Mods: This isn't even my find form

Watch out Russian trolls. She's coming for you.

Other urls found in this thread:

>I graduated magna cum dumpster

nice reddit thread
nice reddit joke

This is the face of pure evil

>open and safe

You can only pick one.

It's Reddit they pick neither.


The problem is these leftist brainlets associate words they don’t like with physical violence.

You wish you were clever like me toe dick.

>thankless job of unpaid content moderation



>she pays to learn how to do it for free

Convert the plebs; convert the country


are Sup Forums jannies even trying?

>PHD in online moderation
Sup Forums mods may be fags but compared to other sites mods they must be like super saiyan gods. They've seen some shit.

Seems like bait.

Who is this semen demon?

>my phd thesis on community moderation
>chapter 1: I'm a fag


>going to college to be a digital nanny

She was in frontalots video: zero day.

on the television

What a waste of time

>an hour later
>still no archive
God damn you're all so fucking retarded. Stop giving the OP kike clicks

nah they're just subverted cucks
look at moot

>implying that anyone is reading the op article

>phd in plebbit
>phd in fucking plebbit
Looks exaclty how I expected her to.
>phd in plebbit
Women are a fucking meme

Nice reddit life you fucking faggot

I forgot.
Vice is faggots and author is probbably a kike.

Always remember that this is the sort of (((education))) liberals tout when citing statistics saying they're, on average, more educated than conservatives.