Sup Forums, I'm majorly depressed...

Sup Forums, I'm majorly depressed. I'm at a point in my life where things aren't really all that bad but I can't find the motivation or the reason to continue. I served in the Army for 4 years, and now I'm in the reserves completing my education. I'm married, and I'm making ends meet through all the benefits I've earned from my service, yet despite all of this I just think life is hopeless. I googled painless ways to commit suicide last night, and I think I'm still strongly in the suicidal ideation step. I think I want to turn my life around, but I don't know how. What should I do? Any input would be appreciated.

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Helium tank cpap mask. Do u have kids? If u do and commit suicide you're a enormous turd

No kids. My wife is really dependent on me, though. Emotionally and financially. She makes it difficult to go through with it. That's why I'm trying to change my outlook.

That's one method I haven't heard before. Thanks for the input.

Don't admit defeat, user. I don't know how to help. I don't even know if I can help.
Perhaps get a hobby?
Do something spontaneous.
Talk to people you don't know especially if you don't want to.
And above all make sure you clean your room.

Sounds like you have problems in your marriage, maybe divorce b4 suicide? Change a few things around first

Tie piano wire to your limbs then jump off a building, you'll ruin several peoples lives and you'll be remembered forever

Got any hobbies or stuff that makes you happy? Went through the same stuff you are now, having something I enjoy to keep me busy helped a lot

I'll maybe branch out and see if I can make any immediate changes in my life. Thanks.

She does stress me out a lot. Her problems become mine and I can never really catch a break. But I love her a lot and she's always been there for me. I wouldn't feel right abandoning her because I'm inconvenienced every now and again. I care about her.

I don't, and frankly I wouldn't know where to start. Nothing interests me anymore.

Don't kill yourself dude. Take some drugs if you must to feel "awake" like any stimulant, or psychedelic like shrooms or LSD. But trust me if you could feel an eternity of nothing of boredness you'd rather be alive.

When you do end up having kids with that woman you'll have a new outlook on life.

That's the easy way out.
Life is tough but things will improve.
All the best.

Stop using pornography. Problem solved.
(not even kidding)

I'm in the military and they regularly conduct urinalysis. When I was in active duty I self-referred to the army substance abuse program because I was abusing opiates prescribed to me for pain. I'm in my 20s and I'm in constant pain because of a back injury I sustained because I thought jumping out of planes sounded cool.

Thank you for your kind words. I'll keep looking for motivation wherever it appears. Much appreciated.

I've read that before. I've also head of golden gate bridge survivors and that's why I'm so terrified to go through with it. Well, it's one of the reasons.

Jesus Fucking Christ just put your service pistol in your mouth and kill yourself you fake,soldier. Are you dead yet?

You know, I have struggled with that. My wife isn't the most sexually active but she does pleasure me pretty frequently, and despite that I still enjoy porn a lot. Maybe stopping would improve my mental health. I'll try that, thank you.

Take a shit tonne of shrooms and face your problems head on. Also read power of now by ekchart tolle babe xx merry crimbo

Service pistol? Have you ever even been in the Army, or the military in general? You have no clue what you're talking about.

I can't. Regular urinalysis in the army. But I will read that book. Thank you for the suggestion.

get your arse in the gym and lift heavy shit

failing that get into woodworking or hiking or something. you need a man hobby to settle you, you're restless and cooped up.

why are you depressed? you have lots of live for

Exercise, and therapy. Cognitive Behavioral therapy can help a lot.

I was actually working on that. I was getting a membership on new years because they're having a really good deal then. I plan on committing to it and I'm cautiously optimistic. Thanks for the suggestion, I hope sticking with this helps.

Dude, not including my entire life which has been a shitshow of pain and tragedy... in the last 5 years I lost mom (she was only 47), my brother was murdered, my dad got dementia and lost his mind and my bitch of 10 years cheated on me after she convinced me NOT TO BREAK UP WITH HER, then took my two dogs and gave them to the pound... I got hooked on drugs for the last 2-3 years too (opiods) and stopped cold turkey.

