Guy asks for phone number

>guy asks for phone number
>complain how difficult it is to be a woman

Other urls found in this thread:

>"im a strong powerful woman"
>complain on Twitter about not being to handle human interaction

These dumb whores are the architects of their own despair and misery. They want attention, nothing else.

>im powerful
>but im the victim

Forgot pic

At least he asked for her number before he saw her naked body on a scanner and/or molested.

>Smiling at a TSA agent
What do you expect? I avoid eye contact with them, never give them an excuse to take you in the back and look at your phone and find all of your le happy merchant memes.

Women are chaos and to be dominated by the masculine. There is no reason to listen to their bitching because they will bitch regardless. If no man ever asked her for her number she would say it was a huge insult and complain.
Even now she complains for male attention on the Internet, disgusting creature.

>A TSA Agent

She might as well just said 'nigger.'

>I am a powerful strong woman
I guess powerful strong women do scenes like this to please their Jew overlords

>I'm trying to make the world a better place by making it impossible for the sexes to communicate with each other.

what a disgusting backside.

This offends the shit out of me as a TSA agent. She obviously sees TSA agents as below her. I bet if it was a fortune 500 executive she would have said yes. But because TSA agents are blue collar she rejects.


that is a dude

this is all anyone needs to understand.

>strong powerful victim
Someone lobotomise her it might raise her IQ

Holy shit is this real

Her entire twitter feed is SJW trash. Obviously she fucked her way into her career, and feels guilty about it.

if she gave me her number id send her pjcs on my batwinged scrotum

They changed the title on the second article, but same message:

>Be woman.
>Complain about all the attention your Vag gets
>Don't get attention
>Complain to your women friends about how you just wish a hit guy would ask you out.

Lads, it's not harassment if she fancies you. I mean just watch Gosling's Autism in The Notebook.

It's the (((Guardian))). I would personally say it's the worst (((paper))) we have. I wouldn't take anything that pays Owen Jones a wage seriously.

The absolute state of that backside for a supposedly elite level hollywood QT

>>im powerful
>>but im the victim

You just summarized feminism completely.

Now we know who's going to play Hank Hill in the live action movie adaptation.

I'm a millionaire whore, please feel sorry for me.

>What you are saying is "I was asking for it"
Neurotic to the max.


I wouldn’t be complaining if I were in her place. No doubt she’ll be whining about how men don’t give her any attention in the future.

She has a square butt lol

Wait I just realized, isn't this the bitch that's going to be Captain Marvel? Has she worn the suit long enough that she actually believes she's powerful?

>Be Male
>Smile at a TSA officer
>Have gloved hand shoved up your ass

Poor Women

And still, she persevered...

In all seriousness, fuck these dumb cunts. In a few years when she's childless and unmarried she's gonna post another variation of "where have all the good men gone? I'm so lonely"

$100 says the TSA agent was a nigroid.

Isn't she a fucking celebrity?

Actual article written by ugly millennial cow who blames men for all the women using Pinterest. Notice how she also hates the reasons women use Pinterest.

if a woman smiles at you she is openly inviting you to rape her it's LITERALLY been like this since cave man times and how the fuck exactly do liberals expect to destroy millions of years of evolution with a couple of gay faggy book from limp writsted jews

To be fair, I would hate having random beta schlubs asking for my number and flirting with me too. I don't blame these women. If I were a girl, I'd only want Chad hitting on me but mostly I'd prefer people would just leave me the fuck alone. Imagine trying to do shit or just go through your day and you get bombarded with 30 texts from beta orbiters or some neckbeard faggot trying to do some pua routine on you.

>things run by men and women are different

let's finally admit women are the niggers of gender

yeah it's weird how you can't have your cake and eat it too in this reality huh... it's almost as if there are trade offs to everything, weirddd.... it's like almost as if if she spending her entire life working on her beauty and appearing as sexually attractive as possible to get roles might have some drawbacks to it wow life is really tough huh.......

You have a very female brain, user. You might be a faggot.

i sincerely hate this person so much

John Lennon knew what he was singing about. Had it right all along

No, he's right.

You're a faggot with the "grass is always greener on the other side" mentality.

You're a guy who gets no female attention complaining that a woman who gets constant unwanted male attention should be grateful because of your own shitty experiences of getting no attention.

No one wants ugly guys constantly hitting on them every fucking day. Especially when these guys are physically larger and could hurt you at any moment if they wanted to.

This tenfold.
They just barf buzzwords.
Also I doubt that even happened. She's just like "hunnnng hi guise look at me im relatable hurrrrrrrrr girl power!"

>strong powerful abuse SURVIVOR
Spin up the helicopter


Allison is the superior Brie

Plot twist: He was already going to ask for her number after she allowed him to fondle her tits and said "your cute" to him while he was doing it..


Who the fuck is this cunt and why the fuck should I, or anyone else, care?

They didn't do a very good job though, their tweet about the article still has the old title and the formating of the title of the revised article has so much obvous blank space.


