2nd season when? The sales were pretty good, and there's more than enough material.
2nd season when? The sales were pretty good, and there's more than enough material
Angel Thomas
Colton Miller
>The sales were pretty good
That's the problem
Justin Ross
Nolan Diaz
yes a hundred yes
Justin Campbell
Did she win yet. I know they had a kid or something stupid like that.
Angel Gutierrez
Are there any fun translations for volume 13 of LN yet?
Nathan Long
Why was Ashiya such a bro. Ashiya's housewife adventures when?
Daniel Green
>the fact that he is a demon lord from another becomes irrelevant 15 min into EP1 until a stupid fight in the last EO
I'm still mad about the wasted interesting premise
Cameron Young
Emilia was shit, That's why
Andrew Martin
you mean best girl