By definition that means all Catholics agree with the Pope’s comments on Muslims and diversity. Catholics are anti white.
Reminder that Catholics literally believe the Pope can do no wrong
Reminder that the British are not free men.
They are subjects, literally property of their Rothschild Queen.
This again.. papal infallibility is only during particular circumstances.
Reminder that the US became independent for lower taxes and now have to pay local/state/federal taxes and are even taxed if they no longer live in the US and they are 43% white and get circumcised because their rabbis tell them to
>h-he is only right 100% of the time 20% of the time
Catholics are retarded. That’s why they’re left wing.
I blame them for making Scotland as left wing as it is.
You're retarded if you don't understand the following:
>infallible when he defines dogma
>not infallible when he says ''chicken is the best food ever'' or ''let in the refugees''.
>Property of the Rothschild Queen
I'm fixing my country.
Are you a free enough man to fix yours?
No...clearly not, that's why the smart people left, and the Paki chattle replaced us.
this is wrong
Fixing your country? How? Where’s the wall? You can praise Kek all you want: Trump isn’t goinng to deport tens of millions of people to make you majority white again. You’re already lost. Even Germany is still over 85% white. You’re Brazil tier ALREADY.
>Catholics literally believe the Pope can do no wrong
the most bizzare doctrine by none.
>>infallible when he defines dogma
>>not infallible when he says ''chicken is the best food ever'' or ''let in the refugees''.
false dichotomy. theological dogma like all religion affects all areas of live. total memes hrvoje.
t. 31%
The USA isn’t a white country lmao
Don't speak Croat to me. Does your mother know you're berating Catholics?
look who's talking
Poles believe there was only one pope. JP2
We dont care about others, and since were catholic nation, it should tell you more than you need alot ahmed.
apparently OP knows as much about Catholicism as he does about girls
Cheap 19th century Catholic labor was a mistake.
Tamludic as fuck.
I'm not religious but I really miss him. A quitter took his place and then a turbo cuck took his.
this picture is really comfy
he looks like he is watching you
and he does, from above
i hope that Poles will find some mercy when God will decide to kill us all
Catholics always were anti-nationalistic.
It kind of looks like the guy is on a Segway. But he is Spic so it is nacho shaped. And made of nacho. And those islands are filled with nacho cheese with guacamole islands on top. That is probably the best Mexican restaurant in Scotland. And that car is like the perfect jalapeno dip. Shit. I am so high.
Yeah, so great pope that he praised islam and kissed quoran. I bet he did that because he got aroused by Aisha fragments
>He forgot the statistics where a majority of children in germany are soon to be from refugees and african niggers
Population replacement already successful. Canada however is teetering on the edge, only because we have mostly european migrants probably fleeing as legitimate refugees from Europe's increasingly inept governments.
the pope has come up with a lot of weird stuff if it's true, and looking at stuff they have come up with in the past. idk this is starting to seem a little weird.
The Cathol*c fears the white man
Implying anglicanism isn't a more cucked version of catholicism.
Catholics have always been heretics.
>call no man father
>literally calls a man father
>no idolatry
>literally carries a rosary and worships a crucifix
>actually believing in transmutation, consuming the flesh and blood of Christ
>having saints
>having confession
>saying Hail Marys as absolution of sin
>molesting boys
Haven't we had enough of shit talking each other for one year? It's Christmas.
literally everything you said is false
I'm Catholic and I hate the globalist cuckpope currently installed in the Vatican. He's a traitor to Western Civilization and a real Pope needs to come along, chop off his head for his pro-Muslim heresies, and declare "DEUS VULT".
Reminder that Protestants literally believe the Jew can do no wrong.
"Oh you're Catholic? That's not good, stop worshiping Mary! Oh wait hold on my nigger babies need tending to."
Prottie faggots will defend this. Shame on you protestant losers.
You misspelled Orthodox...
There is a reason Catholics are fleeing to the Orthodox Churches in droves...
>all Catholics agree
You forgot to say (((fellow whites))). Try harder next time, Schlomo.