Possible "christian state" in the future?

as the Hungary PM said so. it is possible. trough this


take your time 2 read it. Sup Forums this a more "redpilled group" then the EU.


Why is Dutch making threads about V4
Shouldn't you be busy complaining about eastern euros while sucking black dicks?

I am afraid its over for Poland, I am with a visit from UK where I work, amd Poland is now full of immigrants from India and Ukraine

your right, I should not. but, I am redpilled. so why not?

First of all catholic church is a cancer.
Second of all only Poland is religious, all other countries are largely secular.

no. that's stooping to their level.

scuttle all religion, no holds barred.

I guess I can´t compete with polish anons.

austria is moving towards you guys. we will follow when this happens

extra ecclesiam nulla salus

>Christian state
>includes one of the most irreligious countries in the world, the Czech Republic

erm, not sure that can work still Germany is like a huge wall.


okay. "visegrad state" ore "polish-hungary state"

the sea connects us all

the point is: this will be the last standing barricade of Europe against immigrants.

There are no brakes on the Orban train.

fist. try 2 get trough Sweden, tough battle.

.. why would we want to make a single state?
Why is pol so obsessed with merging countries?

Why no Lithuania?

erm never knew that. maybe becus the jews wan´t it?

good question. northling

v4 is a Bohemian plan of European domination.

Once V4 is under the heel of Czech bureaucracy we will set aims to peacefully conquer Slovenia, Croatia to secure nice summer beaches for Czech tourists.

sounds better than getting overflowing then immigrants.

Church is a vile organisation focused only on its own profit. Poland lost many things because of Vatican. Only ignorants or retards are catholics and only traitors are catholic priests.
I don't really have anything against religion, but why would you build and/or support a mafia around it.

It's inevitable.
It's also the only way we could become Chad of Europe.

What a brilliant plan
European tourism will bend the knee before the superior czech tourists

2 be honest: it does sounds better, maybe not for Slovenia but better,

>Christian state
>has the most atheist country in the wordl included in it

How retarded are you, mr christcuck?

Annexation of Netherlands (called Operation Buurman en Buurman) is also under way.
With the control of Czech and Hungarian lands we will control 95% of all premium porn creators.
Netherlands is key to securing tooth paste monopoly in all of Europe.

and against the EU. don´t forget that,

Bohemians get triggered at the mere thought of going to church

Highlight Romania and add Moldova to it and we be good lads
>I don't want to be alone in the east, v6, v7, I don't care. Just put us in

well my bad. the hungary PM said it.

be sure that romania is getting fixed.

>wanting to live under christian sharia law

nah i'm good thanks

I literally saw 2 blacks and 1 Indian the whole time I was in Krakow, and they were tourists
Fuck off with your lying bullshit

he already exists

go 2 slab city then ore a "anarcho island"

I would gas the gypsies myself if we got to join v(insert number).
>besides the plan was to join EU and send our gypsies away to France and Britain
So in a way it worked

Atheism in USA is something completely different than here.

Here we take care of churches of past as a part of our cultural heritage.
We dont fucking jerk each other off while talking about how we are better than anyone else just because we dont believe in God.

Take it like this:
When 2 of your friends (both die hard Warcraft fans) start talking about Warcraft, you just listen and dont talk shit about it because you dont know jack shit about it.

Thats how it is with religion here.

American atheist autists ruined atheism.

sounds good then.

we invite every redpilled man that is against EU and anti-liberalcuck

why are you so concerned with V4?
Why aren't you worried about your own country?

Czechia is like one of the least religious countries in the world

>When 2 of your friends (both die hard Warcraft fans) start talking about Warcraft, you just listen and dont talk shit about it because you dont know jack shit about it.

damn. wish that was always in gaming.

Include east germany, and moldova for strategic purposes, käskopp

Denks budy :DD

Romania is orthodox.

i lived a good live user. i don´t mind 2 die. as long other can set forth my legacy.


>Austria joins vanguard group
>forms into a nation led by an autocratic figure

yfw Austo-hungarian-meme empire is reformed in your life time

We should stick with Eastern Europe only.

When we go to Germany, Netherlands, UK, USA or even Austria we are greeted with bias, sterotypes, discrimination or "polack jokes".
Fuck west and fuck both "le redpilled" westerners and normal westerners.

well atleast i could do something for Sup Forums

your right. let the post-soviet country join in.croatia, serbia,


latvia estonia, but this will couse a bit of a problem with russia.

V4 will stop working properly once we let too many countries in..

We're getting somewhere... interesting.

still. i don´t think russia wants in it.

Include Europe Russia without Caucasus and South - East

only redpilled countrys are okay. that makes the v4 great.

Oh you cheeky Russians.

...think this time we may have to take Germany out of the equation.

You really don't understand how it work

not sure...

explain. user

Why did you include the part of Baltic sea? Is it /ourguy/?

>yfw meme magic confirmes real once again


>possible "christian state"
>in atheist capital of europe

once part of the lithuana-polish empire

>almost 2018

Border is unaesthetic af, can someone fix it?

it could be possible. not sure.

>capital of anything but porn
ayy lmeyo

They hate us.


Stop making threads about us.
Nothing to see here, fuck off.

most russians do not want to become le 56%
so why not

Holy fuck are you retarded?


What the fuck do we have in common with them

I want 5

Will kill myself if 0

Literally nothing
Except for 1 little part in history where Polish General liberated Belgium and Netherlands

And that's pretty much it


This. Exclude the Germs out of this.

>jobbikfag damage control

> #
>We should stick with Eastern Europe only.
>When we go to Germany, Netherlands, UK, USA or even Austria we are greeted with bias, sterotypes, discrimination or "polack jokes".
>Fuck west and fuck both "le redpilled" westerners and normal westerners


Kek don't be delusional

>This. Exclude the Germs out of this.
Jews in?


updated version to be politically relevant.

Too late
I got trips

What does that mean

i got doubles on the previous one, am i your PM now.
if so we remove the shitty blue triangle from flag as a first course of action

I don't want an escort, I want real love

well sorry, your hungary pm has become quite a hero in the eyes of the redpilled people

>I want real love
sorry seba, in your case its hopeless.
you may as well get a czech escort

They can fuck off.

We are not going to unite, not going to make a "le based white ethnostate XD" and not going to provide a refuge for westcuck migrants who have destroyed their own countries and try to flee instead of fighting the invaders.

Is it really hard to get that we are doing this for the benefit of poles, slovakians, czechs and hungarians instead of trying to defend europe or "white culture" or some bullshit like that?

Literally the entirety of the V4 would fight to the death aganist that. Do you think we have forgotten their backstabbing attempts? How they dealt with Poland after Sobieski saved them? How they attempted to keep us all of the map? No, youre not going to place a muslim infested westcuck agent into the V4.

Israel 2.0