I'm a pedophile

I'm a pedophile

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That's nice dear

All weeaboos are. Bring the gas

no you're not

This is now a pedophile appreciation thread

Nah, you're a retard.

Hey kids!

Today we're going to learn about Steven Spielberg's Oscar-winning documentary about the Holocaust, called "The Last Days". It stars several Holocaust survivors spewing complete bullshit, and even has Paul Parks in it! Paul Parks is a black soldier who claims to have liberated concentration camps, but there's just one tiny problem with his story.

You see, historians and military documents proved that Parks' unit didn't do any of the things he claims. Even better still, this was all known before Spielberg invited him to be in The Last Days. Parks had taken part in an earlier documentary about brave black soldiers and their role in liberating camps that turned out to be a complete hoax and had to be taken off of shelves!

Unsurprisingly, Spielberg's film was not criticized for this and he still has his Oscar. Because that's just how Jews roll, kids!

Oh, and one of the other "survivors" became a Californian politician and was instrumental in building the case for the first Iraq war using the same sort of atrocity lies that the Jews have used against the Germans. Neato, huh?

>The Last Days of the Big Lie

I accept your existence and respect your honesty and bravery. I'm a Hebephile.

So we all agree that weeaboos will be the first to go during the Day Of The Ropeā„¢ right?

Nice. Tell me more.

kys subhuman trash

so you go for under 14s?

kys kys kys kys

No m8, at worst you have gynaephilic tendecies. The statistical probability that you are are so fucked up you could qualify for a diagnosis of paedophilia is next to zero.

you wish, ahmed

Clean your room user

absolutely halal

>beta macaroni faggot

pretty much 30% of the population is pedosexual they just can't admit it

there's nothing wrong with pedosexuality

lmao this is why i keep coming back to this place

Where the hell did you pull that number out of your ass from?

Satania is a cute.

Beat your local weeaboo

weebs should be gassed

Pedophile means prepubescent. Average female enters puberty around 11 and finishes around 15. Women should begin meeting potential husbands for arranged marriage when they begin puberty and they should be married by 20.

In 2008, the over-zealous religious nutjobs in charge of the UK firewall declared that there were 50,000 "online" paedophiles in the wild here, like that pathetic demographic non-entity was somehow shocking.

Hah. By 2016, the same autthority reviewed the situation to uncover a massive spike up to three times as many. Hmmm, I wonder what happened in the UK demographic that could possibly account for this?

Little girls are kawaii desu ne?

this is why i avoid italians like the plague. you cathocucks make us orthodox truly feel superior