Considering eurofags are taking in massive amounts of muslims and brits are no longer a majority in their own capital city, you niggers are throwing stones from your glass hut. Pure white americans are still 65% of the population here. The idea we're all a bunch of muts is fucking retarded AND it is a D&C tactic. We gotta unite to save our race and this mutt bullshit fake news is just another way for (((them))) to divide us.
Okay its time to stop this whole "Amerimut" bullshit
Quit being a fucking pussy and have kids if you're so assblasted about a meme.
The Amerimutt meme is a ShariaBlue creation. It reflects the deeply damaged racial soul of someone so morally bereft that they'd accept money to post on a good upstanding Christian board.
lol okay amerinigger
Fuck off, your disgusting empire should be nuked.
>Pure white americans are still 65% of the population
nope. Even your pew studies are shit as its "self proclaimed". The best estimates are around 50% low and 60% high.
>The idea we're all a bunch of muts
well most of you are mongrels. Even your "whites" call themselves whites because they are a mixed bag of "European" stuff.
>We gotta unite to save our race
well you are not part of my race. However we should unite and help each other no doubt. Just learn to handle the bants
Ok cuck
But it's true
The US today is a lot like Brazil 30 years ago, racially speaking.
You will become us
calm down Ibraheem
that would actually be doing us a favor since most of the nukes would target niggers/spics/sjw's/citiots
Shut the fuck up, it’s a goddamn meme
the mutt picture is funny probley the most funny meme on this board but i am a mutt so your right it should stop
>left untouched by a few miles in Rhode Island
Let's die of radiation, boys
So being a mix of different white ethnic groups isn't REALLY being white, Gotchu senpai. Clearly the lowered IQ from being "A mixed bag of european stuff" would have made our nation such a shithole. Looks like we're doing better than you though.
>Considering eurofags
Stopped reading right there.
You are a mutt, you will always be a mutt.
Stop being so fucking sensitive about it, you earned the shit you get here. The only people I feel bad about are the rare exceptions of americans who aren't dumb cunts and can take as well as dishing out, you're not one of them.
You realize that about 80% of the posters who push the mutt meme are assblasted mudshit euros who are sick of being vilified, so they pretend its banter when in relity it's pure rage.
The other 20% are anons just having fun, and that number is getting smaller and smaller.
It is thanks to white genetic that some of you still able to look "white". It is fucking hilarious how in a classroom say 30 white students only 10 have or less have the "white eyes" while the rest have the obvious spic mutt asian colours.
ORRRR maybe i just want to see my race unite under one banner and actively work for our own interests again. This is the kind of stuff that stops that from happening. I'm not saying jokes aren't okay, but the amount that this meme is spammed on here is quite honestly retarded considering its 1. not true and 2. not even that funny.
You got it man.
Muricans are so stuck up their own asses that they get triggered by a fucking meme.
Id say they should embrace it.
>different white ethnic groups
shit you are a new worlder. There is not WHITE ethnic groups you idiot. Its a new world term and have no place here. There are Germanic, Slavic, Celts and so on. White means nothing. Its as bland and broad as "Asian".
>Looks like we're doing better than you though
hhehe but you are not :^)
Amerimutt is a good thing. It's raising awareness. Desperately needed awareness into how our gene pool will not exist in a generation.
>Kraut pretending like he can take it while dishing it out
I hope you're not pulling my leg Abdullah
Obviously i fucking know that, thats literally exactly what i meant by "various white ethnic groups" how retarded are you? Do you dictate the rules here cucklord?
thank you pol
It's funny to everyone else, you fucking mutt
At least the amerimut meme is whiter that europoors
Shut the fuck up you whiney faggot your inability to handle the bantz is a national embarrassment.
>Do you dictate the rules here cucklord?
yes my Proto-mutt I do.
F I F T Y S I X %
Listen to Brazil
Also were next up after America
Kill yourself Jewmericans
Have you been on this board before?
People find a thousand reasons to shit on Germans, not a single one is ever affable.
It doesn't matter if we trust we can take it, we'll get shit on anyway.
Might as well embrace the "board culture".
I'm not even butthurt, im preaching unity. How can we save the west if we are constantly in fighting.
here's the thing. even if you're genetically european, i still wish for the death of the most degenerate country on earth
lets go
You eurofags are not and never will be white.
Now fuck off from my internet.
Leave the Dane alone user. His country's military policy is based off of kissing American and British ass in order to escape being irrelevant
The vast majority of "Germans" are half Slavic rape-baby mongrels.
Sadly there's only a handful of pure German stock left.
Amerimutts will either be sterilized or go into the gas chambers.
>people literally under control of Merkel
>judging anyone
nobody was posting this til you got here. nice job. but really, how long can a forced meme live?
nah feel free to continue to make yourselves look like the utter subhuman mutts that you are.
t. Dane
D&C user. keep shilling.
>t. sholom rubashkin
Let's keep it that way.
Krauts are some of the worst shits on this planet, and you need to be reminded of that fact.
tell me more about this mythical pure american
>shits on fellow whites
>hurrr durr why do you hate us pure americans? d&c
amerikikes everyone
Okay Gunnar. Now remember, if you're a very good boy before bed, then maybe your country will get to operate alongside one of our carriers.
