trump just got embarrassed again pmsl!
Trump just got embarrassed again pmsl!
GOOD, fuck that old windbag.
>implying he would be the embarrassment
When you have a dirty house you don't want to invite the neighbors in.
"ha ha! take THAT America!"
Trump doesn't want dopey Prince Charles lecturing him about (((global warming)))
Oh so the Queen does what the plebs tell her too these days? She better buck her ideas up. First it will be a petition next it will be the dismantling of the Monarchy and setting up a Republic.
>Trump not invited to lick the queen roastie's boots
Bitch ought to be far more embarrassed that one of her family is marrying a nigger.
>daily mail
Prediction: the Queen will fall ill and pass away before Trump visits
you do realise she's american right
She didn't invite him because she's well aware that he would not be submissive to her. He rules from a position of strength and she would have to play the submissive role in such a meeting. The days of America bowing to lesser countries is over.
she fears the federalist warrior
But I bet he'll get to touch her crown jewels anyway
literally fake news.
His visit is not a state visit and meeting the queen is not required. Burger king already made that statement some time ago. What rock did u crawl out from.
So Trump is probably going to fuck the UK in any trade negotiations after the Britfags have proven what fucknuts they are, right?
Yes there are niggers in America what is your point retard?
The Queen died months ago, why pretend she’s still alive?
This is journalists just speculating.
>paying people millions because they are "royalty"
Brits are the biggest cuckholds
What an outrage.
He shouldn't even go, fuck the "Special Relationship"
The queen could buy your invented republic 1000000x's over. They would just install their bloodlines like they did here.
the only royal worth meeting with
Corbyn and others are wanting an end of the Monarchy after Queen Elizabeth dies. I don't know what you are talking about and I don't think you know what you are on about either.
Petitions are just the same as faceberg likes though. You either sign it/like it or don't. How many articles have you seen where it says "X many thousand goys liked Y article on faceberg"? There's a reason there's no dislike button and it's because it would interfere with how you want the goys to be. 250k people might like an article, and you know that because they've liked it. On the other hand it's impossible to tell how many million people saw the article and didn't like it. Sure, they might have left comments saying they didn't like it, but that's irrelevant because no one is going to sit and count them up.
Imagine some goy was standing there with an anti-Trump petition and ten people signed it. That doesn't say anything about the 100 people who walked straight past them or refused, which makes the petition a complete farce. Unless someone else is standing there with a pro-Trump petition it says nothing about how the public feel. The only thing that does tell you about how the public feel is that 2m goys actually took time out of their day to be good goys, and show how much they were good goys, while the other sixty odd million were, at best, completely indifferent.
I’m expecting this now. Capped.
He should casually tweet that in the event of WW3, the US won’t be going for the three-peat, so good luck, UK.
You mean the same Queen that gave away her Empire and allowed invading Mudslimes to bomb and rape her country at will?
Who cares
Someone just go and exterminate that pedo inbred satanic family. Those britcucks bow down to an evil old pedophile. They gave those german inbreds their guns ffs!
>embarrass the globalist traitor hag in front of everybody
That would have been funny.
Jesus she has more paint on her face than the mona lisa. Make up app plz.
friendly reminder that the trump curse is real. lizzie is playing with fire.
>Queen still fantasizing about Muslim dick
we all know i¡ts because he would shake her hand or do some other alpha move and turn her into a meme
>claim Trump was embarrassed
>about something he doesn't give a shit about
Kek. Hopefully he tweets some trash talk anyway to keep the salt flowing.
It's not Trump getting embarrassed.
This. She is an old hag who sucks off her people like a degenerate parasite. She is a dying globalist and behind the scenes Trump is bulldozing her power and money supply. He is destroying her world.
He will do whatever is in our best interest. Which relative to Obama means fucking the Brits right up the ass because they won't be able to take advantage anymore.
nobody likes trump
when is that dried up worthless old twat going to tip over already?
It's like they want to incite regicide and the wholesale slaughter of the political class.
got u senpai
Trump Curse will strike again
Britain doesn't have a real leader there to meet anyways. May is a Liberal, the Queen and Prince Charles are irrelevant.
Note how it doesn't say that it happened BECAUSE of that petition(which was probably mostly signed by non-Brits anyway). Just that they both happened and this happened after it.
Also the quote came from this petition, which has no link to the decision. This is fake news all around.
This is a test
Senpai SENPAI maFAMily senpai ufam fAM faM FAMi
Let's see what turns to senpai