>you have 10 seconds to act like a nu-male
You have 10 seconds to act like a nu-male
>opens mouth
>chops off dick
*respects women*
*opens mouth*
*opens mouth*
>has friends
>gets laid
>goes outside
>become game developer
>hype up game
>sell game to retards
>retire with millions
>Applies for Buzzfeed position
Do nu-males get more puss than Sup Forumsacks?
Probably. But it's sour puss.
If by pussy you mean mangina then yes
probably, but only because they're willing to sell their souls for it
transgender doesn't count
>you have 10 seconds to act like a nu-male
I could really go for an organic soy smoothie right now, but like they don't have them at Starbucks!
what do you reckon?
buttoning my faggot shirt all the way to the top brb
I think I'm going to be rejected by a girl soon, but I'm going to stay friends with her
Dinner's ready!
>posts on Sup Forums
does anyone know what this picture actually is from?
>it's from le Sup Forums meet up of course, those meet ups which we on Sup Forums have regularly as you know :)))
>goes to trendy ethnic restaurant with girl
>pays for meal
>take big open smile selfie with girl
>posts it to fb
>she comments on it instantly, and calls you her best buddy ever
/fit/izens get the most boipucci
why ask a question then answer it yourself? im not your prop you poltard faggot
>kissing gf after bj
>wake up
>mail student loan payment to Angela Dworkin University for the sociology degree they gave me
>order uber to trendy gastropub
>purchase avocado toast and double soy latte for $22
>bitch about baby boomers being the reason I can’t afford a house
>uber home to $2500 / month studio apartment
>put on pajamas
>make myself a hot chocolate with soy substitute
>get ready to talk about health insurance
hey, that's me in the fedora. Delete this immediately
>refugees welcome
*Smokes weed*
Hey check out my raise.. 10k... now I make 80k a year... Not bad for 27, ay?
Uh no
Is that the new roster for tf3?
do 1 sit up and i will polnig