That's pretty unamerican of you at first glance, but at second, it maybe isn't.
thats not funny
i don't think you know what moral or christian means
these are the faggots starting "you're noooood wwiiiitttteeeee" threads
they project so hard they're probably miscegenated themselves
when was the last time you were in germany you fuckin mongoloid
it isn't meant to be criminal scum
ITT eurafricans try to claim whiteness compared to the pure virgin blinding white snow that is American master racehood
rape babby is ass-blasted now
amerimut is one of the best memes in a long time faggit
You are right we should unite, but you just need to deal with it. I can see how many Europeans make fun of us because we always act like we have our asses on our shoulder on the internet and abroad. At the end of the day I’m 92% Anglo Saxon and yea I am a mutt but we are still brothers when the smoke clears.
You do realize that shills ALSO create anti-Amerimutt threads right? Think about it. It's the fucking perfect way to derail constructive discussion and distract people.
The way you disarm it is just to embrace the meme and larp as mulatto. Everyone gets a good laugh, we Americans get (you)s, and Yuros know we're not actually mutts anyway.
>he thinks Danes give a shit about your irrelevant military
we are here for the nukes.
these caramel bitch eurafricans are PATHETIC
Krauts are in fact some of the worst shits in history. Hell look at their participation in NATO, and their refusal to sack up and fight along with other Anglo nations. All while they destroy their own nation through forced demographic change.
Or you could just provide substance to your claim. Like someone worth the time talking to.
>Europoor literally starting "you're not white" thread, projects onto us that we're starting said threads
It's like Democrat party tactics of projecting their own flaws onto the opposition.
This is Democrat party shilling 101, how very American of you!
Harrisonburg Va is 15% hispanic and 6% black. We need agricultural robots to replace the beans, and the beans all need to go home. I went to the mall yesterday and every bean had 3-5 children and two grandparents with them, multiple families out shopping all wearing brand new clothes driving escalades; this shit is not okay. They are all 4ft mestizo trash.
lol okay jose we-wuz sheckelstein
Christmas morning roll
>Okay its time to stop this whole "Amerimut" bullshit
No. Stay mad, Americoon. :)
Roll your mutt %
singles that finish in
6=el atrocidad
7=la creatura
8=el monstruo
9=el goblino
0= el abonacion
44=la creatura
55=la lulz extinguido
66=el ogre de americas
00=pure nord
quads= Hitler
I like how this depicts kikestains as more antinigger than antipagan. And here I thought christlarpers couldn't be more pathetic
2009. I won't be returning.
It can be funny but mostly it's just a ShareBlue push, you'll notice it's posted on every thread at the same time. Divine and conquer.
This guy gets it. Murimutts and their vassals will rage.
we dindu nuffin: the post
i love amerimutts are exposing yourselves more and more everyday as the subhuman filth you are
I'm starting to think it's not american education but their low mulatto iq that allows them to post shit like that
NATO reports tell a different story, Aksel. Your country has a long history of kissing up to Anglos. Hell your country's military has coined the term "punching above your weight", which translates to "we're not irrelevant, pls pay attention to us".
And the eternal Kraut shows himself.
I'm sorry you'll never have the military power you once had, so you have to resort to destroying Europe through semen, Gunter.
>pirate flag
aren't you a fucking non-white anyway?
Get the fuck out of here you shill, shoo! shoo!
Leave the Danes alone.
Without the donations from people like the Danes, a majority of Americans would starve to death.
You owe them.
Stay mad loser lol lrn2joke
>massive amounts of muslims
Sure thing nigger. This is why everyone hates americans.
YFW someone posts a meme
As every Amerimutt thread progresses, the chance of a mutt rushing in to enlighten us all that we are Shareblue and Soros shills increases by 1.
>brits are somehow not European anymore
I suggest looking at a map sometime mr 50%
pirate flag nonwhite shill
that's probably just a scam
you appear to be non-white shills
>giving a shit about what lesser countries think of us
Lol, stay mad faggots. Every time you see someone say "le 56%" or "amerimutt" just laugh and know that you live in the country that they report to and they'll never be more than 3rd world trash. Don't even give them a reply.
>reversing and ancient meme directed at Europoors
You're better than this Nigel
>Stop it guys this is not funny ok?
Just ignore them
>shill cuckley
alright shitskin shill, show us your fucking picture then
This reeks of a Jew/shareblue post
>Brings up amerimutt out of blue
>Hopes thread will make Americans mad
>Claims to be deeply offended by Amerimutt
>Talks of uniting, D&C, etc but sounds like a shill
You shills never take a day off huh? Most americans on this board don't mind the amerimutt stuff, its actually pretty funny. I know you like to think it makes people here extremely mad but in reality it doesn't. You have to go back. To shareblue, reddit, or whatever hellspawn you came from.
funny, because i'm not kraut
>Being this ass blasted about the fact you have no real racial identity
Kek, kys
Much 65% white Amerimutts race