stop being white
Stop being white
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honestly this is a very problematic sociopolitical issue that white people should take more seriously
i hope you die in an earthquake
Black people ruin everything
>tfw need a token black person with every photo I take now
nah, im right mate
Daily reminder they shouldn't apologize for shit. It's a single group picture. It's not against the law the last I heard.
If Hollywood burned we would have lost absolutely nothing of value.
>It's not against the law the last I heard.
Wait until Trudeau is re-elected...
Diane Kruger is the best looking one of the group.
whiteness is a terrible message and this photo is tone deaf to the intersectional feminist film movement which includes many strong WOC -- representation matters
If you guys really hate Hollywood kikes, then push for more niggers to be put in their movies. Nothing will drop their profits faster than that.
I'm fwb with a girl who is a Jessica Chastain doppelgänger and she gets my duck so fucking hard every time I think I may marry her
kek at the burgers
you're fucked. Why is everything about race? It shouldn't matter. Black or white. In the end we're the same.
>Award for best actor
>no nigger
>hurr durr itz racism ya kno, dem evil yt pipo
>with a girl you'd consider marrying
t. arab
Behead yourself shitskin.
Because they make it about race. We had a short period where we didn't give a flying fuck about race anymore and were starting to get along and mend the wounds. Then Obama ran, Republican voters and tv hosts showed their true colors and blacks figured it was ALL whites and race relations got set back to 1950's level. Really fucking annoying that no American can not think about race anymore
I fucking love this webbum so much
Every time I think this is the last stage of braindamage but no it goes further every time.
Does it even have a endpoint?
Should we have random black people on standby we can add in our photos to diversify them? Is that how liberals think? Blacks are some special pet to them...mind boggling how delusional they are
Multiple ethnic groups competing for power, this is what happens in multiculturalism
>>It's not against the law the last I heard.
>Wait until Trudeau is re-elected...
These actresses aren't white though, they're Jewish. God fucking damnit get it right.
It’s okay because niggers aren’t people
Ah, yes it's a traditional Australian bullshit.
Literally a fucking disgusting race traitor!
Merry Christmas!
Apparently it's NOT. They've been sending THAT message loud and clear for some time now.
give Europe about a year
added more diversity
"Damn I hate white people. Not racist btw" - libtards everywhere
Strong, beautiful, brave.
The most powerful image of 20xx
Jessica Chastain was brilliant in the Tree of Life. There is no way that actress is even remotely like that in real life but she was completely believable.
Fuck is that movie good.
Only in muttmerica
Right on brothers. Murry Christmas!
t. diversitards
She was great in Take Shelter too, and I liked her in A Most Violent Year
>Does it even have a endpoint?
When whites are all dead
Is this non-whites being ass blasted, or is this ugly fat lonely women in their 40's being the totalitarian cunts they are?
Seriously -- who is the one so fucking ass blasted that they get upset by a fucking magazine cover just because it's got whites on it?
Fun side note; white majority countries are the only countries in the entire fucking world that put up with non-whites and give them so many fucking benefits.
Have these niggers been to China? Fuck. They hate them. They'd cut their dicks off even they even looked at a Chinese woman the wrong way.
Sometimes I wish white countries were a little more barbaric.
Stop being British
make your countries great parasite
It's times like these that I find hope that this crazy mob will never succeed because they'll eat each other alive.
>yea yt you need to put a qween in there just because
Someone send this to her.
negroes are, and will forever be, cancer.
The negroe can only do limited harm on their own.
White guilt empowers them so much more. That quote from that idiot Trudeu is exactly the problem. Whites have bought into the white guilt thing too much. Madness is what it is and I can't figure out what it does for anyone except cause problems. Negroes will never be more than they are.....if they can't eat it, or fuck it, they will tear it up.......
here i fixed it
>a very problematic sociopolitical issue that white people should take more seriously
Indeed, extermination camps for non-whites should be setup today.
muh marxism
100% diverse. There is no majority there. Just one people, one
It was the kikes that trained them to be this way
Holy shit this projection
I'm willing to believe this Trudeau quote, but I couldn't find a source other than the usual trolls.
so is Israel the shithouse?
