was the victims' families received 29 million dollars. The second, was the removal of the confederate flags in South Carolina.

So, what does the 29 million dollars have to do with anything? Well, looking through the eyes of normies, they seen another massacre where whites were killed, and there wasn't millions of dollars given to them. And it's never given to whites. Normies seen this and could easily start to realize whites are being attacked by the government. His has also opened the eyes of whites with everything, like the NFL for example. The NFL organization is being exposed as being anti-white and anti-American. Normies probably would have never realized it before. Same with lots of organizations and the government.

The other thing is the removal of the confederate flag. It has stemmed into the removal of monuments, and it's not over. It will get worse and worse until all whites are exterminated. Normies see this, normies are waking up.

I've always been kinda SJW on race. So if all this anti-white can turn ME into a 1488, wtf you think it will do to nuetral normies whites? Donald Trump would have never won if all this race shit didn't start to pop off.

The race war is inevitable and Dylann Roof helped get it started.


You underage faggots. We've seen nothing even close to the LA Race Riots yet and that didn't spark it. If you thought Ferguson was actually bad you're a fucking sheltered idiot. Dylan Roof isn't a drop in the bucket, a real race war would require the LA Riots but happening country wide at the same time.

>they got 29 million dollars
I hate everything

I was here for the memes.
How did it come to this?

this is retarded, normies don't know the families were paid 29 mil, whites are starting to realise en masse that they're under attack because they aren't retarded, all Roof accomplished was being aesthetic as fuck and making white nationalism look more appealing to young people, that's it


Further proof a select few of schzioid nutjobs are visionary-shaman-tier. See uncle Ted K for more details.

The LA riots weren't that big of a deal, desu. It was 10 o'clock news, but not much else. Niggers setting fire to dumpsters. Every older person had seen it before many times. This was back when they would riot over sports wins and losses. I was 15 or 16 when it happened. The only single thing that caught anyone's attention was Reginald Denny. That pissed people off. Beyond that, nobody gave a fuck.

The race riots of LA were one sided. What I mean was ONLY blacks were mad, whites just "stayed away" from the riots.

But NOW whites are getting pissed. It's not one sided anymore. I'm 40 years old and lived my whole life in Baltimore City, I can see a race war is inevitable now.

>good blacks
That's a fucking laugh
Dylan Roof didn't start shit, the left incessantly shitting on white people did

Also, the riots has nothing to do with ethnic or cultural cleansing, which is making whites wake up and get angry.

But the left has done this forever. Without Roof, the chain of events caused by the removal of the confederate flags would have never happened (or at least not any time soon).

The part about the Confederate flag is the only true part, but it's extremely important. My family grew up with the duke boys driving the general lee around causing chaos in hazard county, now they started retconning the flag on the car and stopped reruns from airing right when that happened. Then it spilled into statues. Before that you could have a rebel flag without being chastised as a racist. Now you can't even have statues, and it COMPLETELY jump-started with Dylan roof
Had it stayed at the flag you would just have some disgruntled people, but now that it's statues too people are starting to see it as 1984 tier of rewriting
He didn't start a war, but he sure as hell started a divide

The war against men(3rd wave feminism) and against European history, ethnic, and tradition was something permeating out of Universities since the 70's, culminating up to its apex through the 90's to 2015 at its ultimate height when our current generation of University graduates finished their brainwash training - turning them into hyper-drones emboldened toward the suicide of the West. The symptoms were there, but it wasn't as bad in the past as it had finally got in the 2010's with the growth of the internet into a widely available social conditioning tool making ((information)) widely available to all.

Agreed, but here's why the 29 million is important...

There's white people who live in big cities that don't care about the confederate flag, nor the monuments, but did realize the families got money, but no money was given in white church attacks, or Muslims attacking whites. I remember non-racist whites talking about it.

So the confederate issue made some whites mad, but other whites, were starting to see the government was cherry picking.

It does look like a real break with the social norms that I used to understand about burger land.

You always had niggers and lost the civil war but society had came to a sort of arrangement between the races despite the massive coon crime wave against whites and the jew and leftist agitation.

It seems to have actually broken down now - there is no 'we is all immigrants' middle ground anymore.

Your flag is now less acceptable than a fucking nazi swastika

I do agree that the internet is the MAIN tool making the race war inevitable, but Roof certainly put it in hyperdrive.