I should be dead or in jail or worse. I've have at least 15 ACTUAL NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCES (trapped in burning car, attacked bu dog collapsed lung, etc)... Sometimes I think I died in one of those events without knowing and I'm in hell.

Life is hard. Be happy for the times you didn't know it was and look to find the good in it alll now. I feel the same as you, always, under the surface.. but that's just a sickness.

Just keep trucking man. You're gonna die anyway. There's no such thing as a pain that's unbearable. We're humans. We adapt. Always. We can't help it. So why not see where you can go, and take comfort you're not on this journey alone. Everything you think and feel, countless others feel it themselves too. You're not that special.

Why haven't you splattered your brains on your marital bed yet you Fucking fake soldier?

Just a guess, but did you also play DDLC?
My depression became worse after playing that game.

walk for 45 minutes and talk to anyone you see while you walk even if its just a short quick, 'hi- how you doing' make sure its a 45 minute walk, then get some good food to eat and take a shower, if you do this or something like this every day you should be more happy. you got a shitload more going for you in your life than i do

That's a good question. Maybe it's just stress but I'm anxious about my future and where I'm at right now. I want stability but once I graduate I worry where my business degree is going to get me. The public sector is easy to be in but hard to get into. I worry about having children and being unable to provide. Despite being married I feel lonely. I don't know why I'm depressed, but I'm really messed up. The VA just has me on buproprion for now and I meet regularly with a social worker.

My social worker actually wants to start focusing on CBT in our sessions, so I'll see how this plays out. Thanks.

Some starving black kid scraps something off a used tire somewhere in Africa, and eats it. So that he might continue another day. Little fucker will never have a wife, die of starvation at age 12, but he'll keep chewing on cud to try to survive.
Meanwhile you got wife, home, money, food, life, and health. And you want to kill yourself.
Oh and you have a wife that needs you. Probably other family too.
That's it dude. Leave them blaming themselves for the rest of their lives wondering what else they could have done.
Why don't you eat, pray, sleep, love and breath and just stfu. How about that?

go see a therapist. when you cant even be happy, thats not normal. that indicates serious problems with your current biochemistry that suggests your depression is an error in your system. when you are unhappy for no reason, you need to seek therapy and get medicated and or help from someone who knows how to deal with your medical condition.

if you dont want to use the VA there are other therapy places that wont bleed you dry, try universities or small places that do interns/apprentices.

i know the man has more of his life together than probably like 90% of Sup Forums thats happy as pig in shit lol

what a world

Good luck. Know that as a Sup Forumsack you're never alone.

Convert to a jehovas witness

You're destined to save canada before you die.

I was in that position ~6 months ago. I was so irrationally sad and depressed to the point of feeling numb. I got out of the funk by re-focusing on my lifting and essentially gearing my purpose in life to getting strong as fuck. Every day I went to the gym (no matter how little I wanted to do anything) I felt better knowing that I wasn't stagnating and doing nothing. My recommendation is to do what you love. Whatever your favorite hobby is or whatever, focus on it for a while.

If I served in the military for kike bankers I'd be suicidal myself. I say do it. That is unless you're willing to dedicate the rest of your life to killing kikes. Than your life would have meaning and value.

take the exercise pill, the healthy eating pill, research foods that make the brain feel happiness , food is medicine, if your too anxious, take a relaxing bath and a nap afterwards, lots of solutions oldfags who have been through the same feelings and conditions could tell you not just 1 user

This is another thing I've felt bad about. I'm constantly telling myself that I'm a bad person for feeling this way when others have it far worse. It makes me feel weak. I appreciate your input and optimism. It helps. I just have to treat these thoughts as obstacles I have to overcome.

I did play DDLC, but it didn't really depress me. It did make me think, though. I know that I've been looking into learning the piano now just to play Your Reality. I feel like it would be a good hobby to distract me from my thoughts.

I will try this. I think it's about time I got out of my comfort zone. It's not easy for me to talk to people I don't know, I have anxiety like crazy. Thanks.

