Austria needs new fighter jets

Sell me on what we should buy. We are hiking our defense spending by 33% in the next 4yrs according to our new right-wing government, so we got some money for new jets.

F-35: probably too expensive, although I understand Denmark gets them and they are poorer and smaller than us

Used F-16: that was the original option we looked at, cheap, reliable, nice little planes

Saab Gripen: cheap, good in snow, from a neutral country

The French Rafale: pretty expensive, it's French, but flies well and does the job... but it is French

F-18: not cheap at all, especially new, could get old ones from the US though, but they are falling apart in a few years

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>although I understand Denmark gets them and they are poorer and smaller than us
smaller yes but richer
you are 9 million to ours 5 and you only have 20% higher nominal GDP.

need them for what

>Used F-16: that was the original option we looked at, cheap, reliable, nice little planes
what the fuck? You really are poorfags arent you? jesus

Buy the Gripen. The best choice that Brazil has made in recent times was to buy this plane.

SAAB has also started a 5 generation project that the Brazilian government intends to participate in, we're looking for partners to develop the aircraft and reduce costs. :3

>smaller yes but richer
>you are 9 million to ours 5 and you only have 20% higher nominal GDP.

Denmark, population of 5.8 million people, GDP of 306 billion USD

Austria, population of 8.6 million people, GDP of 390 billion USD

So yes, 30% higher nominal GDP while having 40% the higher population.

Point still stands, Denmark gets 27 F-35s, we could too.


If you're buying anything but F-35's you're retarded.
If you buy Gripen's at least they're new and you can pretend its a political ties move.

>need them for what
Feel good and safe? Bomb Liechtenstein? Escort American bombers through our territory when they breach our air security by carrying nukes to Italy without asking like during the Iraq war - it was our Luftwaffe's finest moment.

To land on Alpine mountain tops?

Get some F-15s. Best combat record of any plane.

>27% higher GPD
>50% higher population
stop trying to make your numbers look better than they are. Poorfag
>Point still stands, Denmark gets 27 F-35s, we could too.
sure although you had to make bigger sacrifices than us since you are poorer. It might not be wroth it.

>If you're buying anything but F-35's you're retarded.
We bought the Eurofighter in the past. We didn't even consider the F-35 back then (I think the decision was in 2001 or 2002). We only looked at the F-16, the Gripen, the Eurofighter and the Mig-29. The Russians pushed hard and would have basically gifted us those Migs including a few nukes as an add-on.

More that the Harriers were good jets that didn't deserve what they got.

Mig 35

Brazil passed up Flankers for the Gripen that has less range and load than the Falcon.

Only thing that turns people off from the Flanker is how much the Russians charge for spare parts

Who makes this kind of thread on christmas? Spend time with your family you autists

Would suck it up and get f-35's. The integration and battlefield awareness that plane brings is irreplaceable

Lol, "get F15", posts picture of F14..

Gripen is the only reasonable choice if EF2000 is too expensive.

% higher GPD
% higher population
48% higher population. GDP is nominal, which is the right metric to use when looking at buying F-35s from America.

But calling us poorfags, when our GDP is actually the same on a PPP basis, is literally retarded.

>you had to make bigger sacrifices than us since you are poorer.
It is a smaller sacrifice when you have a higher nominal GDP, dude.

How are you supposed to conquer Europe with only 33% hike?

Like a Finn would know American aircraft.

Eurofighters are so ugly. They should an get f-18, f-22, or an f-15 or f-16 if they’re feeling cheap. Some Russian birds aren’t too shabby. Do not get the overly expensive f-35 unless you want to do stealth bomber type missions. The f-35 is completely useless in a dogfight.

>get F-15s
>shows pic of F-14

Iranian Q-313 is pretty dope

>Who makes this kind of thread on christmas?
It is 9pm. We just came back from a wonderful walk through the inner city.

Also, Austrians celebrate Christmas on the 24th, the 25th is for rest and eating leftovers and recovering from the celebrations on the 24h.

Anything but the F-35 won't be a significant upgrade. The Eurofighter is still a reasonable option for 4th gen.

>48% higher population
so you admit you tried to make it look better than is was :^)
>But calling us poorfags, when our GDP is actually the same on a PPP basis, is literally retarded
not really southern scum.
>It is a smaller sacrifice when you have a higher nominal GDP, dude
nah because you also need more planes than us. We bought around 30 for now. You would need around 44 to match.


>Pic titled F-14
>pic of F-111
Get your shit together people.

>How are you supposed to conquer Europe with only 33% hike?
Dude, 33% is a shitton for us. Our uniforms were falling apart, our tanks are full of rust and our soldiers are literally killing themselves because we hand them aspirin to cure depression.


If Germany spergs out and tries another Anschluss you'll be fucked

>Saab Gripen: cheap, good in snow, from a neutral country

Dirt cheap. Superior communication (5 planes fight like 1 homogeneous squad). Superior maintenance (can be serviced from a truck on a strip of road). Perfectly adapted for defensive guerrilla warfare against superior forces. No (((strings))) attached.

Spend the money on the neu austrians

Sukhois or GTFO

This belongs on /k/

>The Eurofighter is still a reasonable option for 4th gen.
Might be, but our military literally says it is a shit plane which is why we want new ones. If we get the Eurofighters AGAIN, it is kind of a fucked up move, don't you think?

Austria needs to be nuked. Fucking freemasons.