Ted's not even close to schizoid. He's got some delusional fantasies but is othewise lucid.
>kills and maims a few people to get exposure for his essay.
>foregoes the more traditional method of writing a book and getting on CSPAN which works just fine.
Other than that he specifically advocates a peaceful approach, malicious compliance, trolling, redpilling, basically Sup Forums

>looking through the eyes of normies, they seen another massacre where whites were killed, and there wasn't millions of dollars given to them. And it's never given to whites
Because the shooter was white, hes alway white, dumbass

The LA Riots were a huge fucking deal and played on CCN 24/7 and took up the majority of all 3 nightly news at the time for a week straight.
>16 year old too busy jerking off to realize it.
I think you need to review your history senpai

The wierd thing is that more people have confederate flags in America than ever. I never seen a confederate flag in Baltimore until recently, they're EVERYWHERE now. If you go to the suburbs, you see AT LEAST one per block. Usually 3 or more.

>Dylann Roof succeeded in his plan to start a race war.
Yes, I'm sure it was Dylann Roof and not Obama's "if I had a son" comments, the media white washing Zimmerman/blowing up every instance of a black person being shot by a non-black person, and professional shitstirrers like BLM or Dickie Spencer's flunkies.

A nigger killed them, you dumb fucking retard. Niggers ALWAYS shoot up white churches. You're a typical dumb nigger. Pick related just happened a couple months ago. And another nigger shot up a white church RIGHT AFTER Dylann Roof shot up the nigger church. And the San Bernadino Muslim attack on whites also happened right after Dylann Roof, all of it was racial, why no money? Exactly, you dumb nigger.

I've asked normies about Obama's comment of "if I had a son", not one white knew what I was talking about. You're stating things Sup Forums knows about, in talking about normie whites. Every white knows about the flags and monuments being removed. It's even pushing whites to get their news from OAN cable network.

Dead on.
Roof is an embarassment. He really is cringeworthy, attacking a bunch of old blacks in their house of worship when every single one is past 50. Even if they did lead a life of violence they are harmless now by stats.
>2016, the Left revealed its Power Level
>Openly calling for genocide.
>April 1992 LA Riot, Reginald Denny beaten while cops eat donuts and white people make Real Estate decisions... again
>August 1992 FBI agents shoot Randy Weaver's wife in the face while she holds her infant daughter, kill his son, and shoot Randy in the back.
It was on then. It was going to happen.
>April, 1995 Timothy McViegh and Terry Nichols pull off a massive ANFO attack in OKC, killing 168, mostly office workers and children at the daycare.
That deflated the rising racial tensions and it's why McVeigh was believed by CTs to be a Fed False Flag. He famously kept a copy of The Turner Diaries as guidance.
McVeigh saved the Fed's asses.
>2005 Dick-Licker and Mayor of New Orleans Ray "Chocolate City" Nagin leaves whites to be eaten by zombies in the Superdome.
>Kamau Kambon openly calls for 'The Extermination of the White Race' to solve the problem of blacks being unable to leave a below-sea-level city with two weeks advance warning of a major hurricane.
>2016 Black vigilantes successful cuck entire Dallas Police force by shooting 5 officers more or less at liesure while filing his nails.
>2017 Sushi-crazed madman shoots 500 Rednecks at Redneck Gathering just because of Taco Bell.
Deflated yet again.
See these things come in waves and the wave is not even a swell right now, much lest a crest, and certainly not a Tsunami
Whites will be driven into two types of barricades: Gated Communities for the wealthy while the rest of us are predated like South African farmers.
Nothing will change.


The sooner things escalate the sooner things can be solved. Not that I call for violence, it's just what will happen.

I never heard about the money. Do you have anything other than your anecdote to back up this supposed redpilling? The only thing people here complained about (TN) was that ebil wypipo were being blamed for weeks when black church shooters were memoryholed immediately. People are noticing the racial bias in media, that's for sure.

Everything is anecdotal with something like this. 100% of the people are never polled, only a very small portion of people, whom are spread out, are questioned and polled. I've polled people from all over, and that's the feedback I received. The people who didn't care about the confederate flag, actually thought it was fishy that black families received money for a white shooter, but vice-versa never happened.

You're here forever, never forget, user.

Isn't he getting the ole shock treatment? What better way to make him a martyr ffs

you type like a retard. the reason you got redpilled by dylann roof going wahhabi is because you're retarded.

You're retarded for not having any reading comprehension. Nobody said Dylann Roof redpilled anyone. The AFTERMATH is what redpilled normies. Now kys for being mentally challenged.