I am not sure I could. This would probably not cut it for me with my expenses. I would have to get a smaller apartment and get rid of my car.
Could you live on 15 dollars an hour of work?
USD and AUS worth the same amount of money
Isn't the Australian dollar worth like 15 cents?
I would be for 15 dollars an hour minumum wage for fast food if the couple times I go in a year I dont get shit service and food. they dont fucking deserve it
McDonalds is an entry level job unless you want to be in management. If you are flipping burgers as a career don't expect to be upper middle class you lazy stupid bastard.
I make $11 an hour.
I have and can live on $0.
If money is a factor to your survival you should kys
>Could you live on 15 dollars an hour of work?
Easily, because I'm not a spoiled faggot who needs a big flat and a car.
Could I live off of $15 a hour? Easily. I can already live off $9
I make $18 and hour and have very cheap rent and utilities, do not spend a lot on groceries or extra bullshit, and I'm barely making it, I couldn't imagine going any lower.
Cost of living does not even exist. Therefore $12 USD in Australia is 50% more than $8 USD in America. Never mind that the cost of buying housing is a minimum of 150% more in Australia, their mcdicks wages are truly revolutionary
lol Bought our own home with less.
Assuming OP's pic wasn't created by retards and that is 8.75USD vs 15USD Australia has a much lower average disposable income than the US; it's almost as if increasing the mininum wage raises the baseline cost of goods and reduces spending power.
Did you know that not every job is worth enough to own a house?
>A 24mil population with a ~40,000 gdp
>A 323mil population with a ~50,000 gdp
15$/h and how many hours/week?
Big if true
when libshits say "live on $XX per an hour" what they really mean is not living within their means and spending $10 on coffee/eating out every night and the newest apple product as soon as it comes out and then boo-hooing because they're too fucking retarded to understand they blew all their money on frivolous purchases
that's still more
Oh hello me
Still haven't killed ourselves yet, I see
The price of a happy meal in AU is 2.5 times what it costs in USA.
So you tell me.
t. Shlomo shekelstein
In any decent country, everyone should be able to afford a house. You are doing the Jews work pushing their agenda.
> inb4 “you don’t own a house haha McDonald’s worker!” - I own a house and a business
You think people are stupid because they flip burgers?
Factor in cost of living and higher taxes... now its less.
I make 10 dollars an hour, I already saved for a down payment and budgeted for a 2018 Jaguar E Pace. My wife makes less than I do after paying into health insurance but we've already knocked out our mortgage and have a baby. I also pay for my classes out of pocket but I might sign up for FAFSA since this dumb ass country likes to throw money away. I know people whose parents own companies and they still get benefits.
>I make 10 dollars an hour, I already saved for a down payment and budgeted for a 2018 Jaguar E Pace.
How does this work? I believe the E Pace costs 50k in the US. That would be 5000 hours of work at 10 dollars.
damn so about $7 for a happy meal? doesn't sound very happy, sounds like "fuck you asshole" meal
You should be able to afford land but not an actual house. Build one yourself, if anything
I probably could if I lived in a "low cost of living" area like Montana. Not saying it'd be easy or fun, but I could at least continue living reasonably well.
Minimum wage in a major metro area though is insane. I'd be living under a highway overpass.
Similar value, however many products in Australia are much more expensive than in the US. A new video game in the US costs like $60, a new game in Australia costs like $100.
This. If you want to earn good money, you shouldn't have spent highschool years smoking joints and failing classes. Or you could do actual hard work and get paid more.
I can get a full loaf of italian bread at my local meijer for $1, and a sack of red beans for $1 per pound. Minimum wage not being livable is a dumb meme.
It’s almost as if you’re not supposed to work at McDonalds for the rest of your life. How one-dimensional or unhirable do you have to be to be limited to fast food for the rest of your days?
>implying doing well in American high school is going to guarantee you shit
you must be new here
niggers get into harvard for being niggers
Came here to post this.
I make 17 an hour, with a small apartment and a few hundred/month auto payment. I have more than enough food on my place. Michigan's nice.
Yes. If you werent stupid, you would doing something that couldnt be done by the BurgerTron 5000
as a summer job or after school for a few hours, no.
As a career for 15-20 years you are retarded, lazy/stupid
But I also work about 50 hours a week, also. Overtime is pretty sweet.
No if you consider, tax, and live cost. a house in sydney for example is nearly 1.5 million.
In GBP that translates to a little more than my wage. I spend nearly a third of my wage on food (never cook), buy nice (for my standards) every now and then, tenth goes to parent for rent (I get nothing from them) another tenth goes to church plus offerings on top. If I pulled my finger out I could easily save up to live on my own and move up in the world with driving lessons etc. Fuck, I work with people who are paying off their mortgages and raising kids with the same wage as me. Isn't America, on the whole, a cheaper place to live? What the fuck are these kids crying about?
I get that standards of living should always be going up and that things should be getting easier for the next generation but there seems to be a massive mismatch between reality and their sense of entitlement.
>niggers get into harvard
>gets a nigger-history degree
>raps on youtube for gibs
white men become electricians and make $95k/year
nyc bike courier here
averaging 10 - 15 an hour full time
and after rent + utilities, food, and bike maintenance
at the end of the month, i usually end up just a sliver above negative
all with the cheapest rent possible (5 other roommates, hour commute into city), no drugs, no booze, no cigarettes, and less food than i need to be fit and healthy
Exactly, if you can't afford to live somewhere, go somewhere you can. Living a high class city life on minimum wage shouldn't be expected or even allowed.
why are you living in new york with no marketable skills beyond pedaling a bike?
