You can choose one race to wipe off the planet, what would you choose?
You can choose one race to wipe off the planet, what would you choose?
Whatever you are.
Well if you want to kill yourself, leaf.
Jews obviously, anyone who says muslims lurk moar
You’re Asian?
Unironically whites.
Maghrébins. I hate them more than Niggers. Absolute subhuman scum.
Muslims (or at least arabs )
Start with yourself, fuckface
Fucking jews. What the hell is wrong with you all?
Just a race? What about mixed race freaks?
If I choose jewish, will that even get rid of people like George Soros? What about Obama, he is half-jewish.
If I choose black, will the Murican blacks who are 80% African die?
Pls respond
I would too if I lived in Sweden
Arabs for sure. There are half a billion of them, and they contribute nothing positive to society.
Better gas them all and take over their land and oil.
Same can be said about niggers in Africa
>those lovingly drawn little stubby claws
That's a high quality merchant
1) anyone from Sweden
2) anyone who is mixed race.
>jews, muslims, or mexicans
Fuck, this is hard.
Sorry, made an error:
1) anyone from Sweden
2) all Canadians
3) anyone mixed race
Thanks, user.
Yup, I'm gonna go with jews on this one, OP.
Jews ans arabs are semites
If we got rid of jews all the muzzies would stop bombing and all the niggers would stop chimping.
Yeah right!
American special mix
This! Gotta say that our problems would be a lot more manageable without the scheming kikes, and losing the Mudslimes at the same time would be the icing on the cake.
May not be a race, but I wish to wipe these retarded fucks off the planet:
I am torn between French and French
The fact that Jews wasn't the first post shows how cancerous nu/pol/ has become
Semitic people, no more Jews and a huge % of arabs will be wiped out
white people. They colonized and fuck up more places than you can count, historically and modern day.
Am white.
start with yourself today
pajeets, they are just filthy
or chinks cuz they are literaly npcs with no brai thought 90% of them atleast
You’re doing this shit wrong, let us get rid of several races
The human race.
Yeah, especially since neither of those are a race. You fucking moron.
Niggers. That is the only correct answer.
then the chinese and whites could take africa
Everyone but us is going to be wiped out
Germans, they are a cultural synthesis of niggers and kikes
Jews, because without jews we're free to gas other races we don't like.
The jews! Not because I hate them, but because I am so curious of the consequences that I wouldn't be able to resist.
It would be very interesting if everyone just gassed each other until there was only one race left and we could finally live in harmony. I don't care which race it is, let us fight and let the strongest survive for the benefit of humankind - it will greatly increase our odds of survival for millenia. But let's start by eliminating anyone who is not a pure race, and the swedes.
East Asians. They are the only ones being a real threat to White dominance in the long run
The Jews. Anyone saying "Muslims" or "Whites" needs to lurk moar.
Are "women" a race? Women
Jews. Everything else is 100x more managable then.