Mate, in older cultures the intestines were known as the "second brain" as they understood how diet effects thinking and moods. Modern science is now showing that it is really the first brain as the effects of certain bacteria, or lackthereof, have such big effects, especially on depression, hence alcohol, which literally bleaches the bacteria in the intestines, is such a major factor in causing depression. I would strongly advise you to look into por-biotics, digestive enzymes, and foods with them in such as fermented foods (Saurkraut, kefir etc), as well as apple cidar viengar to strengthen stomach acid. Avoid stimulants and sugars, and within days your focus will change and mood pick up.

Red flag, you can't do it for someone else, you have to live for you if you're going to do it.

Remember, psychology 101: suicide is the murder impulse turned back at the self. Always turn the drivers in the right direction - towards our enemy.

Don't treat them as obstacles to overcome, think of those thoughts as a sickness. Something independent from you. Just because you think and feel a certain way, doesn't mean you have to act on it or it's real. This should be a time of letting go for you. If a certain way of thinking or behaviour isn't working for you, let it go. Find new, healthy ways to cope. I can't even get into my actual life man, but just know you're not alone, hurting yourself isn't gonna solve anything. You're not weak, you're sick. I am starting to think we all are to some degree.

Just don't end up like pic related.

This is good too. You are what you eat. And as someone who has eaten like shit and been miserable, only to eat healthy and feel like I'm on drugs, it makes a HUGE DIFFERENCE.

There a billion billion billion timelines, don't kill yourself, you can release dopamine to be happy, there are lots of ways to release dopamine, even positive ways

Great advice for everyone. They sell us DEAD processed food. Humans need the power of raw living food.

Do you have friends? Are you on good terms with your neighbors? Do you produce anything of value (crafts, gardening, etc). Do you drink?

You got a wife you ungrateful !@#$

Stop being useless and lazy.

That's not all it's cracked up to be, esp if they're co-dependent which it sounds like they might be.

I'm fairly certain we will have AI in our lifetime user so I say wait for that because it will most likely be able to give better answers to you about this than
any human and also full body vr will be a thing so you'll be able to do a bunch of cool shit like doing battle with a t-Rex while on a dinosaur.
Also even if that reason is not good enough don't kill your self instead seek real counseling because looking for genuine human empathy on pol is like looking for air in space, it can be done but it would take a long ass time.
Seriously don't kill your self.

It's easy to say I should be grateful and happy, but it isn't that easy. I will learn to remind myself of all I have to be thankful for regularly. I appreciate you explaining to me why it would be wrong of me to go. It would cause undue stress on my loved ones, and I don't know if I could go through with suicide with that in mind. Thank you.

I think I may do this. Believe it or not, the VA isn't actually all that great for mental health care. Really, not all that great for a lot of things. But they aren't all that bad either, they've helped with some things. Thanks for the suggestions.

Yeah, that's why I'm confused too.

Thank you, I appreciate it.

Eh, I'm good.

I will do this. I'm gonna lift and I'm gonna try to learn piano to enjoy my life. Thanks.

I've been needing to change my diet. I'm vegan but I eat a lot more processed shit than I should. I'll look into this, thank you.

No friends locally since I moved for college. I'm not productive. Not regularly.

Play video games y. Force yourself at first, something like league of legends that has no end. Force yourself to hit diamond in ranked after you hit level 30. You’ll start to care again, maybe even get md. When you start getting mad at all the Reyes’s there, you’ll know you care once more.

That sounds like I'd be putting a lot of undue stress on myself just to be good at this game that gets me nowhere. I'm not South Korean so I don't see where that would get me.

Embrace your suffering and find Slav friends. You can be somber and depressed and will be more liked for it. No need to ever put that fake smile on again.
>life is shit
>one more drink?

I think this might be one of my issues. I'm not always the happiest in my relationship. But when I am I'm really happy to be in it. Most of the time we can't be happy unless we're both happy.

after you have solved all your problems op, this could be 6 months or years later, remember to be a person who is a good judge of value, this goes to anyone lurking also, yes (You)

Tie Piano wire around your neck and superglue your hands to your head. Hang yourself correctly and it will look like you ripped your own head off.

Goggle Alistar Begg, find a sermon, listen to it, read the Bible. After you are done with that, you will begin to feel right as rain... God bless user, keep the good fight and finish the race.

