Sex robots

Any questions?

Does this mean I have to play online poker
Fuck that

This kills the (((Alt-RIght)))

>tfw you buy a sexbot but you can't fuck it because you didn't play your cards right

That think has a dick doesn't it?

Where's the feeling of acceptance when you masturbate with a sex robot?
The problem is with all of us, men too, not just women.

The AI is supposed to solve that problem.
A new kind of Turing test perhaps.

If autism could be summed up in a photo...

All the sex bots look like hookers with boob jobs

Fuck, even the sexbots we prefer have 56% face.


Kinda the point.
These things were recently ousted from a brothel in Spain because they were taking business away from live hookers.
No shit.

THIS. It's fucking terrible. They look like pornstars to me. I think that's the target market. Guys addicted to porn.
There's so much wasted potential there. They could have made them look like anything. Cute anime girls, cyborgs/androids, aliens, mythical creatures, etc. Their imagination was the limit. But they just had to go and make them look like the plain old boring 3DPD. What's even the point?

>paying for what is basically a overpriced plastic doll
just take the homopill user, it's the only realistic way to achieve independence from the biocunts


> Where's the feeling of acceptance when you masturbate with a sex robot?
It would not be too hard to simulate female acceptance.

> The problem is with all of us, men too, not just women.
The problem is outside of females and males. The problem is the eternal Anglo, that funds the division. Some males are smart enough to understand that. But females can not do. They just want all the gibs, telejew entitled them to.

There is path like Mr.Moon sect. But I see no evangelists trying to employ that. Instead they just preach Talmud and interracial degeneracy.

A quasi-Zoroastrian Christian-friendly sect, that would marry its members and then punish members for divorce or cheating would be so good.

And BTW - Robots solve nothing.

That's probably what I should have originally wrote.

That is because these are not robots, but just cheap silicone molds.

Real robot is still very far away. And it will be molded in image of the waifu.

And the next day all the bitching female actresses will find themselves replaced on stage too.

>Robots solve nothing
Well, I was kinda thinking that they could shift the balance of power enough to allow for a more robust anti-leftism to get a foothold in the culture years down the road.

Sometimes I feel hope when I contemplate a future where sex robots have reached a point as to be indistinguishable from real females, down to synthetic saliva and custom personalities. These bots will never cheat on you, never falsely accuse you of rape, or sue you for paternity with someone else's baby. They will simply be tailor-made to satisfy your sexual urges so you can get on with your life.

But then I know women well enough to realize that seeing their obsolescence loom in front of them will cause such alarm that there will be a drive to make the bots highly illegal.

>all those virgins who think it's all about sex
but honestly it's sad too see so many young people pick the way of degeneracy

>russian of all people talk about romance and morality
Now thats some funny stuff

>I know women well enough to realize that seeing their obsolescence loom in front of them will cause such alarm that there will be a drive to make the bots highly illegal.
They want to ban porn but they obviously can't.
Why? Because both porn and feminism share the same motor. Beta thirst.
This technology will be no different.
But unlike porn, this tech holds out the potential to completely cut off feminism from it's power source.

You're a sad fruit. You've been allowed to curl up and atrophy, you are sheltered to the point of uselessness.

There is a monkey inside of you that knows how to fuck women. When you stop being a coward, it will come out and deal with women for you.
I don't even remember most of the conversations I've had with women that I've slept with. Just like when I think back to doing manual labour as a young man, I can remember the work, how to do it and that I did it, but I remember nothing of the actual experience because I did it on autopilot.
You do this all the time, we all do, we all have zones that we slip into when performing tasks.

It's the same for dealing with women. They're never not annoying, they've probably never ever not been annoying. We annoy the shit out of them too.
Their babbling is them being on autopilot. When you're used to being with women, yours syncs up with theirs.

Robots are nothing, they're garbage toys, a theatrical production for jerking off.
There's no triumph in blowing your load in a new robot. That's just you, you're using some plastic and rubber instead of your hand.

And it really is the desire for conquest that underlays our desire to fuck. Every strange pussy is a win, seeking and obtaining that victory is the condition of being male.
There is a satisfaction in it that no toy can replace.

