Was Frank Capra /ourguy/...

Was Frank Capra /ourguy/? He was the director of "It's a Wonderful Life" and he left Hollywood when he saw it was becoming the degenerate shithole it was today. Here's a quote from him:
>'The winds of change blew through the dream factories of make-believe, tore at its crinoline tatters.... The hedonists, the homosexuals, the hemophiliac bleeding hearts, the God-haters, the quick-buck artists who substituted shock for talent, all cried: "Shake 'em! Rattle 'em! God is dead. Long live pleasure! Nudity? Yea! Wife-swapping? Yea! Liberate the world from prudery. Emancipate our films from morality!".... Kill for thrill – shock! Shock! To hell with the good in man, Dredge up his evil – shock! Shock!'

So when did Hollywood become really degenerate? What moment marks it in your view?

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When based fucking McCarthy tried to run out the commies and failed.

You have no idea how hard it was shilled growing up in CA by teachers that he was a MOST evil man and there was absolutely NO communist infestation in Hollywood, goy.

What.. what race is that?

Italian. He made some great movies too.

This. Hollywood used to have a moral code, believe it or not. Wholesome movies were encouraged. McCarthy literally did nothing wrong.

"it's a wonderful life" is fine but he's no john ford

I'd never heard this Capra quote - got a source OP?

Since reading Kevin MacDonald I've reversed my position on muh-censorship. Pornography and its lite Hollywood version is horribly destructive, as is the glorification of loose living. The League of Decency and others were ultimately serving the evolutionary goal of protecting high-investment parenting among Whites. Jews push smut because they know it eats away at the hosts' souls and makes them pacified cucks obsessed with perverse fantasies. With monogamous love and family comes mental health, strength, pride in oneself and one's people--oy vey! It's anuddah shoah!

We live in a time and place where pornographers are moral heroes "fighting racism" and those who tell the truth about anything important--like the races and sexes--are considered moral miscreants or psychiatric cases. The cause of this (((inversion))) is basic evolutionary competition: Jews are destroying another host. May we give them their comeuppance soon, while I'm still a young man.

>You have no idea how hard it was shilled growing up in CA by teachers that he was a MOST evil man and there was absolutely NO communist infestation in Hollywood, goy.

He was even mentioned by my college prof in my sophemore year as a very notty man, had no idea who based McCarthy was until then

>Here's a quote from him

what year was that from

Basically when Mary becomes the spinster librarian it's the 1940s equivalent of your wife becoming a blue haired, problem glasses, wearing white male otherkin.

Message is clear. Keep bitches away from books.