Eminem new album

Wtf happened to this guy, his last album is sounding like shit not a single good song

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He's too old, let go
It's over, nobody listens to Feminem.

I released a new album dissing drumpf
Yada yada COLIN KAEPERNICK taking a dump

moms spaghetti


The real Eminem overdosed, this is a corporate shareholders interest plant

Never a good song from this wigger. Nigger music is shit

>hating Eminem because he dissed Drumpf
>not hating him because of his shit music which was only somewhat actual during early 00s

>not a single good song

Lyrical genius. Fuck blnold drumft and fuck wypipo

Devote life to raising daughter.
Daughter is about to turn 22 and posts this on Instagram...

He always sounded like shit.
You were just caught up in the delusion.


The nu Eminem could never make a song like this


Part of the millennial attention whore culture


>Wtf happened to this guy, his last album is sounding like shit not a single good song

Millionaire wigger, very small peer group. What is he going to write about? "Upkeep on my mansions is killin' me, man" He's isolated in a major way.

Eminem has always been shit, and if you like his "music", you are a faggot.

Moonman is the GOAT white rapper

he could keep calling people faggots, it works for Sup Forums

He came out of the closet and now he admits to liking taking dick up his ass hole I think that might have something to do with it. He really is now Slim anus

He made a song burning Moby once. Now Mobys anti Drumpf song ia way funnier then his. Trump turns into a giant flaming robot swastika and the beat is ok. Feminem officially older then Moby.

How much did the holocaust cost?

I wonder how long until Eminem starts beating up her white bf until she goes viral on Twitter for being with a non-white, probably muslim or nigger


He now hates himself for being White and sucks dick on Grindr.

Just noticed how dirty that fucking wall is. What kind of house is a millionaire's daughter in where it looks like a crack house

Eminem raps to suck dick
And sucks dick for coke
Trades coke for dick
And gives dick to blokes

This is my theory:

I bet they have tapes of him fucking underage boys and slutty/sissy traps in the ass. I'm talking sick preteen shit here, worthy of the death penalty. He's been part of the Illuminati underclass for years.

Now they are making their little toy dance to their song. He's going to continue to promote leftism, multiculturalism and white genocide. That or they release the tapes.

He looks like he has a bad case of GRIDS too.

Wonder how much this guy is cucking Eminem for

This is unironically the most probable scenario.

If you've made more shittier albums than good can you really be called one of the greatest rappers?

His first 4 albums are classic and some of the best in the genre, but he lost his touch after that. Should've retired years ago

Yeah. He pioneered/revolutionized hip hop in many different ways. Lots of misses though.



Eminem is/was controlled by the illuminati/Jews. I am dead serious.

I have been a hardcore fan ever since Slim Shady LP and the old Eminem would HATE everything about the new Eminem. Eminem today is a fucking sellout.

He doesn't rap or have the same flow as he used to have.
He looks COMPLETELY fucking different.
When he tried to re-create Slim Shady during the MMLP2, it was a fucking FLOP and corny as fuck....nothing near the real Slim Shady! 100% fake. During this time he also changed his profile picture into an Illuminati picture.
He dissed the jews and illuminati in his Recovery album and after that album he went clearly through some hardcore changes.
In his relapse album(s) he talked about the devil and being possesed.

He is now wearing an Illuminti necklace all the fucking time.

Hailey (his daughter) became a attention whore slut when the real Eminem dissapeared.

This is not Eminem OR he is under some serious control.

Who would have thought being a one trick pony wigger had a shelf life?

A better question is why does almost 50 yr old Em now look like a young Tom Green

I wasn't ready to read this Christmas morn

ffff LISTEN YOU FUCKS, this has gone on too long.

You want the truth? That is not Marshall Matters. That is a fucking impersonator/body double. The real Slim Shady fucking disappeared around 1999-2000. The one you all hate is a fake imposter who can't naturally rap. Look it up if you give a shit.

Marshall Mathers was /ourguy/ before Sup Forums even existed. Analyze his lyrics pre-Eminem Show.

Its a different person. They stole a great mans identity. He hinted this was happening in his own music.

Thats the Eminem pill.

lol u listened to it? fag

>fake tits

his last good album was in 2006, he's been a spent force ever since, people just paid respect to his newer ones because of good memories.

I lost all respect for him when he sold out to the gay lobby at the 2001 Grammys

real eye opener on how far he was willing to go was this:


he desperately trying to stay relevant now.

I think it is a mixture of ((they)) having dirt on him and that he really needs the money.

I mean....who actually likes him now?

At least she is fucking a white dude.

I bet Eminem would love to watch his daughter get gangbanged by 10 horse dick niggers

The only thing this picture comparison tells me is that he is using a shitload of drugs.

thats the fake Eminem you dumb shit.

he has sucked too much nigger dick it has turned him into feminem

Stop watching Alex Jones-tier conspiracy channels on Youtube!

He's the same person he always was, a white trash wigger with a horrible voice and small vocabulary that was promoted by the Jewish MSM and Music industry. "He's good with word play", no he's not, he has zero substance. There are 10 white underground emcees off the top of my head that would tool him. He has always been low brow shit for poorly educated plebs, he's the rap version of Katie Perry. Only white trailer trash and dumb niggers thought he was good, because the Jews told you so.

Too many coffee pots, a man can handle only so many. And that stupid line is what he's going to be remembered for, for quite some time.

Hey EM!

This. Eminem was replaced after the Slim Shady LP. And that Eminem was replaced in 2007. And another Eminem replaced him after Recovery.

this. he's a bitchtit soyboy now.

If you give a shit look it up. Or dismiss it like any other normie, faggot.

the comments are just praising it like it's good

Rap is degenerate nigger music anyways so who cares

Thats uh hot coffee pot, gunna drop slop
on moms softee cock
soups ready
spaggeti on Drumps orange confetti
get ready

No he was the same guy until his recovery album, litsen to his songs. It's about the illuninati. The drugs changed his looks.

But the comparison pictures you're using show nothing. He looks exactly the same in both.

I don't deny the fact that a celebrity could be killed and replaced a-la Paul McCartney. But nothing you've shown me looks convincing.

His anus is pretty much entirely blown out now.

dumb fag

this is what happens when you let the jew suck the soul out of you
poor bastard

>t. Slim

Bro if my daughter (pbuh) turned out like that I'd beat the shit out of her


Literally an MK ultra puppet like most other Hollywood and music industry stars.

Dr. Dre got mentally fucked up from it because he was close to Marshall, and he sold him out. In the industry they all know he is a fake, yes even Trump knows.

The real Slim Shady became a threat to the establishment. He was based as fuck.


wake up.

huh? fake eminem?

the guy on right looks like he is dying of AIDS

TFW this could be really true.

He's gone Nu-Male!!!!!

Too much getting fucked by trannies off of grindr

this 100%. In rap music, flow is the most important thing, the real slim had the best flow in the world. The fake has no flow. But most people have no taste so they listen to little Wayne and the fake Eminem, practically the living dead.

with the exception that he doesn't have to be a clone, it could also be a simple body double who underwent surgery and voice training.


Not trying to defend anyone.
Just pointing out it's foolish to assume that's her house. They appear to be involved in some sort of St Patrick's barcrawl in this photo.

>them Styrofoam mcdonald's boxes

drugs don't age you like that, unless you're smoking meth in the street for years with no nutrition and no hygiene.
THIS is more like the guys face is a surgical hackjob and its now deteriorating.

guy on left is real Eminem. guy on right is surgical abomination with no talent.
