Muslims are CHADS
wtf I’m Islamic now
Apologize NOW!!!
I'm sorry, now stop fag flaging
It makes people so mad though, I love it.
Francis was elected through the machinations of a liberal group of cardinals to whom he is beholden
You forgot to Add got fucked in the ass by the archangel Michael/demon.
Likes to fuck little girls.
I hope canada gets muzzied so that the degenerates will be purged.
it's always funny how people only take catholicism into consideration when making these
>muh christianity
threads but forget that nowdays christians consist mostly of niggers and south american monkeys
>nowdays christians consist
#notmypope I guess
How are those 8 heresy charges holding up?
>inb4 I get to make the rules because Christ indirectly chooses me even tho he broke contact two milleniuns ago
I'd rather be a Muslim Mudslime than a Catholic roach.
No one is even paying attention to him, he's such a low energy loser, look at everyone in the background. Completely disinterested in the PM.
People in europe are mostly atheist orthodox. The vatican is losing power they will do whatever it takes to stay in control
So homos are ok as long as they're masculine ?.
The pope is a child fucking faggot that should be castrated and killed.
Islam is Islam.
Anything else?
>the Holy Spirit does not preserve the integrity of the process for selecting the Pope
This is what Orthodox and Protestants have been telling you for 1000 years
Catholics are a special type of stupid.
The Pope isn't a Christian, nor has the Catholic Church been for a majority of it's existence.
Islam is the army of Satan and that army needs lots of people so gays are useless.