Better idea: stop reading leftist twats who complain about whiteness. That's a lot easier.
>six pictures of the same woman
user, I don't know what to say
Can do. Will do. Where do you live? I need to rob you. Don't worry, I won't do nuffin.
Don't try to reason with these people saying "oh could you imagine if we said it's too [x]!", they'll just mock it.
Instead be a rude cunt back and tell them to fuck themselves and don't apologize, I really do find somebody repugnant that they'd see a picture of me and my family and act like I need to do them a favour.
How about fuck off.
There's a lot of fake shit posted here. I don't like Trudeau at all but when faggots post this kind of thing and then everyone finds out it's fake it reflects poorly on us and we end up looking like retarded commie kikes. I've not been able to find a source on it either but like you believe he is easily capable of saying it.
This. I remember the late 90s where I had friends of so many colors and never noticed. Now it’s all FUCC WHITEY AND UR PRIVILGE
>Don't try to reason with these people saying "oh could you imagine if we said it's too [x]!", they'll just mock it.
Yeah, walking liberals through these silly ideas of theirs doesn't work because they have a widespanning framework of bullshit rationalizations and stupid sociopolitical paradigms to easily explain away why for example reverse racism can't be real or why it's okay to genocide whites but not anyone else, etc. Waste of time.
this is the greatest shit ever
the left is not eating itself, its DEVOURING itself.
no matter how poz you can be, the left will accuse you of not being POZ enough.
there will be riots until all these women are posing in image with black cocks hanging out of their cooters
> stops being white
> turns very corrupt
> no business can work any more, all industries stagnate
> advanced tech turns less and less available
> revert back to living in huts
Thanks for the horrible advice
read "racial conversancy" as "racial conservancy" and thought say that's not a bad idea
Fuck you niggers get over yourselves and u owe us for Haiti
I find the best way to piss them off is to call them a racist for noticing a difference. Whenever you make a subtle racist comment, just say that and make them feel like they're the real racists.
I don't really care what the movie is about, I'm just happy a black women is in it.
>I find the best way to piss them off is to call them a racist for noticing a difference.
is absolutely correct. The only way to deal with a liberal is to shun and mock them for their beliefs. When their endless virtue signaling is met with nothing but scorn and ridicule they'll stop trying. Tell them to fuck off, laugh in their faces. This actually hurts them, since all they care about is appearances. You are never going to logic-trick a golem into learning something or having any sort of self-reflection. Liberals have even less ability for thinking or reason than niggers do.
I don't talk to niggers, just idiot whites. I've used it several times and they just end up muttering something and walking away.
Bouncing a libshit or a nigger's head off the pavement a few times gets them to learn, and learn real fast. Savage violence is what they understand, torture, mayhem, pain, and death are the things that change their behavior.
Kek. I love seeing their little pets bite the hand that feeds them.
>tfw Burgers don't know about Neighbors and Home and Away
I want Chastain so bad.
>remove all whitey
>put 6 sheboons there
>no Pajeets or Changs etc
>call it diversity
We could be, the only thing stopping us is democracy. It might be time to move back to much smaller local kingdoms.
she just fucking inserts syllables
We should amplify this type of shit to drive the less extreme lefties back towards sanity.
If you have a fake twitter, get in there and support this nog and her attack on these racist white women.
She’s also a giant racist.
>believes whites are superior
She really is a nazi.
Hitler would love her.
Madlibs anyone?
Diane Kruger is notoriously right wing. If you don't believe me look it up. It has stopped her getting a lot of work due to her anti-negro stance.
I've searched Diane Kruger Niggers and got nothing,
he's being satirical you daft cunt
I think their nose jobs are more prominent than the fact that they're all white
no mxn in the photo
trhey could all stop being feminists and come hang out with us
Winslet would be good in the sack.
>stop listening to your family
>irish people