>only 19% of the leadership identify as a woman
How many of those actually have ovaries? Kek


Where's that demotivational poster that says "Women are strong smart and independant until things get a little bit difficult"

women are fucking retarded


when she hits the wall, which will be soon, and men stop asking her for her number or trying to flirt with her, she will look back on this incident with the TSA guy and her tweets and it will make her so angry with herself that she will become a forever alone roastie cat lady

Don’t worry, in a few years no man will want her. Law of time. She will eventually miss the attention.

Literally rape

This is every female. They have no idea what they want, and are never happy. Its the very reason they have the desire to be dominated.

>asking for phone number is an act of aggression

I know, its disgusting.

*dies alone*
heh, fuck the patriarchy, kid


Who ever said Pinterest was for women? And you can use it for anything, not just recpices (as if it is evil to feed people and enjoy it)
>identifying as a women
Grow up

Well she's Jewish after all

>>Be Male
>>Smile at a TSA officer
>>Have gloved hand shoved up your ass
>Poor Women

Hemorrhoids are no laughing matter....

It is annoying having guys constantly come up to you. I played VRChat as an anime girl and guys kept acting really creepy and always came up to me. It opened up my eyes as to how annoying it is, especially when they keep bugging you after you reject them.

>I played VRChat as an anime girl

Gross. That's a dude

Is it possible you were in an environment of desperate and undesirable men?

She doesn't know how to take it with style.

That is a pathetic ass

Disgusting ass. Total skank.

No, they were normies, the desperate ones are anime girls too, like me. You can tell by how they act in game.

you mean the modern city?

Someone give me a redpill on the TSA. I've never flown in my life - only used trains and buses to travel around the US.

If any women complains about this tell them,

Don't worry, in a few years guys with stop asking for your number

Is that really equatable to being an anime girl in a VR chat room?

Blacks who are totally unemployable are given make work jobs so congress can kill two birds with one stone (make it look like we have security and employed welfare recipients)

>It's annoying
No it's not, I like being cat called. It's only slightly annoying if you're being catcalled by like 40 year old men and you're not even 21.
It's not any different from women who constantly act tsundere towards men that they like and won't back off of them until they're openly rejected.

'''filled by people identifying as woman.
Whenever they use that you know they are part of some SJW cult because no normal person talks like that.

>found the roastie

Oh my it's soooooooo hard with all those terrible men trying to talk to you isn't it dear? Maybe you should put on a burka?

How unfortunate to be born with that butt

>The company, which as you recall is known for its enormous userbase of goyim, also doesn't actually have that many goyim running the damn place.
So when it is anti men it is okay but when it is anti white it is not.

Yet these same whores will endlessly bitch until the NFL hires women as commentators and coaches when not one woman has ever fucking played professional football.

I despise these hypocritical cunts with all of my being.


but atleast shes going to die alone and miserable so she has whats coming to her.

there's a place and time for everything.
i noticed that a ton of these guys in the news going down were harassing women they work with. or in the case of this tsa agent, he is AT WORK making the public uncomfortable. how hard is it to keep your hands and comments to yourself at work? Keep it professional. Find somewhere else to get a date.
And speaking from experience it's the WORST feeling in the world to be asked out while you are at work, where you are required to be polite. It's not about being annoyed, it's the power dynamics that make sexual harassment the worst.
Imagine Brie's dread being asked out by a TSA agent who has the power to make you miss your flight and get cavity searched if you say no. Or in any average scenario, imagine being approached by a stranger who is physically stronger than you and expresses interest in entering your body, and you don't know how this guy will take rejection, you don't know what they are capable of. This is why this is such a big deal to women. I hope some of you guys can understand.

The slave class is never allowed to look the master class in the eye or address them directly.


I understand you need to get your ass back to tumblr post haste.

The Jew/Roastie/Immigrant/SJW cries in pain as they strike you.

No wonder she is so angry about nonsense.

From the back I would've guessed that she was a 75 year old.

does this work 100% of the time?

> when the trunk is actual junk

> be rich person who inherited all their wealth
> walking around town flashing bling left and right
> homeless bum politely asks you for spare change

>She obviously sees TSA agents as below her.
youve tapped into upset her b/c the tsa agent was (in her mind) fishing outside of his waters...shes not that famous and he wasnt in awe of her if he asked for her number, so its clear he didnt 'know who she was'...his advances are an insult to 5ft4in manlet so i recognize this...women can be condescending, dismissive, but they can also be outright angry at my advances..."if he thinks he can get with me, then he thinks im in his league. ugh"

Honestly asking a girl for there number while you're on the job. He's a tsa agent, with certain authority. He tried to use his status in the situation to get her #. There is also another layer for Larsen. She is famous, maybe he was trying to get her # to sell it. Of course your one sided cunts only see it as a way to further reaffirm your hatred of women you sexist pieces of garbage.

>muh authority
fucking moron you can't even understand how status and authority work in a relation between people.

Pointing out their shit is now 'silencing' them. The punishment for the fake offence of 'silencing' is to be actually silenced.

Progressivism is plainly on an unsustainable trajectory. It's like the societal version of an economic bubble. If the Jews really are in control, they should be pumping the brakes because their precious little project is about to go off a cliff. And when it does, whoever survives the crash is going to be baying for the blood of the people who were steering.

Probably some 5 foot tall TSA nigger hitting on her. Ay yo gurl, lemme hit dat FINE white ass. Or a beaner.