Holy shit, That sounds like a gay as fuck existence. Sorry to hear, friend
>I am not sure I could.
That's only because of your drug habit, you useless piece of shit.
>Living in Jew York City
Found your problem. Also, maybe you should try developing skills beyond riding a bike which most people learn when theyre 5 or 6.
People do this shit in London just for the lifestyle, which is crazy. They're living hand to mouth, working shithouse jobs just so they can be part of London culture.
>Doing child's work in a big city
>Expects to actually live comfortably
Cities are for people with the money to live near a city. Move to a small county town and you could afford a house by yourself. It will be in the hood, but you will live much more comfortably.
>give niggers more money for half ass work
It's like you faggots already forgot what happened when we give niggers internets
Alright... I'll bite
Working at McDonalds is suppose to be a part time job. It's not a career.
Even then you can move to at least regional manager after a few years and live fine. These kids just aren't earning their keep and are blaming it on others.
That victim mentality. you sound like a nigger.
It also promotes automation. If you hike minimum wage to 15 bucks, I am sure all these low skill jobs would be robotized in no time, making American service great again.
I live with my parents so I could live off it. One more thing Australian money has less value than Burger Bucks and things cost more in Australia.
We send all our tax money to Israel and taxes have risen at least 100 dollars in several states. Corporations and goyim need to work harder for Israel! And all those people with shit genetics that shouldn't be reproducing in the first place.Yes whitey and chinese are breaking their back supporting people whos facial phenotypes all look the same and inbred and the 56 percent. Solution? nuke israel and major cities in the United States and Europe.
>implying that their implications are false.
Is this an Australian abo?
Almost all taxes go to Medicare and Medicaid for you poor fucks and the retarded parents that had you failures. This isn't even close to an argument.
>Not posting this pic in a feet thread
McDonalds pays a couple of bucks more than minimum wage here because they can't get anyone who will show up.
77 US cents at the moment
t. paid in USD
The minimum wage meme misses the fact that it scales by age here so mcdonalds and the like just hire 15 year olds for $7.50/hr instead of adults for $17+ when the law allows. Go there on a weekend and only the manager will be old enough to buy their own drinks.
So if minimum wage workers should stay out of big cities, then who is going to do the loads of minimum wage work like serving lattes to the wall street bankers?
b-but muh flat white and smashed avocado!
Supply and demand. Same as anything else.
If every Tom, Dick and Harry fresh from school in need of a job wasn't applying to take the McDick then maybe wages would go up. Why should a company pay for money for labour they would be getting anyway?
Teens, College kids, career servers that work at restaurant whose prices are high enough to actually afford to pay servers more. If the demand for those jobs were actually as high as you are implying then you would be paid more. Simple as that.
kids fall for the big city meme everywhere
all very correct.
but its ok.
i have a business plan
a robot
Well nobody wins to live in methville either....
I used to work at a factory lifting 40 lb boxes of yogurt for 60 hrs a week for 12.45 an hour. For that kind of work the answer is no.
It's a trend now for min wage employers like McDicks to hire older workers because they are more reliable.
Calm down grandpa
Sure dude you can make it Australia on $15/hour. Check the real estate listings there. You'll see.
also factor in the constant existential threat of another Emu uprising, and I'd say it's a wash.
Understood. Good on you for planning on improving your life and trying to achieve. God speed and I hope it all goes well.
live with your parents until you stop being poor
I live on $10 an hour just fine
Not with 50-ish% tax.
Post your crib.
They can afford to due to labor market saturation in these areas. The older workers can either be fast tracked to management it should move to the country where they can find good paying jobs doing tons of stuff where the cost of living is low and the labor market is struggling to meet demand for the people you described.
So where do your mimune productive people end up when they get older? because i would fire them for younger kids.
I actually hate seeing these types at fast food places and much prefer a young kid who's going places
Hourly rate means nothing to me. How much are they taking home each month/year after tax?
Most people can unless you are a complete idiot with money or live in a metropolitan area.
Can you save for retirement at $10 an hour? We have to self-fund our retirements now that pensions are gone.
Usually they only higher people part-time so even less than they should be theoretically.
I make almost $15/hr plus I get a decent amount of overtime each week. I really don't want a bunch of burger flippers getting as much purchasing power as I have.
It's a medium sized apartment in a small Midwestern city.
>implying that you can live on $15/hr in Australia.
>I am not sure I could.
probably you spend too much
i could get by on $50/week for food, a monthly bus pass for $90, and then there's rent - maybe share an apt for $300/month. looks like $590.
problem is (((they'll))) (and the demorats) just import more low wage workers so you wouldnt even get $15/hour
You are a lying piece of shit.
That isn't the rate for people under 18. No one over should be working fast food unless they have downs syndrome
$38K MSRP. which means user should be able to jew them down to $35K
I could live on 5 dollars an hour of work. Reduce your costs and live wisely
This is the progression of how retirement plans have changed over the years.
>Savings/children (you pick one if these and hope it works out in the future
>Government welfare
These things have just gotten worse over time. Going back to the first option of either having your kids care for you or using the money you save on not having kids to save for retirement would be the best thing for society.
To address your question, if you are working a minimum wage job all the way to retirement, you deserve to work to death.
15 dollars an hour is not a living wage here.
How much you bring in on average each month?