I have to say I'm pleasantly surprised at all of this advice I've received on this thread. I don't know why I thought this would be an appropriate place to ask for help, but it turned out alright. Thanks to everyone for the sincere input. I'll keep monitoring the thread and responding when appropriate until it 404s, but if I received no further input I'm still grateful for the help I've received thus far. Merry Christmas, everyone

bro if youre going to go out, do it like DYlan roof, leave a message behind. thx in advance depressed bro

merry christmas, if you're white have some white kids unless you're 100% sure you won't be there for them. It's not about your girl, it's about the future.

>keep fighting the good fight

You're gonna die anyway, user. Might as well just wait it out, because shit happens in your life sometimes out of nowhere. Sometimes good and sometimes bad. Just chill out and enjoy the shitshow we live in right now.

>nothing interests me anymore

That's depression talking bud. You won't realize it, but your mindset is fucked up right now. I went through this for a few months a couple years ago real bad. Had to give my gun to a friend to keep from killing myself. Almost went on meds, but held off for awhile. It fixed itself. The fog cleared and even though nothing in my life changed, I didn't feel uninterested, hopeless, etc. anymore. That taught me that it was all in my head and my perspective (and probably brain chemicals) were out of whack.

I'm not going to tell you to go on meds. But I am going to tell you that your mind is fucked up right now, and that's the only reason you want to end it. When that changes, and it can, the ideation will stop and you won't even understand what you were thinking before.

Go see a doctor. Start exercising if you aren't. One reason I think I was depressed is my hormones were fucked up. No sex drive at all. Started lifting, my testosterone increased, and that helped correct multiple issues. Good luck.

start believing there's a god. problem solved. killing yourself is for weaklings and losers.

Fkn retard.
Your dopamine circuit is compromised.

Cut out superstimuly like pornography/drugs/shitty food/nigger music etc.

Start daily meditation.
Or just neck yourself. Defeatist cucks are useless and will only drag us down in the battles that are comming.
Be a good darwinian and end it or rise above yourself and start a cycle that will get you out of the pit.

Another thing, look on YouTube at 'Earthing', where people either connect to the ground or buy earthing-mats which plug into electrical sockets (i.e the earthing wire). Our bodies collect static charge due to wearing rubber soles and walking on floors that aren't connected to the Earth. The videos are pretty explantory, and people say they've cured alsorts - and it is free.

It seems like a lot of people commit suicide not because life is hard, but rather because it lacks purpose. When you are struggling just to survive then you are less worried about purpose oddly enough.

Divorce you wife cuck.
You clearly settled into this shit.

>I'm vegan
I'm not a fan of meat either but at least drink some milk and eat some eggs. Not ingesting proteins can't be healthy for you, humans are omnivore for a reason.

Kek fair enough

This helped me, thx

fucking killyourself

also post some wife pics

From the moment you are born until the day you die, life is nothing but a contest of your will versus the universe. No matter how hard you try, you will always lose. Though you can take pride in the battles that you do win. Its all about perspective. If you knew going into a battle that you were going to die, why would you not give them hell before the end?
The same can be said about life, all you can do is fight back until you run out of time.

Pray a rosary

I know this feeling. Depression isn't constant sadness, like most people seem to think. It's worse; it's constant boredom, even while doing shit that would be enjoyable to most people. Boredom is worse than anything we can ever experience; we even instinctively prefer pain and suffering to boredom.
Worst thing about it is that problem lies within your mind. And only you can help yourself. Keep it in mind while working on it.
Hobby or any loved activities might help. You can also try funny method:
"There is no way to happiness — happiness is the way."
First you be whatever it is you want to be (e.g., happy, compassionate, peaceful, wise, or loving). Then you start doing things from this space of being. Almost immediately, what you are doing will bring about the things you want to have.
Keep learning and experiencing something new and one day your feeling of boredom will go away.

Same user, but you've done much more with your life than I have. Though I've probably been suicidal for much longer. I don't really know what to say other than you could still probably get help at this point and that Yuri is best until Monika starts messing with her. I hope that helps.