Hillary was a hottie, anyone else think so?

hillary was a hottie, anyone else think so?

She had miles of cock ran through her before her current down turn


She is the ultimate fem lib cuck. She formed a political marriage of convenience with a guy that spent his entire life fucking everything in sight.

hippie stoner and probably too hairi (like wolf pussy).. no thanks...

damn. you're probably right. that's hot

No she would have stunk like a Saturday afternoon fish market.

why do americans look so, dumb?

they actually look normal, but when they start talking, they talk like hippies or some kind of idiot, I don't know. for example

skins us version - everything is just edgy
skins uk version - this is actually smart stuff

Yeah I have to admit I get a conflicted feeling when seeing footage/pictures of her younger years. The other night I was watching videos from the 1992 campaign and there were some shots of her that made me consider it for a moment. I'd put her in the 5-8 beer range for when I'd hit it. The young Hillary of course.


Imagine getting head from her

elle reeve

>hillary was a hottie, anyone else think so?
Don't make me puke.

looks like elle reeve


not the voters outside of Jew York and LA

>hillary was a hottie, anyone else think so?

Jesus! You must think Chelsea is fucking Miss America.

>anyone else think so?

Everyone like you that's either never been laid or has only fucked fat chicks.

this is actually how straight males cover their mouth while coughing
homosexuals and women cover their mouth with entire palm

Good pic. Head isn't what I'd imagine I'd get from her.

almost as good looking as her daughter

I know a girl who looks very similar to this. Coincidentally, she is also an accomplished liar




She looks like a sterotypical late 60's girl and there's much better examples of that if it's what gets your motor running


You spergs have a really low standard of what you call hot. Apparently it is 'not too obese or deformed' and that is just about it.

She has HMS

you butttertoothed norman rape babies will fuck literally anything

who dat fluid druid

I actually take offense to that. My Norman ancestors took all the hot ones.
Seriously Brit, why are your women so ugly?


It’s threads like this that keep /pol alive

Her breath smells like fish.