
really makes you hmmmmm.

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It's been established for a long time that Google is Jewish owned. The only time I ever use google is to look up businesses and give them bad reviews anyway

>Google is Jewish owned

As is Youtube, Twitter, Facebook

also is everything. Its not jews job to give you low iq goyim equal representation. You literally sound like a nigger whining about hollywood being too white

it does the same for christmas, idiot

Funny how a people so stupid they never created their own civilization or even country all of a sudden seem to own everything. Isn't there a word for that? Oh yeah, "parasite."

>burger intellectual



What is unchristian about an acrual celebration of christmas?

Yeah, who eats challah at hanukkah?

Jewish company displays Menorah on a day when the king of the jews was supposedly born. Really makes you lel. Christmas is a kike bastardisation of our tradition OP. Why are you surprised?

>tfw even degenerates at xvideos put on a santa hat in their logo

Be an educated antisemite if you want some weight to your opinions: chabad.org/holidays/chanukah/article_cdo/aid/102978/jewish/The-Story-of-Chanukah.htm

How's the Mick schoolsystem going?

Fuck you, I'm with the anti-jew american, shove your smarmy bullshit post up your ass and die

Google has to be pretty fucking low if pornhub and xvideos is willing to awknowledge christmas

Santa hats are antichristian, you faggot


Fuck of dumbass, showing Santa hats is antichristian

There are different kinds of intelligence. There's the intelligence to create, but also the intelligence to deceive and destroy.

The parasites are exceptionally skilled at the latter.

you can apply the premise of being a parasite to literally any living organism, its a meme phrase. Also jews never created a civilization because their entire identity arose from being the elite in western civilization.

>their entire identity arose from being the elite in western civilization.

I thought they were oppressed?

Are you idiot goyim forgetting that the founders of Google were glorious Jewish overlords?

Nah, I actually support women's lib and feminism, but I am still not 100% okay with letting my wife suck/fuck other men. Am I a sexist for that?


Yeah! Stupid goyim cattle

makes me think

If goyim are so smart, how come they allowed a bunch of Jews to take over the world?

Because they can't comprehend the level of depravity.

Sorry we "goy" wont lower ourselves to you snakes of a peoplr.

Jews were given an entire country by the u.s and how do they repay us? By subverting our core values and destroying the country. You are all fucking parasites

We had dignity and honour, not now though.

jews play dirty

There is a lot of truth to that statement. It is one of the reasons myself and many others believed the Holocaust lie for so long. We could not imagine anyone telling a lie about something so horrible. It is just not something one would do so the Jews had to be telling the truth. We think they are like us and that is the problem.