Trump will be impeached sooner or later Drumpflings

Last time president that tried to shit on the FBI, he got impeached. Why do you think Drumpf will be any different than Nixon?

What did Bill Clinton say against the FBI?
And the main difference was that we didn't have an alternative to the fake media barrage.

What has Trump done wrong,hm?

Oh, you don’t have an answer? That’s a shame.

*sips tea*

Just reminder Drumpfling

Prove it, sweetie.

*sips tea again*

It all connects back to Putin Silvia!!!

god he is fucking hideous. every time i see his face it pisses me off. like, its particularly ugly. its somehow uglier than someone who is literally deformed.

sometimes Russia is a poor shithole of a country

and when it fits your narrative it influences the almighty US of A, that is million fucking times richer

We don’t give a shit



Is Pence part of the deep state?


Can’t ACTUALLY link anything to Putin, as has yet to be done. Trumps been done since 11/8/16 according to all you blow hards. Blow harder and maybe soros will give you a raise.

The media no longer controls the narrative. Many millions of people are finding truth, not lies spread by mainstream press. There are 63 million Trump voters. Most of them are white men with guns. We are itching for something to start the cleansing. The only chance for America to survive is a bloody purge of all leftist filth.


the left cant meme or conspiracy theory

Not going to happen, trump will be re-elected in 2020 and will continue to make america great despite all the negative press and autistic screeching from the left.

This, and if killary had won, nobody would talk about russia despite hillary is the only one to have been proven to have worked with the russians.

the media + democrats should be mass arrested on charges of attempted coup tbqh

Zlumpf will not make it through this year. Two scoops impeach reee.

Trump will be removed from office by the 22nd amendment on January 20, 2025. Tick tock.....

>Why do you think Drumpf will be any different than Nixon?
...because Nixon actually committed crimes? Including, btw, destruction of evidence, the very thing Hillary got off for. (Fun fact: Hillary worked on the Watergate commission and corruptly tried to get Nixon off the hook.)

>the jewish conspiracy is definetly not true but the russian one is

Something I still wonder about: why do these people keep saying "drumpf" as if that would make any of us mad? It makes them look like fucking retards and nothing more, keep going you mongoloids.


the nufag redditors get triggerd by it

it's how they spot each other's threads so they know what to bump

Both Trump and Hillary need locked up. WAR soon. And the U.S. Government is going to get it's fucking teeth kicked in for usuing military technology as domestic terrorism

It all depends on whether the donors decide they want an empty suit who will sign anything the lobbyists send to him or if they want to be able to elect Republicans in future countrywide races. Trump will get indicted for obstruction of justice. This is without a doubt. The case is already airtight based on what has been publicly reported. This doesn't mean that he will be impeached however. If the donors who control the GOP decide they want him around to keep signing whatever they pass, they will instruct the GOP to ignore the indictment and they will do it.

Trump literally hasnt done anything wrong


Tick tock

The seconds counting down till Jan 20, 2025. Removal of president via the 22nd amendment is a real thing. Cry harder, Trumplings.

We have no idea what sort of batshit excuse trump would have made. The man is insane

Fuck off. The winning will countinue. So take your little dreams and go home.

And if something does happen, remember this. I know he's got all of our backs, and millions of patriots will repay him with having his back.

You fuck stains make your choice, because we've already made up ours.

Nah, he just would have went back to his business. The Dems are doing this because government IS their business. Their only method of revenue generation is bleeding taxpayers.

shill thread. sage


They actually pay peoplle to post this shit.

I do it for the LULS!
