9/11 Perpetrators

Will they ever be brought to justice?

Other urls found in this thread:

archive.4plebs.org/_/search/boards/pol.x/subject/Knowledge Bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/


we'll never even know their names. too many parties involved, too many interests. too many resources spent covering every aspect of it up. we know the vague truth, we'll never know the full truth.


that would make a nice christmas gift, a real 911 expose


Um tey were??????

We killed Sadam in Iraq

jesus christ this is either irony3 or the UK needs to be nuked

Um they were
Do you think they survived crashing into the towers?

FBI pls go

you didn't answer my question

Because they are, for all intents and purposes, unnamed and unaccountable. We may infer their identities based on what we believe happened, subject to our own confirmation biases, but to imagine we might bring them to account is fanciful at best.

What do you want to know? Ask me again

Do you think the perpetrators survived crashing into the towers?

how fucking stupid can a person be? are you implying the alleged hijackers were the only individuals involved in this?

Nope. I wonder what stooges were thinking when they signed up for this, did they even paid their families?

So there are truly untouchable people on this Earth

who even cares about 9/11 anymore, it's nothing but a meme at this point

You need to know history to see the future, and the future looks grim to say the least, people who did this will stop at nothing to achieve their goals, 3000 dead? who cares.

Idiot bong

I never saw from that angle.






>mfw i was mocking americans so long ago now, insisting that they'd just get obfuscated and hoodwinked like the country of dupes they are by the coverup of the vegas shooting just like 9/11
>mfw they said it wouldn't happen
>mfw it did
>mfw lobotomized pozzed amrikki can hold patriotism to a nation that can arbitrarily murder them for any reason under the sun at behest of kike masters

you could say they have been largely brought to justice, the perpetrators themselves died in the attack, and some of the major planners were arrested or killed by the US (Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, Mohamedou Ould Slahi, Mohammed Atef, Osama)


your country fits beneath the envelope of a warhead that could be built by human hands and you've been working hard to bring every jew under its umbrella

what a favor you have begun providing the world. the enemies of israel, of which there are many, will only ever need to get lucky once.

at the very latest on judgement day

Ask Mueller.

who the synagogue of satan?

>the muslims did it, not the jews
man, sometimes i wish i would be an israeli just to be able to do such great bait. i envy you

I haven't been working hard to bring every jew to Israel, in fact i'm moving to Canada next month.
Israel can launch an attack that will completely obliterate a population center of 500 million people from deep sea using submarines, so I don't think that's gonna happen

half of the perpetrators are literally arabs from germany. lol

>nyuuhh we'll sampson option da whole urf if dat nuclear terrorism ever blows up in our face'

your entire fucking nation is going to be annihilated through shelling, nuclear detonation, or the obliteration of 'jewish' society when the palestinians inevitably get the vote here

you, least of all, are innocent. i wish upon you this christmas day, you kike, the most horrid of ends that creation can have in store for as vile a parasite as yourself

god bless

nigga u been outside lately? arabs will get a majority vote in Canada sooner than in Israel, lol

You can't bring the just to justice


Nope, but their obedient slaves in the US will bow to them.


literally never said they were sent to document the event

Kill yourself


>envelope of a warhead
Ayys will never let that happen. Renfield always lives to fight another day

How does it feeling having this unholy alliance with Saudi Arabia and knowing you're the villain?

Congrats on coming to Canada though

i speak for the ayys and they'd rather us all die


They died.

That's a Torah scroll, you imbecile.

the translation dub says: "our purpose was to document the event"
which is different from "we were sent to document the event"
what he said in hebrew was more like: "our intention was to document the event"
if you can get the original video without the american dubbing it can be easily proven

cant blame em. we drink milk, eat eggs, and no 'chicken god' or 'cow jesus' smites us for it. I guess were getting a little payback from mother nature

>the translation dub says: "our purpose was to document the event"
>which is different from "we were sent to document the event"

they died in the planes obviously

Was Jap user real or BS?

Will you ever get that autism diagnosed?

there is no alliance with Saudi Arabia, they are still an enemy country that attacked us in 1948, they don't recognize Israel, and if an Israeli enters their country he will probably be lynched

All i want for Christmas is for you to die of Cancer.

maybe next year if you're lucky bud

Did a thread about 9/11 which explained it all, it can be found in the archives:

[ARCHIVE OF KB THREADS(take the time to read all OP's)]:

archive.4plebs.org/_/search/boards/pol.x/subject/Knowledge Bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

>moving to Canada next month.
please don't, theres already way too fucking many of you here.

also if you're not the type of jew who knows israel is evil (and the main perpetrators of 9/11) then you can fuck off twice as hard.

Oil brat here, can confirm. Hajis in Saudi used to ask me if I knew any jews in the states and if you steal shit often...

>and if an Israeli enters their country he will probably be lynched
now thats a policy I think we can get behind.

ummmm sorry sweetie I'm still going forward with this, your country needs and wants me.
They make it hard on people with schizophrenia to immigrate to Canada, so I don't get why you think a 9/11 trufer would be more welcome than a normal person.

Wish in one hand shit in the other...

No I doubt it. It was made by the CIA

You already know which ethnicity is the weakest and most despised in Canada, paleface :)

>country needs and wants me.
Only our cucked up government wants you (because they seem to hate the rest of us for some reason). I wouldn't plan on staying long buddy, when SHTF here I don't think you'll be feeling very safe in your little Forrest Hill ghetto

>there is no alliance with Saudi Arabia,

Stop lying, we all know you have a deep alliance with Saudi Arabia and Netanyahu even said this himself, continuously talking about "Key Sunni allies". You entered this unholy alliance with Saudi Arabia because you fear Iran and it's growing power in the Middle East.

To this day you still control stolen territory from Syria (Golan Heights), Lebanon (Shebaa farms) and Palestine (East Jerusalem and the rest), give it back.

so? isis also are mostly muslim, yet sponsored and controlled by CIA and mossad. some angry muslims being abused to fly the plane into the tower means nothing when US and israel actively prevented people from stopping it and pretty much send those guys on their mission to fly the planes inside the towers. muslims were just the pawns in this case, the player were US and israel.

>what is symbolism

We may be despised now in cucked canada, but desu I'm /comfy/ knowing that you guys are by far the most globally despised group ever to exist and you've all fooled yourself into forgetting it cuz of big bad uncle sam (who i'm sorry to say isn't as strong as he used to be and seems to be going a little senile).

>Only our DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED government wants you
I plan on staying long.
"Forrest" is the name of the movie character, "Forest Hill" is the Toronto neighborhood.
I will be living in Nova Scotia if you wanna know.

there were no planes, kike.
Just military explosives + media jewry.

What is the goal?

>It's a pure coincidence/plausible deniability post
>I wonder who made it
>Oh, pure coincidence


yeah first past the post is so democratic; whatever you have to tell yourself to make you feel welcome jewboi. I guess you're such an ass cause all your neighbours have always hated you.

I dont unstable this gif. Why didn't it become a swastika?

Frank, why aren't you focused on spending time with your family for the holidays?

Schlomos, why aren't you spending time with your families celebrating the killing of Jesus?

>killing of Jesus?
2/10 bait

what are considered female gestures.

didn't they got exploded when their planes hit the towers?

so you've abandoned any attempt to put forth a rational argument, then

wait fellow leaf, you don't know that israel did it?

cause i've got rational arguments for days in regards to israel being the driving force behind 9/11 and its alot more concrete than
>muh symbols

No one is talking with you, leaf.

damn BND, you really got me feeling down


M Merry Christmas goyim...

I was replying to Frank.