F-35B would be your guys' best bet. STOVL is inherently more useful and would work even in the Alpines

Russia should not defend anyone in EU. Fuck em.


Op is a faggot

This should be the only plane in consideration.

what's the anticipated purpose of these planes

>We bought around 30 for now. You would need around 44 to match.
We are fine with like 24 or so. It is not like we need to bomb anyone, we just need to make pictures with them.





Massive costs. Requires military superiority to remain operational. More fragile than the white american majority. (((Amerimutt))) strings attached.

You mean the
flipping over and crashing?
Or the melting if the runways
Or the blowing up dust clouds to clog their own intakes?

BAE systems Taranis

>not buying the most AESTETHIC jet out there

>Spend the money on the neu austrians
Unlike Germany, we are based now. Our new government wants to deport ALL new Austrians. Not to mention they just agreed to make it impossible for illegals and asylum seekers to get citizenship... even after 30 years.

You fuckwits falling for buying new planes in this day in age. The absolute state of the goyim.

oh my days, shut the fuck up you cucked roleplayer
we would fuck you up in 2 days if we wanted
a scandicuck is gonna talk to austria about war, because their cucked military industrial complex got jewed by americans LMAO
fuck outta here

Love them Tomcats
Damn Dick Cheney for scrapping them.

Unbeatable in real world combat scenarios.

Only if they pay for all the other electronics systems REQUIRED to make that happen.

It's like saying buy the Samsung smart fridge so you have a smart home.
And sure you get some cool stuff on the fridge, but you need the AC system, washer dryer, robot cleaner, TV, and alarm system with compatible front door to have the smart phone

Gripens or just buy some advanced trainers and put some basic missiles on them. You wont be able to get anything else in any useful numbers.

Ah the Queefir is a major 21st century gen 6 threat.

post disregarded

You mean the public lie sheet?
Or the actual specs

>Austria needs to be nuked.
We are literally your best friends in the EU.

>Unbeatable in real world combat scenarios.
>never fought in a real war

why am I not scared you southern German scum? You are just above the "normal" Germans in subhumanenss.
kys Euronigger


>several wings
>a tire
>200% bonus tires
>wires and glue

IT is the only thing our airforce had to do in the last 20yrs. It was in all our newspapers when those Drakens intercepted those F-117s. The pilots were greated as heroes on the Heldenplatz (Plaza de los Heroes). It took as 3 days to draft our diplomatic letter to America and approve it in parliament after a lengthy debate.

If Austrian Defense Ministry is smart they will go with the F-16 Block 70...

an immigrant as well, fuckin lmao
and you're posting gdp stats you refugeecuck?

This plane is the best at bombing sandniggers and niggers. That's the only thing European armies will do in the next 50 years.

>tips hat
It worked on more than just me senpai

>fuck up
>post again to make it look like you were trolling

P38 would be the based choice

Right. Because there’s nothing political about weapon systems purchases.

>an immigrant as well, fuckin lmao
what on earth are you on about? 100% dansk svinekoed here you pathetic southern nigger.

EF typhoon best all purpose aircraft

> bombing sandniggers
you don't know how to bomb sandniggers



Take your Jew-baiting bullshit and push it up your cock jizz twizzler.

> friends of (((armenian))) minister, that can not give less of a fuck about Russian culture, wealth, lives or any kind of other interests
> constantly bitches about (((armenians))) being not cared about well enough by Russians and not dying massively enough
You are not Russian friends. Russian Federation is just a puppet of EU - its defence strawman, that will take all the blame for all the military actions and die for the masons. This needs to stop. And the ending can begin with nuking the fuck out of Austria.

Our debt is a bit inflated. We have quite some rescued banks which have like 40bn in debt... but they also got like 35bn in assets. Those will all be sold off in the next years.

Tell that to Kadhafi

Gripen all the way. Ticks all the boxes for a dependable and capable modern fighter-bomber. Also used by a number of your (soon to be if not already) far-right neighbors. When you all team up to invade France and Germany, and overthrow the commies in Brussels, a common aiframe will come in handy.

>f35 cant dogfight
This meme needs to die. The people that say that have never worked on a flight line let alone the f35.
The f35 could never drop a bomb or shoot down an aircraft and still be a complete success.

what is austria

SAABs would be good for Canada, developped by a lovely and smart people with a similar climate to ours, if only we weren't so cucked by the USA with their shitty F35 fighters

>EF typhoon best all purpose aircraft
Those are the planes we are getting rid of after 10yrs of only tears and problems and getting shit from Airbus. They underperformed in every possible respect. We could have kept flying our based old Swedish Draken instead, which was also beautiful and fucking loud!

Considering that in some 5 or 10 years from now, we will be training Achmeds and Mohammeds to fly these jets in our military, maybe pic related would be the best choice.

The US doesn’t export those dude. Hell, they don’t even build them anymore even if they did export them.

>being this deluded

stand back baguette anal inserter.

They're just angry faggots paid to spread disinfo. The F-35 is currently flying in a restricted flight envelope, it's only at 65 to 70 percent of what it is capable of, once all tags are off and it is given the green light, it will show what it is capable of.

Southern european meme country and entrypoint for refugees heading north.

silly cucked meme responses don't really work when france had a "war on terror" after bataclan which did literally nothing to isis

typhoon easily best aircraft

>i dont understand memes because im fucking retarded

That's an oxymoron.

It's French, I assume the electronic warfare system is a baguette covered in motor oil


There are 2 legit reasons not to buy the f35, price and our backdoor access.