If you really think that all you want is sex, then by all means go fuck a toaster when they get advanced enough that they're to your liking. But in the meantime you might as well try to fuck some women instead of hiding behind rhetoric as an excuse to be a coward.

Unless you're not white in which case please forget about everything above this paragraph in this post and go sterilize yourself and your relatives, thanks.

olivia wilde is actually pretty if we fix that big fucking slack jaw

The standards for women's behavior will be even worse than what was portrayed in the Stepford wives. They have to be that AND give into a man's every sick little fetish from choking to piss games. This is why I took the black pill and will be myself regardless of what happens. I see the future, I don't like it, and I'm opting out.

well, we are way less romantic than you turks
I won't disagree with that

>it really is the desire for conquest that underlays our desire to fuck
No reason bots can't have difficulty levels same as with games.
In fact there might even be competitions set up where the bots are made actually harder than real females.
There will be plenty for Alexander the Great wannabees to do.

you tell me

Whatever makes you and others happy. I don't have these problems with ((modern)) women though. I just tame em', give em' a good fucking and they fall in love. They're nothing but cumrags and/or drink buddies to me though. ((Modern)) women in general aren't wife tier, but I plan on getting a woman to wife since I want to start having kids before I'm 28 so I'll start keeping an eye out for younger women who I find can be decent to raise my kids and maintain my home. I want 5+ kids, and although I think that Varg guy is a larper with all his Pegan shit, I do like the idea of going rural and getting away from wageslave life.

A lot of good points in your post, but even discounting the myriad timeless ways women can make you regret fucking them, you assume we still live in an age where traditional gender roles are encouraged, or even allowed. Masculinity has been demonized for years now, and in this #metoo era, I would hesitate to be forward with a women out of fear that she'll decide to ruin my life because I 'assaulted' her, or worse, sleep with me and then decide in 2025 that she changed her mind.

Sex robots are a novelty now, but the tech will reach a point eventually where they will be indistinguishable from real females. At that point, a man would have to seriously contemplate whether he wants to gamble his life on a real relationship, or get a custom-made robots to your exact tastes to manage this biological urge. The sense of conquest you mentioned is also a biological need, and a sufficiently advanced robot can be programmed to randomize personalities to give you a different challenge every day.

whats that pic from?

>just take the homopill user, it's the only realistic way to achieve independence from the biocunts
You don't think all young hetero men would turn gay if it was actually a matter of choice?

I don't want some rubber-skinned abomination, I want mine with gears and have cool glowing eyes.

You portray a overtly idealized image. No matter what course you take in life, it's filled with problems. Wanting to screw traps because you find issue with women may not be the best situation.

>if you play your cards right
it´s a fucking robot, literally an object you can fuck whenever you want and whatever position you want
fucking virgins are so fucking beta they can´t realize a sex toy shouldn´t put conditions.

>tfw when a sexbot can refuse sex if you don't play cards right
When neets start getting rejected by robots then they need to unironically kill themselves.

>tfw your sexbot friendzones you
>tfw you snoop on her wifi connection and she spends all day browsing Chad's facebook and making fun of you behind your back with your other smart appliances when you're watching anime with her
>tfw you're almost certain she lets your dog fuck her
This is what's going to happen if sexbots aren't opensource platforms. DO NOT LET IT HAPPEN.

Fuck people who put porn in their pictures. Now i have to find the sauce, that scene seems hot

It does if you want it to.

I'm the stat man, and you're the scat man. Come on boys, pick stats, not scat.

Make more white babies, don't but into this kike sex doll bullshit. Sage

Pretty sure it's the desire to fuck that underlies our desire for conquest.

It's what most male mammals do, we're designed to compete against each other and the winners build a harem. Our genetic history proves this, most males didn't have offspring.

It's only since civilization and religions like Christianity that we've accepted the unnatural state of 1 man and 1 woman as "normal". Even the patriarchs of the Bible had multiple wives starting with Abraham.

Monogamy isn't necessarily bad, lots of horny guys create violence, see:muslim society, but it is relatively new for humans and far from our true nature. Monogamy is for birds, not mammals.

I just had to fix it

Such is life in Canada

Yeah, why does that sex robot look like a tranny?

Sup Forums model