What does Sup Forums think about snus?

What does Sup Forums think about snus?

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It's pretty good, I buy some whenever I'm out of vape juice.

Lady snus like Epok is pretty based.

Good shit. Just had some tonight. Way neater than chewing tobacco.

Do it if you want to lose your teeth and gums.

this is why you will never be nordic

At least I'm white.

its for degenerate hipster faggots and pedophiles.

Prefer grizzly wintergreen or skoal snuff. Cant do either anymore because teeth are rotting outta goddamn skull.

whatever you say man


Snuff != snus

since some Amerikhai will definitely barge in here believing so

It helped me get the smoking monkey off my back, but in turn it was even more addictive than cigarettes. Tastes good with beer.

Not sure what snus is, but I used to like snuff

I like them but nothing beats cigarrillos

It's okay, but I like cancersticks more

get some long cut you pussy

I like dry snuffs like toque also. Snus is kind of for pussys but i guess it taste delicious. Ive really only had camel.

And 6 million muslims are why you will never be nordic

>Göteburgs Rape
>White Portion
Oy vey


where did you get that number from. does the stupidity come with the alcohol or just with being danish?

best form of tobacco by far, but it rots your mouth in no time. luckily I can't see my lungs, so had to give up on the dip and carry on with cigs. SAD!

>not rape#2


Chew Red Man like a fucking adult.

Snuff is great but hard to find in New England. I used to sniff a pinch when out drinking or shooting.

are toothbrushes and mouthwash exceptionally expensive in Estonia?

Levi Garrett or beechnut is better

How is estonia? Fairly traditional or are you more on par with Sweden politically? Seems like you would be pretty isolated from the immigration and such.

I like to put one in while I'm smoking these

>chewing (((snus)))

copenhagen mint pouches are the best

The eternal Dane before Swedish jewmerimutt immigration "reform" in the mid 90s:

>Muh multi-culturalism, Sweden so intolerant!
>Gawd you're still doing eugenics, so intolerant!
>Forced sterilizations on gypsies are so intolerant!
>You don't even smoke hash, so intolerant!
>Prostitution should be legal, so intolerant!

And after:

>Your multi-culturalism, Sweden is so "tolerant"!
>You don't even smoke hash, so intolerant!
>Prostitution should be illegal, so intolerant!

The eternal Dane is flip flopping faggot with hollow words that no one can understand. Don't believe his lies.

Third world

think finland but more irrelevant

>chewing snus
i don't think you know what snus is

>think finland but more irrelevant

and also less depressing and autistic

Do you import those or are they available in the US? Quite surprised someone outside of France smoke this kind. Btw, they're not produced in France anymore, I think it's in Poland now.

Strictly swedish thing. First time I've heard about it was on a certain swedish guy stream.

Tell em Vlad, what happens without snus.

If you don't snus - you lose!

was just about to type that

Ei vittuku denssi pärisee yläbörsäs :DDDD

stuffs not bad. made me wanna throw up when i first had it.

Fuck Sweden for having a monopoly on that shit


is this the strongest snus?

I wonder how redpilled is he, or either he doesn't want to talk about it at all.

When pewdiepie called him it was obvious he has a little bit of awarness.

degenerate shit, a very gay, subhuman way of "smoking"
no wonder it was invented by a nordcuck

I prefer Volt.

I dip Copenhagen Mint Long Cut, not sure how Snus tastes

I have been using snus for some time, I stopped a few years ago but i have a lot of friends who still use it. It´s pretty good but if you are nordic it´s weird if you snus.

he can't say much since the new kike overlords at twitch are waiting for just the smallest of fuck ups on his behalf so they can permaban him

He votes (((sd))) and he is a (((08))) so i suppose he is a bit "redpilled".

It is great for faggots and bitches that like to look like they just ate some shit. (like all retarded idiot swedes).

op speaks the truth

>are toothbrushes and mouthwash exceptionally expensive in Estonia?
Its discolors the teeth and is badisch for the gum but its not actually bad regarding cavities and such, it lowers the ph level in the mouth.

Is it like Gitanes? I love that shit.

>Tastes good with beer.
And coffee

Scandinavian snus does no cause the same health problems as American chewing tobacco products because of the "pasteurization process" / "Steam curing" or some such. I have heard about it in several videos. There are many snus vids on YT.


Definitely less health risks than smoking anyway.

"Unlike dip and chew, which contain higher levels of TSNAs ( tobacco-specific nitrosamines) resulting from the fermentation of the tobacco, snus doesn't present a risk of oral or other head cancers [source: Gartner et al.]. On the other hand, smoking doubles the risk of oral cancer and increases the risk of lung cancer tenfold [source: Gartner et al.]."


reminder that dip is fucking disgusting and the only people who think otherwise are dipp enthusiasts. so go clink spit bottles in the 'blue collar boys' club cause no one else wants to see it.

>tfw you snus so much the string in the middle of your upper lip is gone
I really need to stop

My dentist tells me that it has a somewhat beneficial effect because it brings down acidic levels in the saliva and mouth, lessening the risk of cavities. Can fuck up the gums for some people though, over the years.



snus is not dip and you don't spit when u use it.

yeah he got banned when he was on the toilet and one streamsniper played that nigger keemstar sound.
Now he can't play random music and has to mute the snipers.

just a bit

Much respect to Sweden for that please send more